Gym Etiquette - what bugs you?



  • annakommers
    annakommers Posts: 48 Member
    theres this guy that phlegms into the bin at the gym when theres a toilet RIGHT next door, sorry but f*ucking disgusting. the same guy also continuously gives me the stink eye as i havent been going as long of him (yeah i've only been going 18 months)
  • cjlorigan
    cjlorigan Posts: 209 Member
    I only have two things that really bug me.

    1. When people don't wipe down machines. Especially in the winter with th Flu going around. When I'm sick I skip the gym and workout at home so everyone else doesn't get sick. Some people don't care.

    2. Boys that are like 10-12 years old running around the gym using all the equipment. Maybe it's just me but why would a young kid with tons of energy need to go to a gym to workout? You're with all your friends, go run around outside and play a game. My nephew is 11 and he doesn't go to a gym to work out. It really bothers me when I'm on a roll and I'm ready to move from a machine to something else and I can't get on a specific machine because a 10 year old thinks he needs to work out on an elliptical.

    Our YMCA doesn't allow anyone under 16 in the fitness room. There is an allowance for 14-15 year olds but they have to attend a glass and pass a test first. Kids under 16 actually have their own circuit training room downstairs.

    I have my cell phone with me because I have 4 kids (1 special needs) and I keep track of how many reps/weight/sets so I can record on MFP later also a lot of people use them for music.

    Pet Peeves:
    1. Guys who come in to use the cardio machines looking like the unibomber the whole time with their hoodies up.
    2. People who use the weight machines as stools while they wait for the next machine to open up.
  • smaihlee
    smaihlee Posts: 171 Member
    Imagine how great it would be if you knew that you could go to the gym every time and not have to worry about any of these things? Seriously!?

    Unfortunately, most gyms resort to more passive means of conveying the rules and expectations of their members--i.e., signs on the wall. I know you might not get through to 100%, but I feel like gyms should take a more hands-on approach to counseling members about expectations. Not just hand a paper for the member to sign, but actually sit down and have this conversation about all the no-no's. All these things we are talking about create angst among the ranks and I'm sure have led to members actually coming to the gym less often or even dropping out.

    Of course, there also needs to be enforcement of the rules that are stated. Most of the stuff everyone is mentioning is really hard to argue against. Food for thought!
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    1. people not wiping down their machines after
    2. people talking LOUDLY so that you can hear their entire conversations
    3. People ''saving' multiple weight machines so that they can just rotate between 'their' set for the day without other people using it... You get the one machine that you are on! Everyone else wants to be able to use the machines too!
  • Loftearmen
    People doing things in the squat rack that don't require a squat rack (i.e. curls). One time a lady came up and told me that I had just taken her squat rack, I let her have it back and she got down on the floor in the middle of the squat rack and started doing crunches. Did she really need a squat rack to do that?!
  • SmileyFaceGuy
    Standing in groups talking and blocking machines and stations.

    Ugh, last time I was at the gym, there were about 7 guys hovering around the squat rack. I wasn't sure if they were using it or not, so I went up and asked. They weren't; they were about to use the leg press directly next to it. Then I had to do my squats while these 7 guys hovered around, and I was afraid I would hit someone with the bar because they were racking and unracking weights on the leg press within less than a foot of me squating.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member

    Well, that and people who keep talking to me when I'm trying to work out.

    This too... which is why I'll on only work out with a few of my friends as an 'extra' work out because I know if I go with them they will insist on talking the WHOLE time so I can't get a great work out in.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    1. The people that don't rack their weights when they are done. Not only do i have to put them away from them, but i have to check to make sure i won't get my butt chewed for taking their bench.

    2. Wipe down your bench or whatever you are on! They have wipes and towels nearby, so USE THEM!
  • shellbatronic
    3. People ''saving' multiple weight machines so that they can just rotate between 'their' set for the day without other people using it... You get the one machine that you are on! Everyone else wants to be able to use the machines too!

    Ugh, I hate this. There's only one assisted pull up machine at my gym, and I'm headed over there and a lady and her husband reach it and take over, using it, then doing squats and burpees after, alternating with one another. All in all they had the machine blocked for 30 minutes. I was not happy.
  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    People who worry about what other people are doing rather than just focusing on their own workouts.

    Well, that and people who keep talking to me when I'm trying to work out.


    Luckily when I go to the gym it's usually late at night (24hr gym) and it's always just the "regulars". We are all courteous with each other and don't take up machines we know someone else was going to use and share space. I can lift right next to the "meathead" guys without an issue.

    The only thing that REALLY bugs me are the college guys who tend to try to talk to me while I'm planking....PLANKING! there will always be people who do stuff that bug you at the gym, but really just workout that frustration and you'll be golden :)
  • KirstenTheFamilyCoach
    People who worry about what other people are doing rather than just focusing on their own workouts.


    but recently I've been letting my own insecurities get to me with all the girls who show up to the gym all done up pretty.
  • jrompola
    jrompola Posts: 153 Member
    luckily i don't go to the gym anymore, but I never had a problem working in with someone on a machine. Never once did I ask and they said no sorry this machine's mine and you can't use it. They may have said I have 1 more set and its all yours which is fine. As for wiping down machines...I always wiped the machine down before & after I used it since I don't trust other ppl to do anything properly.

    What annoyed me the most was seeing ppl on a machine with way less weight than they should be doing. Example someone on the leg squat machine doing 20lbs...its amazing they can walk if they can only leg press 20lbs
  • AliciaStaton
    AliciaStaton Posts: 328 Member
    Mobile phones going off and then shouting so the whole gym can hear:grumble:

    Sitting on an equipment (eg a rower) and not using it, because they want to talk to their friend, to me all that time they spend talking they could use the rower:angry:

    people breaking eqipment and not telling anyone until it is your turn to use it :frown:

    We have a policy at our gym that if its busy you are limited to 20 minutes, somehow we have got an idiot who doesnt understand this rule and is very selfish we all like to get fit etc but have some consideration for others. He usually gets told though to get off in a nice but polite way
  • Mjhnbgff
    Mjhnbgff Posts: 112
    Cell phones are banned on the floor and in locker rooms at my gym. Yay! I think most people are generally good about wiping down equipment, but the biggest problem at my gym is people not re-racking the weights! I don't understand that at all. How can you just walk off after finishing your set like your mom lives at the gym and will pick up after you? Drives me nuts. Other than that, I really like my gym.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I don't like it when somebody leaves a puddle of sweat under the machine and won't wipe it up. I was actually waiting for the ArcTrainer one day, and the woman getting off wiped off the machine and told me that she wasn't going to wipe up the lake on the floor. It made me a little sick to my stomach to have to look at that. I had to go get some of the hand towels that my gym provides and put them over the puddle to soak it up.

    What bothers me the most is when somebody gets on a machine that is squealing or making a loud "thunk" noise. That means something is wrong, people. Don't just keep exercising and making that godawful noise. Go tell management!
  • round_and_brown
    The people who come stand right in between me and the mirror when I'm trying to check my form while I'm lifting, and then proceed to stand there and text for five minutes. Really? You can't do that somewhere else? (This is not an uncommon occurrence, either.)

    Also, this is less of a general problem, but a few days ago I was doing a circuit that included jump rope, so I found a secluded corner out of the way on the side of the track. Then, while I was jump roping, not one but THREE different people thought it would be a good idea to walk behind me (between me and the wall) while I was jump roping. I wasn't even on the track! WTF!

    Moral of the story: pay attention to other people at the gym and don't get any closer than you have to.
  • Arianwyn_T
    I have a blog post that partly addresses this . . . part of my brain will do almost anything to stop me from working out, and a few times, even though I manage to get myself to the gym I will forget some aspect of my workout gear -- shorts or runners, etc. Although I would never work out in sandals or crocks (that's an obvious safely issue) I have done spin class, wights, or the elliptical wearing jeans, or hiking boots with wool socks, or a skirt, or even knee-high boots.

    It takes me 20-45 minutes to get to the gym depending on whether i bus or walk, there are no overnight lockers where I can store my workout gear, and I have to go straight from the gym to work. So once I get there I'm working out, even if I have to look stupid doing it :)
  • mariepar
    mariepar Posts: 13 Member
    Being new back to the gym and a bit self-conscious, I have to second the creepy staring people....especially when I am jumping rope or jacks which is not a pretty sight - quit staring!! Sorry I am not as fit as you but do your own thing and rest assured I'm working on it!
  • PonyTailedLoser
    PonyTailedLoser Posts: 315 Member
    People in street clothes going 1.1mph on the treadmill while loudly discussing mundane things.
    The guy at my gym who smells like old pee.
    ****ers who don't wipe their pools of sweat off the machine.
    Watching the personal trainers sitting at the desk eating pizza/fries/wings/doughnuts/fried chicken as the smell of it wafts around the gym.
    Getting hit with other peoples sweat.
    People who cluster in front of the swipe in machine so I can't swipe in.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    People that don't re-rack.

    We got 4 inches of snow this morning and people were still wearing street shoes on the machines.

    People who lift right on top of the rack.