I Am Scared of Failing - Need Fitness Pal Friends



  • You'll get more friends if you fill out your profile.
  • Missjuly7
    Missjuly7 Posts: 27 Member
    Same here, I'm terrified this will be another failed attempt. Checking in and seeing encouraging messages is making a real difference, feel free to add me too. :)
  • Feel free to add me (or anyone else for that matter)
  • Im day 2 on my journey, its never easy with all the tempation and nice food but im going for it big time, feel free to add me.x
  • Hello everyone im new to this and would like some new friends to help me along the way? please feel free to add me? thanks x
  • LaviMc
    LaviMc Posts: 355 Member
    Hey! No need to be afraid! Everyone here that I've encountered has been pretty cool and helpful. You, and anyone else who is in need of buddies can CERTAINLY feel free to add me. I welcome new folks and different points of view. Hope to hear from you soon! :flowerforyou:
  • Vicki_Tx
    Vicki_Tx Posts: 14 Member
    Once you are "out of denial" about your eating habits and weight needed to lose, you will LOVE logging on and putting in your food and checking out how everyone is doing. It will become second nature and just part of your day. Just do it and it will become habit. Sending you a friend request!
  • Feel free to add me, too. Love this site and you will too.
  • Feel free to add me. Any of you.
    Current Weight is 241
    and my goal weight as of now is 170.
  • :smile: Day 2 went well, feeling confident.x
  • It is amazing how well it is working for me. I think the main thing is tracking what you eat, being more aware of calories. Don't be afraid, its all good.
  • wendymiltimore
    wendymiltimore Posts: 3 Member
    Me too! I just started about a month ago, and I'm still learning the ropes, but I'd love to be one of your Fitness Pals! Stay with it. It is only recently that I have started to notice the weight coming off, but it IS coming off for me, and it will for you, too!
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    You can add me I will kick your butt when you get out of line lol
  • morrowsarah
    morrowsarah Posts: 240 Member
    Add me too!
  • I am in the same boat. I should have waited to start counting until after the superbowl! Yesterday was not a good calorie day. Let me know if you need some help!
  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    Feel free to add me - we all have that fear on some level -- one day at a time - it's a process...
    If you can get some good habits going things you will gain some good momentum.

    Also as you log more your favorite foods will be there already so it makes logging easier.

    Also highly recommend the phone app - many products you can scan the bar code and the nutrition data gets input automatically... (I have the iPhone)

    The iphone app also has a much more comprehensive display of nutritional values than the site where you have to pick 5/6 things (sugar, sodium etc) to display on your daily intake.

    Also I just use estimates - I can't live my life by a measuring cup - but some people do and love it... it has worked pretty well for me with estimates though.

    Good luck - you can do it! Feel free to add me, or perhaps I will send you a request (If I don't include a note it's because I did here :)
  • feel free to add me I joined about two weeks ago. Counting calories but unable to exercise so losing weight is hard:sad: i need to lose weight so i can hold my head up at my sons wedding so lets do it together
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    do you use the MFP app on your phone? It has a barcode scanner which I find makes it SO EASY. Scan, done, entered, eat :)

    Best of luck and don't give up! Remember it takes time for your body to change, people expect to loose 50 lbs instantly, it just doesn't work like that (well not in a healthy way at least!). Don't get discouraged and keep focused, I use mini goals/challenges to keep me on track :) If I said "I want to loose 35 lbs by summer" well guess what, I would slack off a week (or month) here and there until summer comes and no weight is gone (story of my life every winter lol).:grumble: But this year I said "I want to lose 5 lbs by (insert date), and another 5 by (insert later date)" As a result I am AHEAD of schedule on my 35 lbs goal :) only 11 lbs to go and it's only the start of February! :happy:
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Good luck. Feel free to add me.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Anyone is more than welcome to add me :happy: