Gym Etiquette - what bugs you?



  • I would like the personal trainers to be yoked! Or, at least is better shape than I am. Fat trainers crack me up.

    ^^ yeah this. I recently had the gall to ask the person at my gym's front desk how to use a certian piece of equipment. After smiling and walking right over to help me she had to admit that she didn't really have a clue. Ugh.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    I'm sorry to sound high maintenance, but I don't understand when I see people at the gym that:

    1) Sweat all over the cardio machines (dripping sweat) and don't wipe them down
    2) Talk REALLY loud on their cell phone. Loud enough to hear their whole conversation
    3) Come in with extremely bad body odor.

    Do you all feel the same way? What else bothers you?

    Cell/mobile phones.

    Some people need to understand that everybody needs some personal "me" time and with their ear stuck permanently to their phone, they are not getting quiet time.

    The gym is perfect for turning that phone off and making other people understand that you are not at their beck and call at all times.
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    I would like the personal trainers to be yoked! Or, at least is better shape than I am. Fat trainers crack me up.

    ^^ yeah this. I recently had the gall to ask the person at my gym's front desk how to use a certian piece of equipment. After smiling and walking right over to help me she had to admit that she didn't really have a clue. Ugh.

    LOL. I won a free hour of personal training when I was at the YMCA. When I set up an appointment, I told them I just needed someone to help me with my form on basic lifts - squats, deadlifts, cleans, etc. It took them 3 days before they could find someone to call me back; during the session, he had to make 2 phone calls to someone else so he could try to answer my questions.

    I went home and video'ed myself instead.
  • NobodyInParticular
    NobodyInParticular Posts: 352 Member
    Dropping the weights and grunting excessively. It's your warm up set, bro. Calm it down.
  • NChiz
    NChiz Posts: 15 Member
    Cell phones. Arrived into the locker room last night and a woman was chatting away on the phone- granted it's better in there than out in the workout area BUT I see this so often that I wonder why people just can't tell the person they'll call them back or go into the lobby so others in the locker room aren't subjected to the conversation.

    I also wonder why people can't just accept that they need this 30 min, 60 min etc... for themselves! Put the phone away- stop texting, stop talking on it (not saying you can't talk to those at the gym) but allow yourself this time to focus on why you are there!

    But..... to each their own, I guess. :)
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    The girl at my gym who wears pantyhose...I think she might think they are tights...And I can see her thong.. I don't want to see that.
  • #1 problem in the gyms is people making it a social hour or not being considerate of others waiting to use equipment. I don't necessarily have a problem with people on phones but I really hate when people are not considerate of those of us waiting to use equipment.
  • mollylookalike
    mollylookalike Posts: 60 Member
    Last night a girl got on the treadmill beside of me with flashcards and started running. Her phone nearly fell off the little ledge when she finally got to her max speed. She turned on Pandora - like, max volume - WITHOUT HEADPHONES - and proceeded to run while singing and sorting through her flash cards. REALLY?
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    People who worry about what other people are doing rather than just focusing on their own workouts.

    Well, that and people who keep talking to me when I'm trying to work out.

  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    The body odor thing. Gosh, I cannot BELIEVE the smells I smell at the gym. Yikes!

    its a gym LOL of course you will get body odour people are sweating there *kitten* off working out

    there is a HUGE difference between the smell of sweat, and then there is the smell of... deodorant is against my religion
  • RobinME
    RobinME Posts: 25 Member
    When the user lets the weight plates slam together really loud because they can lift them, but can't resist them down. That really bugs me! I can hear over my iPod and it's bad for the equipment.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    not re-racking weights. there were at one point signs in our weight room that said that those who failed to re-rack would have their membership revoked. it's seriously like another workout for me just to re-rack the huge weights that some of these guys just leave on the bars when they're done. not all of us can squat 315.

    ^^this...I couldn't use the squat bar one day because some dude and the bar over my head with 45lb weights... Okay I can lift the 45lbs weights..but prolly not over my pissed me OFF!! Other than that I like to go to my gym when it is mostly I don't have to deal with other peoples ****...but I'm like that.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Cell phones. Arrived into the locker room last night and a woman was chatting away on the phone- granted it's better in there than out in the workout area BUT I see this so often that I wonder why people just can't tell the person they'll call them back or go into the lobby so others in the locker room aren't subjected to the conversation.

    I also wonder why people can't just accept that they need this 30 min, 60 min etc... for themselves! Put the phone away- stop texting, stop talking on it (not saying you can't talk to those at the gym) but allow yourself this time to focus on why you are there!

    But..... to each their own, I guess. :)

    because I leave my children home alone to work out and they need to be able to reach me...and because sometimes that is when my bf has to time to talk to me...why do you care? my workout, yeah it means I'm there longer to get my stuff done..but I want to text who I want to text when I want to text....
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Last night a girl got on the treadmill beside of me with flashcards and started running. Her phone nearly fell off the little ledge when she finally got to her max speed. She turned on Pandora - like, max volume - WITHOUT HEADPHONES - and proceeded to run while singing and sorting through her flash cards. REALLY?

    I have no idea how/why people don't get an armband. I watch people knock their phone off the treadmill/elliptical 6-8 times in the 1st five minutes then quit using it.
  • mrsburghart
    mrsburghart Posts: 166 Member
    The one thing that really annoys me is when I'm taking a group class, and I put my stuff in a specific spot to "mark my territory" while I go get equipment/sweat towel/water, and they either crowd me in, or move my stuff. It's very rude. Especially when they see me put my stuff down and walk away. I had set up my bench the other day for step class waaaaay in the back corner. There was plenty of room in the class, but some lady came over...moved my bench out of the way to put her bench down and then told me I was crowding HER. I was in shock so all I could do was gape at her. It really makes it so that I don't want to take group fitness classes anymore....
  • lisavirani
    lisavirani Posts: 117 Member
    One day I was on a stationary bike when a woman came in and got on the bike next to mine. She was wearing street clothes, not exercise gear, and pedaled verrrry slowly, just barely moving the pedals around.

    What was she doing? Watching the soap opera that was on the TV above us. Since it was the middle of the day, I suppose she wasn't keeping anyone else off the equipment, but I did think it was funny--and iffy gym etiquette. All I could figure was that she was on her lunch hour from her job, and was popping into the gym to catch her soap.

    When I first started working out, I would go to my gym during my lunch hour and walk on the treadmill. It was too cold to walk outside, but I wanted to be active during my break. While walking, I would wear running shoes. But I knew I wasn't going to sweat much, or be extremely active, so I would stay in my jeans. I don't think it is a big deal. :)
  • karyngrace
    karyngrace Posts: 105 Member
    the only thing that bugs me at the gym is the people who are paying an unhealthy amount of attention to what you are doing and not focusing on their own workout!! talk about awkward! lol
  • breyn2004
    breyn2004 Posts: 162 Member
    Not sure why this bothers me but it does: women who workout in full make up and tons of jewelry

    I work out in full makeup and some jewellry, I go to the gym from work I'm hardly going to bother taking my makeup off before working out. And I figure my jewellry is safer on me than in the lockers at the gym. I can't really see how either of these things effect you?

    Full make up here as well. I don't bother to wash it off to hit the gym... just change and go. If I don't have it on for the day, then no, I don't go full make up. Not sure where make up would interfere with anyone's workout.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    People who worry about what other people are doing rather than just focusing on their own workouts.

    Well, that and people who keep talking to me when I'm trying to work out.


    ^^This. Yup. I don't seem to notice half the crap people b*tch about in the "lets complain about people from my gym" subject~which seems to be a daily subject now-a-days. This is either A: I try real hard not to judge people so harshly; after all I am not perfect myself. B: I'm too much in my own little world and don't pay that much attention to OTHER people.

    What bugs me in the gym though is when my phone isn't picking up their WIFI and I can't get my pandora to work (& I don't get the best reception there.) Now that bugs the crap out of me!
  • I'm not bothered by most things at the gym but I do get annoyed when there is a row of available machines and a person comes and gets on the machine right next to me. I guess that is how guys feel about urinals lol. Anyway, I had a guy do that the other day then when I got off the machine (after about 5 minutes) later so did he! Wtf. So weird.