I've stopped counting calories & weight is still dropping.



  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good for you.

    I couldn't even read the whole thing. I HATE being lectured.
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    Of course there are those that DO care about calories. Misguided though I think that is, there's no reason to bash it. Everyone has to find what works for them, and it's going to be highly dependent on their goals and priorities.

    Just my two cents. But I'm glad you've figured out what works for you and even happier to see that it is the whole foods/few grains approach.

    Can you explain why you think counting calories is misguided?
  • Fr3shStrt
    Fr3shStrt Posts: 349 Member
    I am bumping this thread because it has the potential to be epic.

  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Of course there are those that DO care about calories. Misguided though I think that is, there's no reason to bash it. Everyone has to find what works for them, and it's going to be highly dependent on their goals and priorities.

    Just my two cents. But I'm glad you've figured out what works for you and even happier to see that it is the whole foods/few grains approach.

    Can you explain why you think counting calories is misguided?

    Here's a better question. Why would anyone who thinks counting calories as misguided bother to use this site?
  • sorry but i couldnt get passed the first couple of paragraphs...yawn:yawn:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    When I hear about a man eating less than 1600 calories a day, I don't want to hear anymore after that.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    When I hear about a man eating less than 1600 calories a day, I don't want to hear anymore after that.

    WT, you and I don't always agree on much, but I do believe we have found some rare common ground here.

  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Broscience. Because forum.
  • What works for one does not work for others,wonderful job to all that have found what works for them but if it doesnt work for you then let it be and try somthing new.Dont come on and put down what others find works,everyone is different thats what makes the world great.:drinker:
  • My goodness you do sound very arrogant, I think judging by the amount of people who have lost over 100llb+ from using MFP calorie counting has its uses... even if your lordy self does not agree.
  • TMR001
    TMR001 Posts: 37
    I'm not going to quibble numbers with you. Losing weight has never been an exact science and we are constantly learning new ways our bodies work and the rules change or are editted a bit.

    I'm not sure if you meant to come off preachy and self-righteous but you have. Your THAT person that found the right combo for you and thinks everyone should just do what you do and the world would be a perfect place.

    Calorie counting doesn't have to be exact to be effective. Food journaling is very much about awareness. Being aware of what you are eating. Most of us need that awareness.

    Now you have hit on a very effective way to lose weight without counting calories. Whole food plant based diets are very high in volume and low in calories so typically you will naturally keep your calories down b/c you'd have to stuff yourself to eat more than you expend. It's a very good way to eat... but not everybody wants to.

    Just remember with your success don't get preachy. A better approach might have been " hey everyone I found that eating an almost exclusive plant base diet enables me to lose weight without counting calories. I'm not a fan of logging food so I think this rocks."

    See much less preachy that way. shorter too.
  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member
    While reading this wall of text I read "Lastly "and got my hopes up, thinking that the wall of text was over.

    Well, I was lied to. You went on and on and on. How can I respect your words when You don't finish talking soon after saying "lastly"?

    Lastly, if counting calories don't work for you. Thats fine. Many people in the past, present and future have lost weight without counting calories. MFP's counting calories is just another way of doing it and I (along with many others like this method.

    I bid you good luck sir. Take care :)

    ^^This! Just because I am short on time! Thanks-T:flowerforyou:
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    You haven't really lost enough weight for me to consider you the expert at losing weight yet...sorry.

    Also, the 1 to 2 grams of protein myth was created by the supplement companies to sell more protein powder. So you are correct about that.

    And you are still doing the right things if you are consciously eating better foods and using portion control. You should lose weight.
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member

    Quote :Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. - Mark Twain

    Soo, you're in the majority of Western culture that doesn't track what they eat and ends up...

    Ignorance is bliss. You don't get it, and thats fine. It's lifestyle changes, not the calorie counting. I didn't say "calorie counting is stupid, and don't do it". There are many on here that talk about not being able to drop weight even though they are under their calorie goal for that day. Then you look at their diary and see 180g+ of sugar.

    Then there are those of you who are upset with an opinion, say I am rude, yet reply in a FAR worse tone than my post. Many of you on here are just lemmings & hypocrites. I'm glad for the few open minded people I've found on here, but for the rest of you - How many of you sit on here asking questions that google will give you a more accurate answer if you dig deep enough? Almost everyone on here has their own idea of what works and what doesn't. The rest just follow the crowd.

    My whole thing for stopping calorie counting was I had to force feed myself to get over 1300 calories some days, even though I was no hungry or tired. I was eating nutrient dense (not calorie dense) foods. To me personally, calorie counting was counter productive.

    This is more than a calorie counting site - it's a way to track your progress on many levels, to make friends with people of similar interests and goals, and to encourage them while getting encouragement yourself. If everyone on here kept with the same beliefs, not challenging one another occasionally, then whats the point?
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    Now you have hit on a very effective way to lose weight without counting calories. Whole food plant based diets are very high in volume and low in calories so typically you will naturally keep your calories down b/c you'd have to stuff yourself to eat more than you expend. It's a very good way to eat... but not everybody wants to.

    Just remember with your success don't get preachy. A better approach might have been " hey everyone I found that eating an almost exclusive plant base diet enables me to lose weight without counting calories. I'm not a fan of logging food so I think this rocks."

    See much less preachy that way. shorter too.

    Noted. Thank you. I'll make an effort to not come across as "preachy". Sometimes it takes someone else to point out your flaws, and I do appreciate that!

    I am also happy the response I did receive: many PM's`- only one telling me to _______ myself with a dull spoon, but the rest were all positive. Some even afraid to reply in a positive way for fear of being ridiculed, but many more interested in how a meat eater is dealing with a plant based diet. Just look at some of the posts on here (I am guilty for it too, I know), but there are MANY calorie trackers who look on these forums, and don't post out of fear that they will get replies like some of these... I will be more careful in the future to not be harsh on those asking the same question over and over again, and encourage the people on here to do the same. If you want a positive atmosphere, then be the solution, not an added problem.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    When you think you're arguing with ignorance, how can you be certain the role you're playing in the argument? How do you know the other side of the argument doesn't think the same way about you?

    Oh, c'mon. You're trolling us, aren't you? Otherwise, I have to believe that you inadvertently reached this level of hypocrisy...and I'd rather believe that you did it on purpose.
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    When you think you're arguing with ignorance, how can you be certain the role you're playing in the argument? How do you know the other side of the argument doesn't think the same way about you?

    Oh, c'mon. You're trolling us, aren't you? Otherwise, I have to believe that you inadvertently reached this level of hypocrisy...and I'd rather believe that you did it on purpose.

    lol ;)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    When you think you're arguing with ignorance, how can you be certain the role you're playing in the argument? How do you know the other side of the argument doesn't think the same way about you?

    Oh, c'mon. You're trolling us, aren't you? Otherwise, I have to believe that you inadvertently reached this level of hypocrisy...and I'd rather believe that you did it on purpose.

    lol ;)

    for the hardcore troll - you may want to facebook a page: https://www.facebook.com/BanWeed <- you're welcome.

    :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
  • sohmui
    sohmui Posts: 108 Member
    That be it, thanks. Those who said the elderly should decrease protein intake should have a read. It's only one study mind.

    Thank you. I have now read the article, along with some others, and am revising my view that elderly need less protein. Still, the optimum protein intake for an elderly of 120 lbs - that's me - is frequently given as 45 grams per day. I have trouble keeping to that. My protein is usually up in the 60s or even the 70s - and I don't even have to eat meat to surpass 45 grams. According to MFP, my exercise bumps it up to 62, which helps. There is more than enough protein in veggies, grains and dairy food. For instance, a 2-egg omelette with veg use up most of your 45. My diary is open to the public so please feel free to look.