WAHmbulance thread - NonScaleDEmotivators



  • graceylou222
    graceylou222 Posts: 198 Member
    Screw that! Regardless if he is CLUELESS to your happiness about your acheivements or not, he should not be talking about some chick at his work being hot and how much she works out! I mean granted we are women so we tend to take things to heart a lot. But that is a no no. Big time. It would be different if it was some famous girl he was talking about, but someone he personally knows, that would make me feel like crap.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Last Friday everyone kept telling me how great I looked and I was feeling so confident that I agreed to go to a singles mixer with a friend of mine that night. She got hit on by a lot of guys and I got zilch. Was feeling a bit demotivated by the end of the event. But then we went dancing and I was groped by a gay guy who thought I looked hot so it ended on a funny note at least.
  • mommamills
    Yeah....guys just don't think and when you call them out on it it's much easier for them to say it's because YOU are too sensitive rather than you're right...I'm an *kitten*! You look great! Keep working hard and make sure you tell him about every head you've turned that day. ;-) He'll see those heads turn too and then it will all click! They never see it until they see that others do...and we see it!

    oh....and I know I'm in trouble when my TEN YEAR OLD SON starts off his comment by "no offense but...." Bump that friggin bootcamp class every morning at 6am! lol
  • mommamills
  • Jessi_Brooks
    Jessi_Brooks Posts: 759 Member
    These arent weight related, but my Grandma is the WORST at giving backhanded compliments. A few examples:

    I like your new hair cut.... you look like Raggedy Ann.
    Thats a nice hair style you have.... looks like 2 turds sitting on your head.
    Nice makeup.... kinda like raccoon eyes.
    You have a nice color to you.... Before, I thought you might be sick.
    You know sometimes you can be smarter than you look.
  • PaulFromEssex
    Hey Liz,

    I've packed me carrier bag and am heading for the airport. I should be with you some time tomorrow.

    We'll strut our stuff around town all day and night.

    Then there will be hundreds of guys telling their wags about this beautiful babe on the arm of an old baldie!

    Sound like a good plan?
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    Hey Liz,

    I've packed me carrier bag and am heading for the airport. I should be with you some time tomorrow.

    We'll strut our stuff around town all day and night.

    Then there will be hundreds of guys telling their wags about this beautiful babe on the arm of an old baldie!

    Sound like a good plan?

    You had me at "carrier bag" :blushing:
  • PaulFromEssex
    Hey Liz,

    I've packed me carrier bag and am heading for the airport. I should be with you some time tomorrow.

    We'll strut our stuff around town all day and night.

    Then there will be hundreds of guys telling their wags about this beautiful babe on the arm of an old baldie!

    Sound like a good plan?

    You had me at "carrier bag" :blushing:

    I like to travel light ....
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Here's one that happened to me:

    When I was really close to reaching my goal weight and feeling pretty darn proud of myself, my husband's grandfather told me, "Don't lose any more weight. You'll be too skinny on top and you'll still have the problem on the bottom." :huh: :ohwell:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    I'm focused on weight loss through healthy living not "dieting" so I got some really nice dark chocolate as a treat (Yum and not so many calories/fat, right?). My husband was all "Is that DIET chocolate?" I told him I was trying to boost my potassium intake.

    He'd feel like I was so much more "committed" to weight loss if I up and decided to eat nothing but watermelon for two weeks and never lost an ounce. Cause I'd *look* like I was dieting. I know he meant to be supportive, but I really did want to kick him in the shin for about 5 minutes.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    My hubby is famous for giving compliments that quickly turn into unintentional insults. I was walking up the stairs the other day with him in tow and he exclaims, "Hey babe, your *kitten* is lookin' good!" <PREEN>.."Man, for awhile there, when I walked behind you up the stairs I was thinking, 'her butt is getting REALLY big', but yeah, now it looks good."

    I resisted the urge to push him down the stairs with my now-good lookin' *kitten*. Gah, I love him.

    I'm sorry, but this made me laugh. I can totally picture some clueless guy saying that. My boyfriend usually doesn't comment on my weight loss because, as he says, "I'm so scared I'm going to compliment you and it's going to come out all wrong and you'll feel sad or angry." I told him to just go ahead and say something, and he put his hands up and said, "Oh no. No no. Not even going to take that chance. I'm very proud of you, and that's all I'm going to say. Good job. I'm proud. That's it." :tongue:
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Go rent Magic Mike and watch it with him telling him all the while how great and hot they look.

    Ok, that's my own little vindictive streak that could come out in a situation like that (but I probably wouldn't actually do it.) It was very rude of your husband to say such a thing and you are very beautiful!
  • ShamsZahar
    My boyfriend doesn't say anything... he just breaks his neck looking at other women. When I call him on it he says I'm just as attractive "just in a less obvious way"
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    My boyfriend doesn't say anything... he just breaks his neck looking at other women. When I call him on it he says I'm just as attractive "just in a less obvious way"

    Ouch. Geez.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Stepped on the scale and saw a gain....although it might just be the scale being broken. Looked at myself in the mirror, thought I looked good until I took measurements. Gained inches instead of losing them. Feel like a fat failure.
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    I had a similar situation. Last night, I told my usually supportive husband that I had lost 6 pounds last month. I was so proud. He was mad at me for being inattentive earlier in the day (I have ADHD, so it's kind of typical) and didn't say anything. Later, when I put our daughter to bed, I told him that she had a comfortable bed. He said, "YOU laid on her bed?? You're gonna break it!" And howled with laughter when I got upset. It escalated into a gigantic argument about how I'm too sensitive and he should move into the guest bedroom. I felt like I was on Candid Camera, but the host never came out from behind the potted plant.
  • julimonster
    julimonster Posts: 243 Member
    Looking good IS the best revenge! You can do this, don't let someone else's thoughtless comment bring you down!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    My wife would wait until I was unsuspecting and bent over. Then she would give me a swift kick.
    You might wanna try it. It very well might help you feel better.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Men seem dumb or mean sometimes because we compartmentalize issues more than women.

    Don't take it personally, but DO tell him how you felt after he said what he did.
  • MrClean55
    Next time you see a hot guy....make sure your hubby knows you were looking:)