Burpees - WTH



  • gallingers06
    gallingers06 Posts: 43 Member
    ---In reply to what is a Burpee---Start in standing position, squat down, drop to push-up position (do pushup if particularly motivated), return to squat position and jump to standing position. I have a "hate 'em today, love 'em tomorrow" mentality. They are challenging, but they will firm and strengthen!!
  • BrittanyNBuchanan
    BrittanyNBuchanan Posts: 68 Member



    I may need order the first one.

    I want them all!!! :)
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    If someone could just give me some pointers to eventually do a burpee. I haven't done any spring exercises since I was a cheerleader and a dancer...30 years ago. So squating down and jumping up off the floor is a little taxing on the knees. I know I need to lose about 20 pounds and I hope this will enable me to do a burpee. I have done mountain climbers but my burpee is squating down, jumping out, back to a squat and then barely standing up. I do squats, dead lifts, lunges (hate 'em) but burpees are a struggle. Heck, just getting up off the floor is a struggle.

    So if there are any 50 plus folks out there that could give me pointers on how to condition my body to eventually do a burpee, I would greatly appreciate it.
  • mmmyotwnz
    mmmyotwnz Posts: 119 Member

    ahahaha ^^^ yes!
  • katanga65
    katanga65 Posts: 18 Member
    I will say along with so many others on this blog, I HATE BURPEES. I was working with a personal trainer and I remember the first day she had me working out and had me do them. I thought I was going to die. She had me doing them along with Jumping Jackes. It has been 3 months now and I still hate them.
  • Enonoid
    Enonoid Posts: 136 Member
    Burpees are tolerable. I do mine with the jump at the end. In January, I was doing timed burpee/jump rope pyramid. Start with 100 jumps of the rope, followed by 10 burpees, 90 jumps, 9 burpees all the way down to 10 jumps and 1 burpee. In the beginning, my time was around 10 minutes, but Jan, 31, it was under 9. Now squat jumps and alternating lunges can kick rocks.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I don't mind burpees. Though I don't do them like that pic. We go chest to ground with a full push up and there is no squat. Lifting partner and I did a workout where the "burpee" had no push up and the rhythm was all off. We were both like, "WTF?"

    I came across WOD the other day that was 1000 burpees for time. Of course, now I can't help wondering how long that would take me.
  • waylandcool
    waylandcool Posts: 175 Member



    I may need order the first one.

    I should wear the second one to boot camp class. Our instructor loves them. I hated burpees in high school and I hate them now and I like burpee push ups even less. But I still do them.
  • katanga65
    katanga65 Posts: 18 Member
    I have knee problems so when I started doing Burpees I was worried. Funny thing is I was able to do them. It started slow but now I am much better. So take your time, you will still get the effect of the workout.
  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    I love burpees! I've been trying to get them into my morning routine by doing descending sets of 20, then 19, then 18...to 1 with a light rest in the middle. So far I've been able to do a set of 13 all the way through. Though I do them a bit differently:

    Stand to squat to pushup position, then do a pushup, then back up and back to standing. I don't do the jump because it's too much noise and I don't want to wake up my roommates when I'm working out at 5:10 in the mornings. I'm hoping to get the whole set in because 210 burpees each morning sounds like an awesome companion to my jogging.
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    If someone could just give me some pointers to eventually do a burpee. I haven't done any spring exercises since I was a cheerleader and a dancer...30 years ago. So squating down and jumping up off the floor is a little taxing on the knees. I know I need to lose about 20 pounds and I hope this will enable me to do a burpee. I have done mountain climbers but my burpee is squating down, jumping out, back to a squat and then barely standing up. I do squats, dead lifts, lunges (hate 'em) but burpees are a struggle. Heck, just getting up off the floor is a struggle.

    So if there are any 50 plus folks out there that could give me pointers on how to condition my body to eventually do a burpee, I would greatly appreciate it.

    You can do the moves without fully jumping. So instead of jumping with both feet to plank, step back one foot at a time (but quickly). When you finish the move just come back to standing instead of jumping.

    AND thanks you to Jillian Michaels as I now know and can do burpees, side plank burpees, burpees with a lateral jump, etc.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Ummmm...what's a burpee?

    This move:


    I've been doing them wrong, lol. I go from standing to push up position without the squat in the middle.

    I do them with a "sumo squat". I always found them really difficult until I started Turbo Fire and they do them sumo style (feet wide apart in the squat. I don't know if she (Chalene Johnson) does them wide because they are done so quickly as part of a HIIT, or for some other reason, but I have much better form this way so now that's all I do. When doing them outside TF, sometimes I had a pushup, sometimes not. I like them.

    I pretty much hate lifting weights though. Every now and then I'll get in the mood and enjoy it, but mostly it's just so friggin' boring to me.
  • Basically a squat thrust with a jump at the end. ;)
    Ummmm...what's a burpee?

    This move:

  • A friend of mine says it best: "If burpees had a face, I'd punch it".
    Amen. I HATE burpees.
  • Burpees are the best! It is the one workout I love to hate. Before I hurt my back I was doing them like carzy for Crossfit! I can not wait till I am 100% so I can love hate them again!
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I hate mountain climbers more than burpees. Still hate burpees though, i feel so awkward doing them , the getting back up bit my knees always seem to point outwards. I still wanna do them cos i know how good they are. I think i may slow it down and work on technique. Usually i do just do them as part of a Jillian michaels workouts. Oh and i hate side planks as well.
  • I hate mountain climbers more than burpees. Still hate burpees though, i feel so awkward doing them , the getting back up bit my knees always seem to point outwards. I still wanna do them cos i know how good they are. I think i may slow it down and work on technique. Usually i do just do them as part of a Jillian michaels workouts. Oh and i hate side planks as well.
    I hate these, too! I want to love them, but not a chance:) I have an achilles injury and they make the irritation in my heel worse, so I tend not to do them. I do love planks, though!
  • NoleGirl0918
    NoleGirl0918 Posts: 213 Member
    Bump for later
  • I have a love/hate relationship with burpees! I hate doing them but love the feeling after I'm done and what they do to my body. Currently doing 100 burpees a day for the month of February if you'd like to join me :)

    100 Burpees!! HOLY COW!!! I can barely do 10!!! You rock!
  • DCpaleochick
    DCpaleochick Posts: 211 Member
    ABSOLUTELY hate Burpees and def not a fan of planks. But, I think the 100 burpees a day challenge sounds like a go. Just cuz I am a bad *kitten*.

    Who else is in?