
  • Hey everyone, thanks so much for the comments - very reassuring to know people are going through the same and seeing those who have succeeded - wow amazing, well done!!

    I will vow to ignore my scales for a while; you know, like a day or two ;-) I am so motivated to keep going on Insanity, fingers crossed for results at the end.
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    Thanks for all the tips guys! I did the fit test yesterday and I am doing the next workout today! I am EXTREMELY sore but I can't wait to keep going!
  • Schmelvie
    Schmelvie Posts: 233 Member
    I just started Insanity this week as well. I finished 1 round of full P90x, and 1 round using just the strength workouts and adding C25K as my cardio.

    After 2 days I can tell Insanity is going to take me to the next level of my fitness. I was spitting, snotting, and sweating while lying on the floor at the end of that workout this morning.

    Can't wait for day 3!!
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm 4 days away from finishing and it's changed my life! My advice:

    1. THROW AWAY YOUR SCALE: 5 lbs of muscle is smaller, takes up less space than 5 lbs of fat. If you have to weigh yourself, then only use the scale every 30 days.
    2. Get yourself a tape measure and measure yourself weekly!!
    3. Follow the food plan as closely as possible.
    4. Make sure you get enough calories. They aren't lying when they give you the caloric requirements *as long as your following the food plan* . If you're eating all the good stuff you're supposed to, you're good!
    5. Get a HRM with chest strap if you can
    6. The people doing the exercises are intimidating how in shape they are. Don't pay attention to them. Pay attention to YOUR form, YOUR reps, and YOUR limits. I turn sideways away from the TV so I don't watch Tanya. UGH.
    7. HYDRATE yourself during the workout! And drink a *small* chocolate milk within 20 minutes of working out
    8. You will be sore. Advil was my friend until I got used to it and it took the 1st month to get used to it!
    9. As Shaun T says, take 10 breaks and go at your own speed, but don't sacrifice your form. Did I mention form was important? LOL

    My results so far is 15 lbs gone, but I'm down 2 jeans sizes, 3.5" in hips, 2.5 in thighs, 4.5 in waist. Which means I'm at the measurements when I weighed 156 lbs, but now I weigh 193. Also, my cellulite - GONE. My hair, skin are all shiny and healthy, and I have so much more energy! Feel free to add me. I'll be starting round 2 in a week!

    This is great! What an amazing list of tips! I'll definitely keep this in mind!
  • I just got my DVDs in the mail today! I'm gonna start tomorrow! I'm excited!
  • IAmKellOnWheels
    IAmKellOnWheels Posts: 47 Member
    I'm 4 days away from finishing and it's changed my life! My advice:

    1. THROW AWAY YOUR SCALE: 5 lbs of muscle is smaller, takes up less space than 5 lbs of fat. If you have to weigh yourself, then only use the scale every 30 days.
    2. Get yourself a tape measure and measure yourself weekly!!
    3. Follow the food plan as closely as possible.
    4. Make sure you get enough calories. They aren't lying when they give you the caloric requirements *as long as your following the food plan* . If you're eating all the good stuff you're supposed to, you're good!
    5. Get a HRM with chest strap if you can
    6. The people doing the exercises are intimidating how in shape they are. Don't pay attention to them. Pay attention to YOUR form, YOUR reps, and YOUR limits. I turn sideways away from the TV so I don't watch Tanya. UGH.
    7. HYDRATE yourself during the workout! And drink a *small* chocolate milk within 20 minutes of working out
    8. You will be sore. Advil was my friend until I got used to it and it took the 1st month to get used to it!
    9. As Shaun T says, take 10 breaks and go at your own speed, but don't sacrifice your form. Did I mention form was important? LOL

    My results so far is 15 lbs gone, but I'm down 2 jeans sizes, 3.5" in hips, 2.5 in thighs, 4.5 in waist. Which means I'm at the measurements when I weighed 156 lbs, but now I weigh 193. Also, my cellulite - GONE. My hair, skin are all shiny and healthy, and I have so much more energy! Feel free to add me. I'll be starting round 2 in a week!

    Did you lose 15 pounds in a month or two months? You said you're 4 days from finishing - and then said your starting round 2 in a week....EXCELLENT results!! I'm excited to see how this works out for me!! I did the fit test yesterday, and the official day 1 today, and it's a KILLER - I can see how there will be some change!!

    15 lbs in TWO months. First month was 11 lbs, second month 4 (so far). However, my body changes were much more noticeable in month 2. Just stay away from the scale! And remember 5 lbs of muscle takes up MUCH less space than 5 lbs of fat! Keep Pushing Play!!!!

    Edited to add: I'm finishing round ONE in 4 days...Round Two is next week!!

    And the fit test...starting month 2 I almost DOUBLED each of my fit test scores :)
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    Do y'all have any suggestions for recovery drinks after the workouts?
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,531 Member
    There's no real need. Just stay well hydrated.
    He bangs on about recovery formula, but he's trying to sell his ow product.
  • AngieD2203
    AngieD2203 Posts: 53 Member
    Low fat chocolate milkshake and semi skimmed milk...very cheap and very affective ????
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Do y'all have any suggestions for recovery drinks after the workouts?

    chocolate milk or a whey protein shake
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member
    I'm starting INSANITY at the beginning of March! I'm finishing up 30 Day Shred (I only do it every other day, as on the others I do distance/interval running to train for my 15k next month) and as soon as I'm done I'm starting this! From seeing all of these responses, I CAN'T WAIT. I will also only be doing it every OTHER day, as I find mixing intense workouts with slow easy runs has yielded the best results for me thus far.
  • It is definitely a love hate relationship. I have had p90x for 4 years, and I have had INSANITY for 2 going on 3 years. I just bought Rock'n Body. I have not completed any of them which makes me disappointed though keeping in mind, trying to accomplish this during college is tough. I have trouble sticking with it everyday because everyday is different. After I am doing the work outs all I can think about is food. So I know now to try and figure out a meal plan that one, is tasty but two, is healthy and filling. Mind over matter. I would love to start it up again because I can see that it works. Having a buddy would be nice way to start :) Good luck!!

    I am there with you. I tried it like a month before last semester ended. I got up to Day 19, it is hard to manage school and do good while trying to workout and get your body right. I just started it again yesterday, I am determined to get it in this time. At least it is not before finals.
  • cmherb76
    cmherb76 Posts: 34 Member
    I just finished my 6th day this morning. It is INSANE! My legs killed me the first two days but I feel a lot better today. I have heard that you gain weight in the first month but what about the second month? Do you start losing then? I lost 8.5# last month and i really dont want to gain it back. I keep hearing that people have lost inches but no weight. Has anyone lost weight while doing Insanity?
  • Bobbyjr72
    Bobbyjr72 Posts: 28 Member
    Greatest workout ever. I did P90x, P90x2 (both with good, solid results). Insanity however was the best. I lost close to 20 pounds in 2 months and kept it off. Went on to tapout and Rushfit (also very godo workoputs) and have since gone back to insanity when i want to peel off weight. As far as recovery drinks, I am a fan of Re-Con by MusclePharm. I have downed a serving of that after an insanity workout and immediately headed off to a bikram yoga class and felt ready (due to my job I am a 5 am workout guy during the week and a complete weekend warrior and I'm over 40, so I have been getting more sore these days after heavy duty workouts). Recon really helps me to recover.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    I just finished my 6th day this morning. It is INSANE! My legs killed me the first two days but I feel a lot better today. I have heard that you gain weight in the first month but what about the second month? Do you start losing then? I lost 8.5# last month and i really dont want to gain it back. I keep hearing that people have lost inches but no weight. Has anyone lost weight while doing Insanity?

    i'll be done with the program in two days and I haven't lost but two pounds,and that occurred in the first month. however, I've lost multiple inches off my waist and the rest of my body. The scale definitely is not your friend while doing this program.
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    It's a beast of a workout program :bigsmile:

    Last day of Recovery week for me tomorrow then a glorious rest day before the dreaded month 2 start.

    Buy some strong pain relief gel and some tiger balm. If you're at all worried about your knees then buy some elasticated supports. A HRM is a good idea too.

    Drink lots of water. Maintain your form, rest when needed, keep your knees soft and keep smiling.

    This *kitten* is bananas! :laugh:
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,531 Member
    Apparently 2013 is the Chinese Year of the Tania.
  • noeasyweigh
    noeasyweigh Posts: 107 Member
    Dpernet--LOL, tigerbalm abd pain relief gel...they are my FRIENDS!
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    I just finished Day 1 of Month 2 and it is HARD. Holy I thought I was going to pass out. I had to take mini breaks here and there. I hope I lose inches like everyone else.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    There's an 'i hate Tanya from insanity' Facebook group

    Yeah I can see how some people would not like her. She's cute, fit, smiles a lot.

    I find her an inspiration. I would absolutely LOVE to have a body like hers.