


  • Colleen1980
    Colleen1980 Posts: 148 Member
    I just finished it and I'm running my first 5k Saturday! I feel soo much healthier and I'm always in the best mood when I finish a run. I have 2 small kids, and I've found running forces me to take some "me time", which I otherwise never get! So its good for mental health too! :laugh:

    I have an app that I love Bc it just dings through my music, so I don't have to keep track of anything. That makes it much more enjoyable in my experience. Thank goodness for technology! :smile:

    Good luck!
  • _LA_
    _LA_ Posts: 111
    I actually started yesterday too!

    I started C25K last year around this time, at a park with a friend of mine. I got to about week three (when you were jogging for about 3 or 5 min at a time?) and then I hurt my knee - brace and everything. UGH.

    But I have seen debate here where a LOT of people say it's easier on the treadmill, so now that I have a gym membership I decided to try again (even though I am coming in ten pounds heavier, ugh!) on the treadmill. Once I master that, I will try to take it out on the road to get ready for an actual 5K :)

    Going to be doing Tues, Thurs, Sun, most likely.
  • I think the program is great, even if you have to repeat some weeks.

    I'm on week 5 day 2 of my C25K program. Today, I struggled - it was two 8 minute runs separated by a 5 minute walk.

    I am personally struggling with the muscles in my calves and have to focus on taking my days off for recovery. On my days off from C25K I hit the weights for upper body. I look forward to the day when I'm running 30 minutes straight (burning 500 calories) without pain --- and I know that day will come. Until then, head down and eye on the prize! Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    I have done c25k, but was never able to get passed week 3. So this time I'm doing a 5 minute warm up/cool down. Run as long as I can at 5.1 and then walk at 3.6 for 90 sec. Then keep repeating for 30 minutes, so it's a total of 40 minutes.
    C25k just seemed to advise to fast for me. So I'm going to try this. I want to be able to do a 10k in May.
  • toddka1
    toddka1 Posts: 171 Member
    There is a group here on MFP called C25K where folks are posting achievements, etc. I found this program very helpful for me. I did a LOT of walking before starting the program and have managed to get to week 8 without any problems. (mostly mind over body is my struggle) It has gotten me back into a running routine which I like. Only 2 more workouts to go!

    The version of the app I downloaded was free and provided for a 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down. I haven't worried about the distance as much as the time, but with the colder weather and some snow I have done the last several days on the treadmill and I'm about right for the distance/time recommended by C25K.

    Now I have to find a 5K to run!