8 hour diet....



  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    whatever trick you need to keep yourself in a calorie deficit... go for it.
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    You may be dropping lbs quickly, but 12lbs over 2 weeks might be a little exessive and dangerous, anything over 3 lbs is usually lean muscle that you are losing
  • amyhoss
    amyhoss Posts: 414 Member
    Could I eat between 12pm and 8pm only? That is definately something I could manage but does it mean that I HAVE to eat at 12pm and I HAVE to have eaten someting as close to 8pm as possible?
  • charman99
    charman99 Posts: 88 Member
    My mom is doing this as well and has seen great loss.. 6 pounds in 2 weeks, So keep up the good work
  • Richdogg38
    Never heard of this before but I accidentally stumbled across the results from trial and error. I have to agree with this concept. I got off my regimen and gained weight. When I was losing weight very fast I stopped eating at 6 pm everyday. I just did this very thing the first two days of this week and I am already down 3 pounds.

    It takes time to discipline yourself but I start by saying no food after 9 pm. Then I say 8 pm, 7 pm and finally 6 pm. Whenever I am doing it like clockwork I lose weight fast. Just a personal experience thing, I think each person's body operates differently but it works for me so I'm sticking with it.
  • PamelaGatorMom
    PamelaGatorMom Posts: 348 Member
    Honestly now I am overwhelmed with information from all the links posted in this thread. :embarassed:
    Although I am FAR FAR from an expert on anything weight loss or fitness. I will say just like our finger print everybody is different.

    I’ve found I lose weight more easily when I eat something within an hour of waking up (beings that I’ve never been one to eat breakfast this is something I am forcing myself to do every day since I began my life style changes last month)
    I also know people who have done well on the low carb diet, where I packed on the pounds the time I tried it. I find low fat, higher fiber works well for me.

    I do believe you should try to eat dinner “early” meaning if bed time is 10pm for you dinner should be by 5:30 (just my personal take) Since I eat breakfast around 7:30am that would leave my last time to eat in an 8 hour period at 3:30…there is NO way I could do this, 1) because bedtime for me is normally 11:30pm-12:30am that’s a lot of hours to be active & not eat…like 8-9 hours.
    2) Beings that I am a wife & mom, my family expects dinner (imagine that :laugh: ) we try & eat around 6:30 but that’s not always possible, for example yesterday my son had baseball practice so we had to leave the house by 4:30, then straight from there to my daughters basketball game which ended at 7:30, it was my night to work the concession stand for the last basketball game so I didn’t leave the school till almost 9pm. We hit Subway for dinner because it’s close, fast & semi-healthy.

    I do LOVE to read all the hints & tips on here because I may want to try them & they just might work!

    So to the OP THANK YOU, I am going to work harder on making sure we are eating dinner as early as possible, maybe I can to a 10 hour day not 8 LOL
  • jdholland5508
    jdholland5508 Posts: 162 Member
    Its post like this that give IF a bad name. No matter when you eat if you over eat you will not lose weight. I also have an 8 hour eating window but I also have an 8 hour eating window when i'm bulking. Just because you only eat for 8 hours does not allow you not to track what you eat.
  • jdholland5508
    jdholland5508 Posts: 162 Member
    Also the timing of this window does not matter. My window is 3pm to 11pm most days.
  • UpandRunning2013
    UpandRunning2013 Posts: 69 Member
  • AussieTrainer
    I would love to see some experiments with this where you continue the IF but also record calories (but not restrict them) so we can get a picture of what is actually going on...
  • jdholland5508
    jdholland5508 Posts: 162 Member
    I would love to see some experiments with this where you continue the IF but also record calories (but not restrict them) so we can get a picture of what is actually going on...

    Like I said earlier. You can gain and lose weight using IF. If you eat more in that 8 hour window then you burn in a whole day you will gain. If you eat less you will lose. The concept is that if you only eat in an 8 hour window you will eat less. However you can look at diaries of people the do IF that can eat well into 4000 calories in an 8 hour window.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,619 Member
    That is actually not true- your body DOES care when you eat. It is a proven fact. Your body is designed to go into a fast - and most people eat too many hours a day to allow the body to do it's natural fast. I am actually eating worse than I was before on the 6 small meals a day and am losing on average 3 pounds a week.
    Well actually it doesn't care. There are several peer reviewed clinical studies to back it. What really matters in weight loss is calorie deficit and consistency. If people find that IF keeps them consistent (personally I do) then that's the program they should do.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • jdholland5508
    jdholland5508 Posts: 162 Member
    That is actually not true- your body DOES care when you eat. It is a proven fact. Your body is designed to go into a fast - and most people eat too many hours a day to allow the body to do it's natural fast. I am actually eating worse than I was before on the 6 small meals a day and am losing on average 3 pounds a week.
    Well actually it doesn't care. There are several peer reviewed clinical studies to back it. What really matters in weight loss is calorie deficit and consistency. If people find that IF keeps them consistent (personally I do) then that's the program they should do.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    yes niner you are right but the OP said the following

    - Your body is set up to fast and burn away the fat, but because people eat so much around the clock- the body cannot do that.
    - You can eat whatever you want in the 8 hour time frame (I still watch what I eat).
    - You ONLY consume calories in an 8 hour window (including drinks).
    - You only have to follow this for 5 days a week to get results..

    And I know you do not agree with this right??
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Could I eat between 12pm and 8pm only? That is definately something I could manage but does it mean that I HAVE to eat at 12pm and I HAVE to have eaten someting as close to 8pm as possible?

    No. There are many different forms of intermittent fasting the 16:8 approach described by the OP is only one. Someone else here already mentioned a 20:4 form, you can also cycle between any of the approaches and the times are flexible.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Will not work for me. I need wine, and since I have kids I cannot drink until they are in bed after my 8 hours. So no. Good luck.
  • Wanting2BSkinny
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    Just read about the 8 Hour Diet book in Men's Health. I don't plan to buy the book, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to try to eat all calories in 8 hours during the day. Just have to fix the at or below calorie goal first... then will add the time restriction.

    Back to the topic, the article in Men's Health talked about studies the author and other doc ran with mice. They fed same calorie allotment only one group ate whenever they wanted and the other only got theirs in the 8 hour window. The 8 hour window mice were thinner. The other piece of data was the map of US at night showing light pollution directly matched that of diabetes cases in US. This can easily be attributed (in my opinion) to density of population, but they attributed it to being awake longer thus eating later.
  • jrmartinezb
    jrmartinezb Posts: 147 Member
    I can expand on this and provide a peer review journal citation about how fasting INCREASES metabolic rate. Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2405717

    That paper looked at 48 hour starvation, in normal weight individuals and it only included 11 subjects. The metabolic increase was only 3.6% ( that’s less than 70 kcals for your average bmr). Not nearly enough to say that a 16 hour fast will likely result in a significant or sustainable metabolic increase.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Just read about the 8 Hour Diet book in Men's Health. I don't plan to buy the book, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to try to eat all calories in 8 hours during the day. Just have to fix the at or below calorie goal first... then will add the time restriction.

    Back to the topic, the article in Men's Health talked about studies the author and other doc ran with mice. They fed same calorie allotment only one group ate whenever they wanted and the other only got theirs in the 8 hour window. The 8 hour window mice were thinner. The other piece of data was the map of US at night showing light pollution directly matched that of diabetes cases in US. This can easily be attributed (in my opinion) to density of population, but they attributed it to being awake longer thus eating later.
    Correlated with != attributed to.

    Do you really expect massive numbers of diabetes cases to happen where nobody lives?
  • hawaiiandream
    hawaiiandream Posts: 43 Member
    That was great, love it! Thanks, going to try it starting today even though I haven't read the book yet. Wish me luck!