Spouse Trying to Sabotage Weight Loss



  • jwilson3787
    That is really, really horrible of you, honestly. I can't believe it. Why can't you celebrate her success, encourage her to keep it up, and start working on your marriage so that she wouldn't be tempted by any of those other guys? That's a much, much healthier approach than sabotaging. Marriage is a partnership, not a competition.
    agree 100 %
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I love how everybody is getting on the OP's case when really he's just trying to save his marraige.

    His wife is loosing wait, becoming attractive, and, I dare say it, maybe even a little self obsessed and shallow??

    They were clearly happier before when she was heavier.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Don't sabotage her food. You need to sabotage her eating.

    The way you do that is to belittle her gains. Mock her body shape. Make her feel like she's really not accomplishing enough and you are disgusted with her minimal gains. Tell her she's fat and criticize when she eats anything with a hint of fat in it.

    That sounds counter productive, but trust me, she'll rapidly become resentful and will stop eating well out of spite. It will also lower her self esteem and she'll avoid situations where she could get compliments from other men, and finally, it will make her more dependent upon you.

    If that fails, there's always gaslighting.

    Of course there's always the opposite. Tell her you find her weight loss revolting, and tell her she needs to see a mental health specialist about her eating disorder. Then wihthold sex from her. Tell her you would rather do it yourself, because she is too revolting at her current weight.
  • EjaneK11
    EjaneK11 Posts: 209 Member
    Wow this is just horrible! Sounds like you are very much the jealous type, very jealous. Because if you want to sabotage her weight loss because of the male attention then you are jealous. How about you just talk to her about the male attention. COMMUNICATION in a marriage is very important. If your wife found out what you plan on doing or already are doing then it can end badly. You could end up loosing her to one of those guys. What if it was the other way around, would you want her doing that to you?
  • anneerick
    anneerick Posts: 147 Member
    "Ain't no body got time for that!"

  • triathlete5301
    triathlete5301 Posts: 182 Member
    You aren't the jealous type, then why do you want to sabotage her diet. Don't you want what's best for her?

    My husband has been told by men that his wife is "mmm" and he looks at them at says, "I know."

    Exactly. Just go up, put your arm around her and smile wide, because GUESS WHAT? She married you. She probably didn't marry you because she thought you were going to get jealous of her success and sabotage her diet....

  • packratpatty
    packratpatty Posts: 46 Member
    I'll be the one who is actually foolish enough to believe your post is true. Be happy for your wife. My husband, years ago got all weird about "other men" looking at me bla bla bla when I got a fantastic job with nothing but men doing lots of traveling and having to be in close quarters with these men at all hours of the day and night. Sure the attention they gave me was flattering but I was very touched when my husband actually used the voice God gave him and told me he felt threatened. Tell her you feel threatened that all these dudes are paying attention to her. Tell her you love her and your kids and family and don't want to lose her. She might tell you that you need to get your head on straight and trust her, and do it. If she does run off with one of those guys, at least you were on the up and up with her. It will be her bad not yours.

    If people would actually just SAY to each other what was bugging them, in a decent non-violent and non-confrontational way, everybody would be better off.

    Let me say if my husband had written this post and then followed the advice of slipping me extra calories and fat, it would kill me. I would feel so sad that he wasn't my right hand man and my number one supporter. IF this post is actually true...if you want to lose your wife then by all means do stuff to hurt her and lose her trust. If you want to keep her, then by all means talk to her and tell her how you are feeling and hte insecurities you have.
  • babphat
    Sounds like you have some serious deep rooted issues. Your issue is not with your wife its within. And you might want to start telling her all the things she needs and wants to hear like: "baby your looking good". Or risk pushing her right into the arms of somebody who is going to be loving and supportive.
  • koshkasmum
    koshkasmum Posts: 276 Member
    I'm really hoping that people are joking here. I'm finding the entire thing kind of disturbing.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    beg your wife to leave you.... please.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Hello - looking for some help and support. My wife and I have both been losing a lot of weight recently and have been pretty successful counting calories.

    I've noticed that she's been getting a lot more "male" attention and it's starting to make me uncomfortable. I'm not the jealous type but does anyone have suggestions for how I can sabotage her weight loss? Like, change the settings on the food scale, or ?

    Convert to Islam, make her wear the full body burqa, and have her walk three steps behind you.

    Or get over yourself. She is more likely to leave you because of your attitude than her weight loss.


    I think you're being REALLY unsupportive of the OP

    He's clearly trying to save his marriage.

    What's more important? That his wife looks good or that they stay happily married?

    Oh, well, let me clarify so as not to appear unsupportive.

    She should dump him and find herself a real man. Or he should wear the burqa. Or he can stop being a sarcastic douchecanoe (to steal another users terminology). Because I am assuming that he is, in fact, kidding.

    Wait, that didn't help...
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Hello - looking for some help and support. My wife and I have both been losing a lot of weight recently and have been pretty successful counting calories.

    I've noticed that she's been getting a lot more "male" attention and it's starting to make me uncomfortable. I'm not the jealous type but does anyone have suggestions for how I can sabotage her weight loss? Like, change the settings on the food scale, or ?

    I believe it was, and you are correct. It did just make me giggle a little more.

    first off, you really need to get some control over your castle there, bub. why are you allowing your wife to walk outside alone in the first place? the house don't get spic and span by itself. she needs to be home. i get that she has to use some of the allowance you give her to go grocery shopping, but if you tell her she has to go in the late morning/early afternoon, she won't get any male attention because all the men will be at work.

    secondly, it's "loosing weight" not "losing weight". get your grammer together, chief.

    I'm not sure if this whole thread is a joke or not but it's amusing.

    For the record it is 'losing' weight as in you lose weight, you don't loose it. Also to double the irony you started the next sentence without a capital G. To add to the irony a final correction, it is spelt 'grammar' not 'grammer'.

    I could have made myself look incredibly stupid here if the comment is intentionally ironic, but that would only add to the hilarious-ness.
  • ejonesy
    ejonesy Posts: 9 Member
    I love how everybody is getting on the OP's case when really he's just trying to save his marraige.

    His wife is loosing wait, becoming attractive, and, I dare say it, maybe even a little self obsessed and shallow??

    They were clearly happier before when she was heavier.

    You know the famous quote, "Fat wife, happy life?" Wait...
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I wonder how many people actually noticed this was in the Chit-Chat, Fun, and Games section..lol.
  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member
    That is really, really horrible of you, honestly. I can't believe it. Why can't you celebrate her success, encourage her to keep it up, and start working on your marriage so that she wouldn't be tempted by any of those other guys? That's a much, much healthier approach than sabotaging. Marriage is a partnership, not a competition.
    agree 100 %

    Psh. Marriage isn't a competition for LOSERS.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Don't sabotage her food. You need to sabotage her eating.

    The way you do that is to belittle her gains. Mock her body shape. Make her feel like she's really not accomplishing enough and you are disgusted with her minimal gains. Tell her she's fat and criticize when she eats anything with a hint of fat in it.

    That sounds counter productive, but trust me, she'll rapidly become resentful and will stop eating well out of spite. It will also lower her self esteem and she'll avoid situations where she could get compliments from other men, and finally, it will make her more dependent upon you.

    If that fails, there's always gaslighting.

    Of course there's always the opposite. Tell her you find her weight loss revolting, and tell her she needs to see a mental health specialist about her eating disorder. Then wihthold sex from her. Tell her you would rather do it yourself, because she is too revolting at her current weight.

    I dunno. It's generally easier to convince someone that they aren't doing well enough, rather than they're doing too well, if you know what I mean. But I will own that if she's already getting grief from other friends and family about her weight loss it might indeed be best to play off of that foundation. I suppose it comes down to particulars to which we are not privy.

    And honestly I wouldn't ignore the gaslighting option.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    That is really, really horrible of you, honestly. I can't believe it. Why can't you celebrate her success, encourage her to keep it up, and start working on your marriage so that she wouldn't be tempted by any of those other guys? That's a much, much healthier approach than sabotaging. Marriage is a partnership, not a competition.

    Congrats on your first post.

    Oh, and you got got
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Tell all her new male suitors that she was born a man.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    That is really, really horrible of you, honestly. I can't believe it. Why can't you celebrate her success, encourage her to keep it up, and start working on your marriage so that she wouldn't be tempted by any of those other guys? That's a much, much healthier approach than sabotaging. Marriage is a partnership, not a competition.

    Congrats on your first post.

    Oh, and you got got
