Hubby threw out all my "healthy food".. WTH



    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I also don't think it has to be all or nothing.

    I buy 3 different types of milk at my house....I drink skim, the kids drink 2% and my husband drinks rice milk (he's lactose intolerant). I'm the only one who likes Greek yogurt, so I buy that for me and buy regular yogurt for the kids. There are plenty of things that I like to eat that nobody else in the house does. No big deal.
    As for meals....I only cook one meal. My husband does understand and appreciate that I cook healthy 80% of the time. I'm not so strict about it that we can't have some 'fun' food sometimes. It's all about balance. Our dinners usually consist of a protein (meat), starch and veggie. When we eat balanced, healthy food 80-85% of the time, we don't think twice about having pizza or chinese take out here and there.

    Hahaha! Me too! I have to have whole milk for the baby, 2% for everyone else, and I get the unsweetened vanilla almond milk for myself. My milk, however, is cheaper and lasts longer! :) I try to get snacks for everyone that I can live with. There are certain ones I just can't bring in the house, like chewy chips ahoy! Man I love those! No control here. I don't care for Oreos much, but my 13yo loves them, so I'll get them for him sometimes. And my hubby loves nutty buddies, so I get him those. Everybody's happy...most of the time. For supper, I try to keep stuff they can heat up, or easy to make stuff for them. My husband and 13yo are very skinny, so if they don't like what I made, or if they're still hungry they can eat something else..well my husband can. My son just has to eat what I made. lol, but he goes to his friend's house to eat, n sometimes the church feeds him when he goes. Fortunately, though, everyone pretty much loves whatever I cook, atleast most of the time.
  • x_ItNeverEnds_x
    I agree with much of what has been said before me.

    My husband doesn't mind me trying to eat healthier, and he doesn't mind me adding more veggies to our meals, but he would blow a gasket if I told him not to bring snacks or bacon into the house ever again. lol. So we have a deal - he has his snacks and coke and junk food, but he keeps it where I never go. In this case, in his office. And I asked him not to buy my biggest temptation, which is Oreos. If he wants something unhealthy for dinner, he tells me the night before so that I can either make space in my calories for some, or I can plan to eat something else. But he knows he has to cook it himself! And since many of our meal plans include chicken, it's very simple for me to make one piece for him the way he likes, and one for me that's healthier. He still sort of feels weird about it, but we manage. :)

    This is what I do!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Kick him out!

    OP is unemployed. Kicking him out will lose her the income to buy her health food
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    In all fairness, you're the one who is trying to change your eating habits and you've kind of forced it on him. I'd suggest making some of the things he wants available in the house. Continue to eat healthy yourself and cook healthy. If he chooses to eat crap, so be it. You can only change you.

    not in my house. my husband and kids eat what i cook. im not a waitress. if im eating healthy, they are eating healthy. if my husband doesnt like it, he knows where the door is, and also knows my address to mail his child support payments to :)
    If you re-read my post, I did not say she should be his waitress. I suggested that she continue to eat healthy and COOK healthy.

    i didnt say that you said that. i said in my house, my eating habits WILL BE FORCED ON EVERYONE ELSE, because im not a waitress, and i dont cook to order... i make a meal, and thats it, they can either eat it, or starve. thier choice. that was my point. im not going to buy junk, when im trying to eat healthy. and i dare him to bring junk in to my house...
    Wow, you're quite the catch, aren't you? I can tell you one thing for sure, if my wife EVER referred to OUR house as HER house, she would very soon be sending me child support payments. Marriage is a two way relationship, you sound ridiculously selfish and self absorbed. You're right though, you're not a waitress, just a selfish dictator. Don't worry, though, your husband and kids will be thoroughly resenting you soon enough for making everything in life only about your wants and needs, and completely ignoring theirs. I'm sure that will work out fine for making them into normal, well adjusted people...
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member

    That is fine. He's a grown man and can eat outside daily. My favorite spot is at my mistresses place and/or strip club. He'll find someplace too

    Ah yes...troll.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    How disrespectful of him. I'm sorry. That's awful. Tell him to go buy his own "real food."

    He did. And wanted to share with his wife. Who's been feeding him crap in the name of "health food" for months. I don't know about you but I sure don't want to be in a relationship where my wife and I eat separately every time because my wife is on some fad diet again and feels insecure about her weight...

    Why are you on MFP if you think being here is a 'fad' diet? Scratching my head - and maybe feeding the trolls on this one. It works both ways - neither of them should be imposing on each other what they don't like. But seriously, in 2013 he can't do a bit of shopping for himself? He is not equipped to manage the tills at a grocery store. Really?

    Since you're still new, I will slide on the fad diet thing. You will learn eventually (hopefully).

    As for the going shopping etc: once again, he did
  • daxazo
    daxazo Posts: 37 Member
    How disrespectful of him. I'm sorry. That's awful. Tell him to go buy his own "real food."

    He did. And wanted to share with his wife. Who's been feeding him crap in the name of "health food" for months. I don't know about you but I sure don't want to be in a relationship where my wife and I eat separately every time because my wife is on some fad diet again and feels insecure about her weight...

    Oh please. He wanted to share his grande nachos with her. This lack of support and his childish tantrum is not very marital at all. Communication in marriage is key, and there's a better way for him to express how he feels than to do what he did. If my husband asked me nicely if we could get some ice cream, I would gladly do it. If he threw away my vegetables and demanded it? Well then I think there are bigger issues in our marriage to work out than just food.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    How disrespectful of him. I'm sorry. That's awful. Tell him to go buy his own "real food."

    He did. And wanted to share with his wife. Who's been feeding him crap in the name of "health food" for months. I don't know about you but I sure don't want to be in a relationship where my wife and I eat separately every time because my wife is on some fad diet again and feels insecure about her weight...

    Oh please. He wanted to share his grande nachos with her. This lack of support and his childish tantrum is not very marital at all. Communication in marriage is key, and there's a better way for him to express how he feels than to do what he did. If my husband asked me nicely if we could get some ice cream, I would gladly do it. If he threw away my vegetables and demanded it? Well then I think there are bigger issues in our marriage to work out than just food.

    Something tells me that the OP isn't all honest about this. I don't know many men who just throw away everything, DEMAND that they eat with him while giving her the debit card to go out and shop.

    IDK, I have a strong feeling she's not telling the whole truth
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    How disrespectful of him. I'm sorry. That's awful. Tell him to go buy his own "real food."

    He did. And wanted to share with his wife. Who's been feeding him crap in the name of "health food" for months. I don't know about you but I sure don't want to be in a relationship where my wife and I eat separately every time because my wife is on some fad diet again and feels insecure about her weight...

    Oh please. He wanted to share his grande nachos with her. This lack of support and his childish tantrum is not very marital at all. Communication in marriage is key, and there's a better way for him to express how he feels than to do what he did. If my husband asked me nicely if we could get some ice cream, I would gladly do it. If he threw away my vegetables and demanded it? Well then I think there are bigger issues in our marriage to work out than just food.

    Something tells me that the OP isn't all honest about this. I don't know many men who just throw away everything, DEMAND that they eat with him while giving her the debit card to go out and shop.

    IDK, I have a strong feeling she's not telling the whole truth

    That is the problem when people put their relationship problems on a forum. You are only getting one side of the story..and usually it's a biased view.

    Overall, I don't think that anyone should go broadcasting their relationship problems to a bunch of strangers. That's so messed
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member

    Since you're still new, I will slide on the fad diet thing. You will learn eventually (hopefully).

    As for the going shopping etc: once again, he did

    Stopping at McD's or Taco Bell is not shopping but I'll slide on that as your reading comprehension seems to be bad. You will learn eventually (hopefully). ;P

    I get the fad diet thing - there is some craziness on here about what people are trying (green coffee extract, eating between certain hours, etc...) and how fast they are trying to get it done...if that is what you are after.

    I think that it is a collaborative effort in a household and that her husband might try a little less of the knuckle dragging aggression and a bit more of the grown up people talking about their needs.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Omg, I'm sorry but that is hilarious to picture! HE WANTS REAL FOOD DAMNIT!

    And yet... completely uncalled for and disrespectful. :(
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Nothing a solid junkpunch wouldn't fix.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    From what I'm gathering (by how he was bringing home his own food, complaining by the lack of whole milk and salt, etc), OP had done the EXACT same thing to him prior to this event - deprived him of the food he wanted to support her own wants.

    Why not just buy both? Geesh, I'd be pissed too if I had to drink 2% milk or if someone took away my salt.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Let's be fair, Mrs Dash IS disgusting, and regular salt is so much better...
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Let's be fair, Mrs Dash IS disgusting, and regular salt is so much healthier...

    The heck is Mrs. Dash anyways?
  • lorihalsted
    lorihalsted Posts: 326 Member
    I buy both... My husband wouldn't ever throw out the healthy stuff. It sounds like there might be a more serious issue than just the grocery list.

    I cook the same for me as our family but add in healthy alternatives that the guys don't touch (sautéed green beans is my fave.) Tonight we had smoked pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, fried okra and sautéed green beans. I had 4 oz of pork and a half a plate of green beans plus 5 pieces of okra and literally a small spoon of potatoes.

    Good luck!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Let's be fair, Mrs Dash IS disgusting, and regular salt is so much healthier...

    The heck is Mrs. Dash anyways?

    Some seasoning thing. I've never tried it but I've seen the commercials for it. *shrugs*
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    From what I'm gathering (by how he was bringing home his own food, complaining by the lack of whole milk and salt, etc), OP had done the EXACT same thing to him prior to this event - deprived him of the food he wanted to support her own wants.

    Why not just buy both? Geesh, I'd be pissed too if I had to drink 2% milk or if someone took away my salt.
    Pretty much this. I love how it's the EVIL husband for throwing away food that the wife wants to eat, but it's perfectly OK for the wife to get rid of all the food the husband wants to eat.

    Ridiculous double standard much?
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Let's be fair, Mrs Dash IS disgusting, and regular salt is so much healthier...

    The heck is Mrs. Dash anyways?

    Some seasoning thing. I've never tried it but I've seen the commercials for it. *shrugs*

    Whats wrong with regular salt? I like my regular salt... I get to control how much I put in my food that way...
  • xtina1129
    xtina1129 Posts: 111 Member
    My husband eats whats cooked. If he wants something else, he is welcome to make his own meal. A grown *kitten* man is fully capable of buying and cooking "real food". We've been married for 9.5 years, he would never behave in such a way. Or he'd be served some tasty divorce papers. He should respect you more.