Spouse Trying to Sabotage Weight Loss



  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    *realizes that Kevin probably doesn't want to be the last post on this thread...*

    Hey everyone... the OP's wife is making some sinfully delicious sounding chocolate bundt cake thingy... apparently it only has 50 cals per serving...

    *wink wink*

    me thinks maybe she's trying to sabotage her spouse's weight loss...

  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    ... the dude that gave his wife meth without her knowing so she'd clean the house.

    Thanks for the pro tip!
  • sanalupe
    sanalupe Posts: 47 Member
    Here is a thing: maybe she is sabotaging you, adding sugars and lard in your food so that's why you are fatter than she is. Then, she'll find a hot guy who gives her the attention she needs and dump you :))
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Suggest trying to eat under 1200 calories a day and cut out all carbs including fruit and veggies!
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    My ex used to start fights and blame me for everything from the weather to color of his eyes. I felt like eating more than I should. Does that help?Then again he's an ex now too; go figure............... just // just food for thought//
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Heres an idea - get off of your *kitten*, start working out instead of finding ways to sabotage your wife - and make your self look half decent so she would want to stay with you once she has lost all of her weight.

  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    SO. Is it working yet? is she fatter yet?...all these people trying to help you...
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Starve yourself. Then she won't have to deal with you because you'll be dead.
  • Only read the first two pages but... Is this thread real? Or is OP really that ****ed up?

    And two separate women sent pictures to someone with the Avi of a pizza? Da *kitten* is wrong with half the people on this thread
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    My ex used to start fights and blame me for everything from the weather to color of his eyes. I felt like eating more than I should. Does that help?Then again he's an ex now too; go figure............... just // just food for thought//

    We don't need for thought. We need food for his wife.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Only read the first two pages but... Is this thread real? Or is OP really that ****ed up?

    And two separate women sent pictures to someone with the Avi of a pizza? Da *kitten* is wrong with half the people on this thread
    Hi! Want some pics?:smokin:
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I haven't read the whole thread, so I'm sorry if this has already been suggested. Tell her you think it would be hot to give her a contract on her food and that you'll require her to eat what you feed her. If you're really lucky, she'll gasp and bite her lip a lot and you may even get to meet her inner goddess.
  • mekelley62
    mekelley62 Posts: 1 Member
    Right on my Sister! WTF is your problem man?! You should be celebrating the fact that other men are checking her out. Be proud and let them all know they can look all they want but you get to take her HOME!!! Come on man. Be a MAN not an AHOLE
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Heres an idea - get off of your *kitten*, start working out instead of finding ways to sabotage your wife - and make your self look half decent so she would want to stay with you once she has lost all of her weight.


    Nope, nope. His wife let him post shirtless pics. He's looking pretty cut.

    His problem isn't with how HE looks, its that she is just simply better looking.

    Get with the program! Geez!
  • Shame on you!
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    This has gotten really out of control. I don't know what happened. All I wanted was to protect my marriage and people are calling me d***bags, whatever those are. I HOPE NONE OF YOU EVER HAS TO GO THROUGH THESE TIMES!

    How is SHE reacting to this attention??? Is she seeking out other guys attention (girls, whatever), has she cheated on you?? Have you TALKED to her about how you feel? What's gonna ruin the marriage is your insecurity. So what she gets some attention? Grab her hand, plant a big kiss on her cheek and say F**k yeah she's mine! And be proud of her! Good god, if my husband tried to DELIBERATLY destroy something I was working so hard on because he was jealous and insecure, that would completely break my heart and you can be SURE he'd get a hard kick to the balls.

    I whole heartedly disagree.

    What OP is doing is protecting his marriage.

    Many women (and some men) on this forum would like to make him out to be the villain but the truth is what he is doing is the best thing for both of them.

    Protecting the marriage by bringing her down. Riiiiiight. Sounds SO wonderful, I'm sure they'll be SUCH a happy couple after he sets out to competely destroy any self worth and confidence she has in herself. What a f*cking load of bullsh!t
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member

    In case you haven't caught it... OP is highly gifted in the use of sarcasm and wit... and many were responding in turn.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Only read the first two pages but... Is this thread real? Or is OP really that ****ed up?

    And two separate women sent pictures to someone with the Avi of a pizza? Da *kitten* is wrong with half the people on this thread

    Women love pizza.
  • blaine5000
    blaine5000 Posts: 5 Member
    Maybe you can feed her the tears we shed as we mourn the lost skill of understanding sarcasm, irony, and humor- I hear they are very high in calories, especially salt and water retention. 'Fun and Games' ruined by wet blankets again. Oooh- wet blankets are high in carbs!
  • walkersallymae
    walkersallymae Posts: 14 Member
    Are Morans close cousins to Mormons