Hi, any 40 or 50 year olds trying to lose weight?



  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    You are welcome to add me. I am 50, have lost 41lbs. Have about 3 more to go, but more or less stuck. I think its hormonal - am in beginnings of menopause. What is everyone doing to cope with Menopause? I still have periods, but have emotional symptoms/night sweats - Dr. put me on bc pills and I must say it has helped so far, and thinks its the low estrogen.. .
  • 42 and need to lose about 40..........lets do it.......
  • I am 43, just got healthy over the past few years! Best advise I can give you is to build your muscle mass back up, it helps raise your metabolic rate and does some great things for your body as well :-)
  • angieevans19
    angieevans19 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I am 48 and need and will lose 70 lbs!:smile: Feel free to add me. The support would be greatly appreciated.
  • .
  • sbarnard715
    sbarnard715 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 41 and have been using MFP since 1/1/13. I did 31 days of 60 minute cardio in January, and have created a stress injury in my ankle. I've lost 18 pounds so far through diet and exercise, but need to give my ankle a break. Lesson: 41 year-old muscles and bones don't function the same as 20 year-old bones and muscles. I still need to lose another 25 pounds to get to docs recommended weight. Good luck!
  • Just turned 4-0 in January and have just started my journey to losing 80lbs. Good luck on your journey.
  • Nhizarms
    Nhizarms Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Im Erica an 48
    ive lost 59 lbs and have about 30 more to go ! :smile: for the first time in many years I am finaly under 200 pounds !!!! wooo hoooo
    feel ree to add me as you friend, along with anybody else who wants more encouragement ! I know I can alway use encouragement !
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi. I am 54 - I lost 20-24 lbs (it keeps fluctuating) and have about 6 lbs to goal. I have the healthy eating down. Now I am working on fitness.

    I have some great friends on this site that are really supportive. Feel free to add me and we can support each other!
  • susiemeri
    susiemeri Posts: 38 Member
    Hi there, I'm 45 and looking to lose the SIXTY pounds I've gained in the past 4 years. Lots of life changes, new medications and a very sedentary job have really piled the weight on.

    I am really committed to losing this the right way, and could use inspiration. Feel free to add me, too!
  • KevinHuss
    KevinHuss Posts: 24 Member
    There's a lot of us.... 50 here been at it since mid-Feb last year, and feeling tons better.
  • OBXbound4me
    OBXbound4me Posts: 245 Member
    Hey all. I will be 41 this April and am trying for the 71st time (MUST succeed this time) to drop the weight I want and need to drop. Had last 30 from Sept 2012 - end November 2012 and then holidays strung through to Superbowl and I have found 15 back. Re-dedication for myself because I am worth feeling better and being able to live life rather than watch and for my incredible kids and family also. I have to be around for them. Hoping to drop 30 by June 1 and 80 for the year. Feel free to add me for support if you like. Best of luck to all.
  • CABasile
    CABasile Posts: 55 Member
    Me! I'm 52 and need to lose a lot of weight -- tired of being tired and the fact that I can't keep up with my kids' super busy schedule! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Hi I am 41 and I have lost 24 pounds since the 1st January 2013 :smile: :smile: :smile: using MFP
  • tbernier59
    tbernier59 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. Yes I am 53 yrs and need to lose more that 150.lbs I am new to this site and do enjoy it as a far. I will be on here looking for support and see the great process of other.!
  • applepandowdy
    applepandowdy Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am 56, post menopausal, and have 10 more pounds to go. Feel free to add me if you wish. I am recently divorced and I am having more success losing these few extra pounds now that I don't have to cook according to what someone else wants to eat lol. My cholesterol has been creeping up the past few years so I am trying to get it down a little without medication. Last year it was 198....I go tomorrow to get it checked again so I am hoping it will be lower now.
  • tbernier59
    tbernier59 Posts: 2 Member
    Great job.!! I can't wait to see great numbers myself.!
  • yeap 52 here
  • I'm 58 years young and trying to get down to 150 lbs. I feel like a yo yo. Up ...Down.....Up....Down.......... To bad this isn't considered excersing. Anyway I'm here and I joined Weight Watchers in Newfane NY. I fighure I can't go wrong being among other people too.
  • mjsasha
    mjsasha Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I am 47 and really giving it my best shot . Be patient and try different things that work for you. I started working out with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and I personally think I need cardio to get my body burning. Since doing that for a week and eating right, I finally lost 2 pounds. I think as we get older, it just takes a little longer to get our metabolism moving. I just ordered her new book "slim for life". Can't wait for it to get here. It talks a lot about getting our metabolism going. I will share when I start reading. Just don't give up. I wanted to because the scale wasn't moving. But thank God I didn't.