500 calories burned a day?? Really???



  • alimarie53
    alimarie53 Posts: 102 Member
    Depending on your weight zumba can burn up to 500 calories in an hour.


    I take zumba at least once a week, but shoot for twice. I also do a hip hop dance class that burns around that much too.

    On days where I do zumba, weight lift and Jillian's 30 Day Shred I easily get in the 800 calorie mark. This isn't every day though! This is just like two or three times a week.

    So yea, it's totally doable. High cardio workouts. I do zumba and dance because I get bored running that long.
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    I walk all day, run after work, do a Jillian Michaels video or two depending on where I'm at. 500 cals a day isn't too hard. I always eat more on heavy exercise days. My NET is never below 1200 (though I try to aim for at least 1350 NET) and I usually eat 1800 - 2100 cals a day to fuel the exercise.
    BIRDIEBL8 Posts: 155 Member
    Try riding a bicycle to work or the store. Easy way to burn 500 calories while doing everyday stuff.
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    Different exercises burn more. I can walk for an hour and only burn 150 calories. Or I can go at a moderate pace, moderate resistance, high incline on my elliptical and burn way more in a shorter amount of time. So really, its about efficiency. You can burn 500 calories without working out for 3 hours, it just comes down to what you do.

    Also- I do eat at least half of my exercise calories back. I did that and I lost weight just fine at the recommended pace. I figured, if I can lose weight while still being able to eat a decent amount, why wouldn't I? And now I eat between half and all of them back because I am pregnant. :)
  • RaynaJean1
    RaynaJean1 Posts: 1 Member
    I burn 800-1000 calories a day based on my weight and how hard I work out. It is totally possible. I spend an hour or so at the gym every evening from about 5:15-6:15.

    I also do zumba which they say can burn about 1000 calories an hour!
  • ximills
    ximills Posts: 37 Member
    Seems like a reasonable and healthy goal.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Super easy with an hour of cardio. Just depends on your weight, effort, and the exercise of choice.And you really have to watch the source you count calories by. For instance, check out this chart:


    For me, those numbers are WAAAAAY off from the reality of calorie burn according to my heart rate monitor and fitness watch. Accroding to that, on my runs I burn around 550 calories in 55 minutes coverging 5 miles. So I average about 90 calories per mile walking 15 minute miles and up to 120 cal per mile running 10 minute miles.

    Cardio machines are just as bad at times.

    I tend to take the lowest number of them all and try to work harder. If it is estimating really low, all the better for me.
  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    Basically, it looks like most of you commenting workout twice a day. I need to get on the ball! :)

    I can only burn 500 calories from working out once if I do Jillian MIchael Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. I only burn about 300 calories doing other workout videos. I don't track my other activities. I don't have an HRM or any of those other devices.
  • ShellyJKFIT
    I do turbo fire fitness videos and burning 500 calories is nothing. Typically its upwards of 700-1,000 calories.
  • lambeas
    lambeas Posts: 229 Member
    I burn about 450- 600 calories a day from physical activity alone - either from running (10km) or HIIT training or Insanity program.

    I workout in the evening from 6 -715p between 4-5 times a week, on weekends I try to get about 90 minutes in first thing in the morning.

    Also, I do NOT eat my exercise calories back on purpose. I plan my meals, so I eat within my caloric intake for the day without exercise
  • BoxingAli
    BoxingAli Posts: 117 Member
    Typically, i burn between 600-700 in an hour of boxing......i do this 4 times/wk.
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    If I really push myself I am getting over 500 from zumba and now doing body pump and that's right at 500. I am sure if I spend an hour doing other cardio things at the gym I can get up to 500 in an hour. I use an hrm so I know the numbers are pretty accurate.
  • 500 is pretty average if you spend an hour at the gym... I burn up to 700+ doing an hour on ellptical, 600+ in an hour spin class, at least 400-500 in an hour of "body pump" (strength training). But it all really depends on how much time you have, and how much you push yourself... of course this is just my opinion I'm not a trainer...but burning 500 calories during gym visit seems pretty doable to me... I'm dissapointed if I don't burn more than 700 in an hour of cardio, if I'm splitting my work out into 1/2 hr cardio and 1/2 strength I'd probably say 500 calories is a good number...
  • numsquat
    numsquat Posts: 133
    I burn 200-215 cal/mile on average running, so even a short 3 mile run I'm burning over 600 cal. Gotta love the 20 mile days too.
  • tianti82
    tianti82 Posts: 54 Member
    Calories burned are unique to each individual. Most times, the more you weigh, the more calories you burn. As your body gets into better shape it takes more activity to burn calories as well.
  • tnjackso1
    tnjackso1 Posts: 312 Member
    Really!!! Yes its possible...I burn from 1,000-1500 depending on the work and intensity.

    Mon and Wed (zumba)-600-800cal

    Mon-Friday (insanity)- 400-500cal

    Two days out the week (spinning)-600-900cal

    Four days out the week (elliptical)- 700cal

    Mon-Friday (Supreme 90) 100-200cal

    I eat from 1400-2200 depending on if I'm hungry. I don't deprive myself of food but make good choices with the exception a one cheat day a week.

    My days start at 3am and I'm in bed by 8:30pm to make sure that I 7-8hrs of sleep...

    You can do it, just start out slow and proceed on. I didn't start out like this but took it one day and morning at a time.
  • lirr10185
    lirr10185 Posts: 37 Member
    Five hundred is my target for each day. It normally takes an hour maybe more depending on how hard I am working. Elliptical is the best way, in my opinion, to burn at least 500 in an hour if not more. I do eat a little more because I can't help myself. When I burn that many calories I am hungry.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I'm set as 'Active' and trying to maintain my current weight on MFP. I'm 41, 5'9" and 136 pounds. That gives me a base of 1930 calories before exercise.

    The past seven days I have burned an average of 722 calories a day above and beyond my base of 1930. The high burn was 1203 and the low burn was 517. (I wear a BodyMedia Fit to measure my calorie burn for the day, so that's where my numbers are coming from). I'd say this is pretty average/typical for me.

    I do about an hour of a 'real' workout most days - go for a run, do circuit training, etc. On weekends, I love to hike - so I'll often go out walking for several hours and earn huge calorie burns.

    I guess it's all working fine and that my estimates for calories burned are accurate because I've been maintaining my weight loss since mid June of last year. :smile:

    ETA: And yes, I eat the calories I burn through activity/exercise.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I don't quite get to 500 every day but I did today due to a more intense workout. We have a stairmill at my gym, (see link below if curious) which I was on for 22 minutes mostly at level 7. That burned 245 calories. Then I spent another 22 minutes on the elliptical which also burned 245 calories. Normally I'd get more like 200-230 calories for that long on the elliptical but when I start on the stairmill it really gets my blood pumping so I can get a higher calorie burn than usual. Then I got another 20 calories for stretching as my heart rate still elevated for most of that time.

    Most days for this amount of time I get more like 350-400, maybe 430 at most, doing more moderate exercises like stationary bike, walking fast on the treadmill, strength training, etc.


    My normal day is get to work by 8-8:30, eat breakfast by 9:30, go to the gym by 11am most days, workout for 45 minutes, eat lunch, eat an afternoon snack or 2, get home by 6pm (long commute), have dinner by 7pm, go to bed by 10pm.

    And yes, I always (well, 99.9% of the time) eat my exercise calories.
  • debbie6868
    Hi I did 40 mins swimming last night a that was 559 calories but I don't eat them back though.