Anyone doing Jilian Michaels 30 day shred?



  • gettingfit65
    gettingfit65 Posts: 349 Member
    im basically jumping back n forth with the shred. i am currently pregnant n love how it keeps me i am on level 2 occasionally some days level 3. have a great workout!

    holy cow!! good for you!
  • gettingfit65
    gettingfit65 Posts: 349 Member
    Im on level 2 day 7 and so far im down 7 lbs and not sure how many inches! But i do it everyday with a one day break between levels!!!

    that's fantastic results...I wasn't going to measure until I was done 3 but maybe I will...I'll c
  • gettingfit65
    gettingfit65 Posts: 349 Member
    I've been doing it for about 2 weeks and think level II is easier in someways. The strength circuits are easier (no push-ups!) but there are sooo many lunges and plank position circuits. On second though, maybe it's not easier :/ That woman is a beast.

    Once I get past the first section in level 2 with the walking pushups than I don't mind it....she is tough that's for sure..
  • gettingfit65
    gettingfit65 Posts: 349 Member
    my progress so far!! :) I don't have measurements though. Letting it all hang out in both no sucking in or anything... And please don't mind my mr burns hand ;P

    Def a difference, can tell in your back below your bra line and also your tummy looks lifted. Good job!!!
  • JessicaRabbitskis
    JessicaRabbitskis Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you! This workout sure has me motivated! Seeing results this quick feels good :)
  • I just completed level 1 day 4 and it was harder than the first three. I'm hoping it was just because I had a long day (I do my workouts in the evenings). I so enjoy that they are only 20 minutes long. I would have given up already on a 45 minute video! I also appreciate that the first circuit is the hardest (for me at least) and once its over, its over.
  • yvonneseage
    yvonneseage Posts: 55 Member
    I'm enjoying the 30 day shred. Definitely seen am improvement in my fitness levels.
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    Meeeeeeeeee! Day 22, baby!
  • I've been doin the video for about two weeks but had to stop for a few days when I got the flu I started again but I'm having back surgery and wont be able to workout for a week. When I start again do I start at level one or two
  • I'm on day6 level1!! I love it!! I'm already wearing shirts and jeans that I had stashed in my closet for someday!! I'm so glad someday is closer than I thought!! Can't wait to get thru the 30 days and see some progress!!
  • astylla
    astylla Posts: 118 Member
    I started 3 days ago..first 2 days my quads were on fire and burning making it hard to go up and downstairs but still pushed through and worked out at the gm too. Today will be my 3rd day and i noticed the burning is gone and I feel "normal" but also feel tightness in my abdomen no complaints here ! I can't wait to do day 3 tonight.
  • ramonafrincu
    ramonafrincu Posts: 160 Member
    Today was day 5 for me. Love the shred! My legs are killing me. I did 30 minutes of NMTZ as well in the afternoon. But definitely I see an improvement on my fitness level.
  • I am doing it as well! Im on level 2, day 3.
    In the first 5 days of level 1 I lost 2 lbs.
    At the end of the 10 days I lost 2 inches.

    Level 2 is way harder, but I am sticking with it! Doing it daily
  • I'm on day 12, level 2. Gained 2 pounds but that's fine as long as I feel less wimpy. Haha! I think my upper back looks slightly better. I wish I took pics.
  • monicay75
    monicay75 Posts: 9 Member
    Im on day 4 of level 1, how long are you all staying on each level before moving up?
  • Sandra_M
    Sandra_M Posts: 41 Member
    Just completed day 8 of the 30 day shred and my fitness levels have definitely improved. She really is a task master!! Well worth it though!
  • jlambert77
    jlambert77 Posts: 77 Member
    I just finished day 7 of level 1.
    i've been taking measurements, and sortof weighing myself(using the scale at the Y..which is during the day, or evening..or whenever, so not really accurate or consistent)
    i'm not seeing any results, but i sure am feeling them! today, i shovelled for a half hour this morning, did a 15minute run, 5minutes of rowing and then did the shred after I got home...and I finished it! Definitely wouldn't have done that on day 1 ;)
  • jlambert77
    jlambert77 Posts: 77 Member
    my progress so far!! :) I don't have measurements though. Letting it all hang out in both no sucking in or anything... And please don't mind my mr burns hand ;P

    I see a major change! Good for you! :)
  • I'm on my second round of 30DS (meaning, all three levels, ten days each), right now I'm at L1 D3, doing D4 tonight.

    The first time I went through the shred it helped my take my 5k time from about 27 minutes to 23 minutes, which is one hell of a drop. It made me a lot more competitive of a runner, that's for sure.
  • Im on day 4 of level 1, how long are you all staying on each level before moving up?

    I did 8 days on level 1 and then went to level 2, I just finished day 13 and still on level 2, I think I will go to level 3 on day 19. I think most people do 10/10/10.