people can be so mean :(



  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    Karma is a *****....that D-Bag will get what's coming to him.....don't let it get to are doing marvelously! Keep up the fabulous work!
  • What a prick!! I was just telling my husband that I was going to start the walk at home program, and he is like why don't you walk outside. I said I don't want to walk outside because I don't want to be walking in public and it's embarrasing. So you totally just justified my point. Good for you for keeping on going though!!! Sorry he hurt your feelings. I have been there quiet a few times myself.
  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    :( Its people like that the reason why i don't run down my neighborhood. I don't know why people are so freakin immature and stupid. Just hearing about it struck a nerve! But the only think you can really do about people like that is to prayfor them. Sorry you had to go through that but God has us go through thinks like that to make us stronger people. Use it to your benefit. :smile:
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    PPl do that to take the focus off themselves and what is wrong with them! They have very low self esteem and by insulting someone else it makes them feel better about themselves, mistakenly so however.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    There are ignorant people all over the place. When my daughter came home upset for being made fun of I told her there are ignorant people and they just don't know any better, that their parents must not really love them or they would have taught them manners and they were taking it out on her because they didn't know any better. Well adults are the same. I told this one lady that my mother told me I would meet one rude person a day, and she was mine, and I thanked her for being my rude person so early in the day so I could enjoy the rest of the day and I wished her a good day. Oh yeah it was in the line of the grocery store the people started laughing at her she then felt like a fool and I felt good the rest of the day
  • GreenieBean
    GreenieBean Posts: 64
    You all have made some really good points and made me laugh! Thanks for your support, it really means a lot! It'll take a broken leg or something like that to keep me from running lol not some low life scum bag. :smile:
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I hear ya. I haven't yet gotten a comment like that, but I've noticed I've become even more self conscious, especially when working out. Even when I get to buy a smaller size in jeans, I'm self conscious that people will still just see me as fat. I still have a long way to go, but I've also come a long way. I seem to keep preparing myself for some comment to be able to defend how far I've come. And it's odd because I have never gotten any fat comments before, why do I think I will get them now? Yet I know that if I got a comment now, I would be sooooo much more offended by it now than I would have before. So I totally understand your reaction. I'm cheering for you to kick that jerk out of the back of your head and move on.

    The difference between you and rude people is you can lose weight but they'll always be an *kitten*
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I've been yelled and swerved at on my bike ("get your f-ing bike off the road, *****"), by some @ss who pulled into his church parking lot last Sunday just two blocks from where he yelled that at me. (And there was no need for it, I was over as far as I could be.) I've been wondering about these guys myself this past week and what the hell happened to them to make them such jerks. Not that I care, but I did find it helped me work out harder--because I made myself get angry about it, rather than being sad, and that honestly gives me more energy towards a killer workout than any kind of food ever could have.....

    People like that would read the law.
  • Beleau
    Beleau Posts: 143

    You got a good cry..and kept on running...I applaud you.... and this to shall pass (his comment)....just keep doing what you are doing towards a healthier you...chin up!!

  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    Cowardly d-bag!!!:mad: That's what he is and always will be...however I have a feeling this guy has a lot of bad karma that is going to bite him in the @$$!! Which I have to say makes me happy. You're gorgeous and strong don't let a coward change you or how you feel about all the amazing changes you are making. :flowerforyou:
  • TubOlard
    TubOlard Posts: 43 Member
    Hey. I just signed up here tonight so my comments may not mean much. I am a guy who used to be very athletic in high school but now face the fact that at the age of almost 41 that I have to deal with my weight that has doubled since my high school days. I have been embarrassed by it but never have made much of an effort to do anything about it.

    My doctor told me a few weeks ago that without significant weight loss over the next 6 months, I will probably be diabetic. My father was diabetic and his health went downhill after that and he died a few years ago. I want to be around for my family. That gets me to my point.

    Forget what others will say. You are making the effort to get where you want to be. You must take whatever hurtful things you hear from others and use them for your own motivation. Thrive off their arrogance and hatefulness and you have given yourself the extra motivation to reach your goal.
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    It makes me sad that that happened to you. I know we are stronger for facing adversity and can become kinder to others knowing how such things can hurt.

    Such a thing happened to me once, some kids got on an elevator I was on and I smiled at them and one of them told me I was ugly. Then they all laughed. The doors opened and they ran out. I'll never forget how shaken I felt.

    When I was growing up my mom had a little clipping on our kitchen bulletin board, it said: be kind to everyone you meet because you never know what sadness may be in a stranger's heart.

    As I write this, I know I've fallen short of that ideal. But you've reminded us that we need to try and at least in this place we can offer support and kindness for so many and receive it as well.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    WOW What a *kitten*! Any person who could ever think let alone do such a thing is a loser. Anyone who gets their thrills by putting people down needs to look in the mirror. Sorry that *kitten* hat got to you. But right on for taking that and burning it in to your work out. :flowerforyou: Your doing great :heart:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I hat ehearing that people still act thyis immature :/ I've had people stare when going to a restuarant dressed nicley for my birthday and I swear I feel their eyes on my every move as if my shirt would rip. I have had many jerks at previous jobs talk about my curves decently to my face, but then as soon as I'm out of sight (not hearing range though) the really hurtful comments come out and it's horrible. These people obviously aren't very happy with their own lives and decide to try and screw our day up. Well, just remember we are all beautiful (and handsome) people and we truly shine through. Karma will get ack at them ;)
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    I used to have a few mates that would do that kind of ****. Obviously I never made much effort to maintain those friendships. None of those guys that I knew do anything with their lives.

    People seem to really hate it when someone else improves. I guess it makes them feel worse by comparison or something. What a loser.
  • monmcb
    monmcb Posts: 35 Member
    I agree, what an *kitten*! Good for you for keep on keepin' on. People say mean things because they are not happy with their own situation. It sounds like this a-hole was jealous that he wasn't working out. I admire you for going on your daily run. Someday I hope I can too. Anywhoo, good luck and if you need us we're hear! =)
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    You have already proven that you are stronger, smarter, and more resilient than that creep just in the fact that you kept on running. So what, you shed some tears, but Karma will prevail. And I agree with some others on here that some people just have so much sadness and anger in their own heart that they must make everyone else miserable.

    Be proud of yourself and the accomplishments that you have achieved already. Even with that cruel remark, you kept running, logged on to MFP and talked it out....You didn't eat away your pain or sadness either!!!

    I, too, am mystified by the cruelty of strangers. On days that my RA is flaring and I am limping very badly or using my walker/cane, I will be stared at by grown adults with disgust in their eyes. The stares are so bad that sometimes I just break down and cry.

    Anyhoo, stay strong and keep doing what you're doing!!!!
  • nahhan12
    nahhan12 Posts: 79
    Not only was he being a jerk, but he was doing it when you were running for all things! It's not like you were scarfing down fries and a burger at McDonalds or something.. wow. It really takes willpower to continue working out after something like that. If I were you, I'd use him as a motivation on days that you don't feel like running. Next time he sees you running, he'll be biting his tongue because you'll have lost even more weight!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    The dude probably has a tiny d**k. LOL.

    People can be such a-holes. And I don't think you're alone on this one - I've been heckled when walking or running and I'm sure others have as well.

    I guess all we can do is flip 'em the bird and keep on going :happy:
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    Wow - what is the world coming too?

    I remember back 25 yrs or more I was with my male cousin (early 20's) and my sister (teenager) in the car and he yelled something similiar out the window to a woman who was bicycling...I don't know why he did it, but the only thing we could think of was to appear cool in front of his younger cousins. We ripped him to shreds and my sister pulled over and made him walk. If only more people would stick up for what is right then maybe *kitten* like this would cease to exist.

    DO NOT LET THIS HAMPER YOUR PROGRESS. You are doing something to change your life for the better, I'm so sorry this happened to you, but use it as motiviation and nothing else. Karma will get this kid, one day.

    PS - saw your photos and you are what I want to look like so keep up your efforts!!
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