Anyone In Their 20's Looking to Lose More than 50 LBS?

Hi guys, I've been a member for a long time however just started with the whole "community" thing. Would love to find some other people in their 20's who have more than 50 lbs to lose as that's what I'm looking to do.

I'm from Eastern NC, am a photographer, love to read and have a pet bunny. Reply if you meet the above requirements ; )



  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Oh, I'm 25 and trying to lose just 40lbs. close huh?

    I'm currently 30lbs down so only 10 more to go!

    ohhh, and good luck on your journey!! youll do great!!
  • Thanks! How long did it take you?
  • I'm 24 and need to lose 70 lbs. It's a great idea to reach out to people of similar ages and with similar goals. Thanks for creating this forum!
  • I'm 20, and being ambitious to lose 100 pounds to be considered a "healthy weight" but honestly, I would love to just lose 60!
  • pichiPurinsesu
    pichiPurinsesu Posts: 776 Member
    I'm 26 and need to shift around 70lb :) x
  • lindsienygaard
    lindsienygaard Posts: 72 Member
    I'm 22 and I've lost 57 so far...I want to lose another 30 tho
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    I am 24 and need to lose about 65lbs. :)
  • mzthiknez
    mzthiknez Posts: 37 Member
    yup me... going for 120 lbs lost.... already 1/2 way there!!!!
  • 23 and looking to lose over 100 pounds add me if you want xx
  • aleyjewell
    aleyjewell Posts: 65 Member
    i am 26 and looking to lose another 80lbs. Friends on here are awesome. It helps keep me encouraged and honest. Anyone feel free to add.
  • Andrew_peter
    Andrew_peter Posts: 94 Member
    26 and need to lose 93 lbs to get to my healthy weight. Been at it for just over a month now and going great!!
  • I am 26 and looking to lose 80 lbs to reach my goal. I lost about 25lbs but gain back 12lbs. I hope to go all the way this time!
  • 22 and need to lose about 75lbs, so far been doing a solid 2 per week which I hope to continue for as long as possible. I'm approaching my first stone which is really great :)
  • I'm 19. I started at 200 pounds and have gotten down to 180, but I'm still looking to lose another 30-50 pounds...I LOVE new friends so feel free to add me!
  • ladydockins
    ladydockins Posts: 12 Member
    Oh yes I need to lose more than 50lbs, marriage has not been kind to my waist line lol. I'm a stay at home mom of three little boys and what did me in was learning how to cook. I was totally fine when I was single living on fruit, cottage cheese and caffiene. Now it's time I learned to say no to wonderful southern comfort food and yes to getting my sexy back!! :tongue: I would love new friends, I need all the support I can get, as my awesome husband can't really relate to my weight issues seeing as he has always been in perfect shape so feel free to add me.
  • Bobtheangrytomato
    Bobtheangrytomato Posts: 251 Member
    25 and looking to lose around 70-80 lbs
  • im 21... definitely motivated to lose 50 :)
  • simplyxaddicted
    simplyxaddicted Posts: 292 Member
    I am 22 and want to lose 60 pounds add me !
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Just about 25yrs here and on track to losing 51lbs :) Feel free to add me, I try to motivate and support the best I can!
  • limico91
    limico91 Posts: 68 Member
    Im Lisa and 21 from UK :)
    Ive lost 95 lbs so far with at least another 20 to go. Going through a rough patch with losing weight atm, but still try to give support and always looking for new friends :)