New Round of P90X!



  • vanessawaw
    vanessawaw Posts: 18 Member
    heeey, sorry, im new here.. what should I do in first day of p90X?? do "how to bring it" or stright to "day 1 schedule" ?
    or I should doing both?? need helpp ><
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    heeey, sorry, im new here.. what should I do in first day of p90X?? do "how to bring it" or stright to "day 1 schedule" ?
    or I should doing both?? need helpp ><

    Just go right into Day 1. You can watch "how to bring it" any time but I skimmed through it the day before I started. Not essential, in my opinion. Go for it, and good luck!
  • razor_fever
    razor_fever Posts: 41 Member
    heeey, sorry, im new here.. what should I do in first day of p90X?? do "how to bring it" or stright to "day 1 schedule" ?
    or I should doing both?? need helpp ><

    Just go right into Day 1. You can watch "how to bring it" any time but I skimmed through it the day before I started. Not essential, in my opinion. Go for it, and good luck!

    Yeah start with Day 1. And don't get discouraged, it does get easier.

    Good luck!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    heeey, sorry, im new here.. what should I do in first day of p90X?? do "how to bring it" or stright to "day 1 schedule" ?
    or I should doing both?? need helpp ><

    Hey! Welcome to the group! Yes, all of what the guys said above......go for it! But, you should review that "how to bring it." Make sure you print out your workout sheets so you can keep track of your progress; it'll help you so you know and can see how you've progressed. Also, take before pics and measurements!!! You'll be glad you did! Don't go all out and try to keep up with Tony the first couple of weeks, do what you can and modify where needed; you will get stronger and it will get easier! I promise! And of course, have fun! Looking forward to hearing about it!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Legs & Back & Abs are done!!! Whew! I don't know why but I don't agree with most people on this workout; it's not my favorite. Probably because I'd much rather work my upper body than lower. But, I do like that tight feeling in my legs when I'm done! Good stuff! What's your favorite move from Legs & Back? Mine is the Groucho Walk because I feel it in my inner thighs! :bigsmile: That's where I need the most work.

    So, I've had my whey protein and I'll be ready for a good breakfast soon! Looking forward to my Sunday rest day!

    Have a great day everyone and way to get up and get at it!
  • Nate0047
    Nate0047 Posts: 105
    Cardio X done

    @ ddavies - yes, I'm very excited about the "official" start. I've mostly spent this week trying to find all the equipment I need to do the workout, which is not so easy in Mother Russia. I think I have it all now, though.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Legs & Back + Ab Ripper X done. I got a little out of order this week and did plyo yesterday. Never again will I do plyo the day before legs! Whew, I'm tired!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Legs & Back + Ab Ripper X done. I got a little out of order this week and did plyo yesterday. Never again will I do plyo the day before legs! Whew, I'm tired!

    WOW!!! Now that's a beast move!
  • >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Legs & Back & Abs are done!!! Whew! I don't know why but I don't agree with most people on this workout; it's not my favorite. Probably because I'd much rather work my upper body than lower. But, I do like that tight feeling in my legs when I'm done! Good stuff! What's your favorite move from Legs & Back? Mine is the Groucho Walk because I feel it in my inner thighs! :bigsmile: That's where I need the most work.

    So, I've had my whey protein and I'll be ready for a good breakfast soon! Looking forward to my Sunday rest day!

    Have a great day everyone and way to get up and get at it!

    So I guess we are both on the same week and day of Phase 1 :) Happy coincidence! haha I haven't done my workout yet but I'm about to get at it! I like Legs and Back I don't have to spend all that time changing out weights. Can't wait for my Sunday rest day either, then we are halfway through Phase 1! Bring it!

    No changes on the scale but over the past month I've dropped around 7% body fat, NSV! Gonna be a long journey from wannabe to poolee to recruit and hopefully to Marine.
  • Nate0047
    Nate0047 Posts: 105
    plyo x done. measurements recorded and photos taken so I can do a before and after compare when I finish P90X. So happy tomorrow is a rest day.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    plyo x done. measurements recorded and photos taken so I can do a before and after compare when I finish P90X. So happy tomorrow is a rest day.

    Good luck in the program!!
  • razor_fever
    razor_fever Posts: 41 Member
    Shoulders & Arms - DONE.

    Did 2 more sets of Shoulders/Biceps/Triceps after the DVD was done too. I'll probably feel that in my shoulder tomorrow
  • abaxter02
    abaxter02 Posts: 23 Member
    Day 1 of week 5......done! Chest, shoulders and triceps today, and boy did I feel the burn. Can't wait to what these next few weeks bring!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey guys! Hope everyone had a great weekend! I'm ready for week 3! Stocked up on good clean foods this weekend, got everything prepped and ready to go!

    Can't believe I'm already starting week 3!! Here we go!
  • Jacleepin
    Jacleepin Posts: 48 Member
    Okay, so I bought p90x a couple years ago, but have never even popped in a dvd. I think I have been too intimidated by it. I would really like to try the program, and I would love a support system.
  • Nate0047
    Nate0047 Posts: 105
    @ Jacleepin - welcome to the group, and good luck with P90X

    Day 1/90 for me. Chest and back done! Ab ripper done! I'm really going to feel that one tomorrow. On to a healthy lunch!
  • razor_fever
    razor_fever Posts: 41 Member
    Okay, so I bought p90x a couple years ago, but have never even popped in a dvd. I think I have been too intimidated by it. I would really like to try the program, and I would love a support system.

    It's not that bad once you get into it. I went through each DVD once just to get a feel for the moves. Then I started in earnest.

    Good luck!

    Oh yeah, Kenpo X - DONE.

    I was supposed to do Plyo but after a poor night's sleep didn't feel up to it. So I subbed in Kenpo. I might add a 10 Minute Cardio tonight after work
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Okay, so I bought p90x a couple years ago, but have never even popped in a dvd. I think I have been too intimidated by it. I would really like to try the program, and I would love a support system.

    Welcome! Don't be intimidated, it really isn't that bad, it's actually fun and a great workout. Your first week will be tough but do what you can and don't try to match Tony and the gang on the numbers because you will get stronger!

    When do you plan on starting? We'll be here for ya when you do! Go get it girl!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good morning! Week 3 begins! Chest & Back and Abs done! Feeling good and upped my reps on some push ups and also went heavier on the weights! Woo hoo!!!

    Tonight, I plan to get on my ellyptical while I watch the Biggest Loser!

    Glad to see everyone pushing play!
  • abaxter02
    abaxter02 Posts: 23 Member
    Plyometrics done! Not sure if it was a good idea to workout before heading into work today, but at least I will get tobed at a decent time tonight!
    I also went to the store and stocked up on good, clean foods.