New Round of P90X!



  • Eafears
    Eafears Posts: 135 Member
    Hi, I hope I can still join even though I will be behind. I am starting today, P90X Classic. I got through to week 9 a few months ago and then sprained my ankle very bad while running. I lost a lot of my motivation after that and I feel like I am about to be dissappointed with how weak I have become compared to where I was a few months ago. I just have to give that up and get on with it. I am looking forward to having a group to check in with and to have help keeping motivated. Anyway good luck to you all, it's a great program.
  • paulinegrant01
    paulinegrant01 Posts: 22 Member
    bump for next week
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Morning! I'm on week 2 and tonight I have Shoulders & Arms / Ab Ripper X. I love this workout! :D
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    I'm on week six now ( going into phase two in one week. P90 x has definitely changed my body in 6 weeks. The yoga( although I have never taken a class ) is too easy for me I think. Yet Kenpox feels like I'm windmilling in all directions lol. I like to burn at least 500 calories a work out so . I skip stretch on rest day sometimes, but yoga and Kenpox days I hit the gym an extra hour lifting weights. Now the ab ripper I HATE IT..... But I love it.
  • mdz79
    mdz79 Posts: 9
    Today is my DAY1 - I have just completed Chest&Back - I hope I will be able to move tomorrow. I did my best and I can feel even now that tomorrow will be PAINDAY :laugh:
  • Eafears
    Eafears Posts: 135 Member
    Just finished Chest and Back and Ab Ribber. Wow! It was tougher than I remember especially the Dive Bombers. I can't believe I used to do 10 of those, I barely did 1 today. But I feel great because I got up off my butt and did it!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Wow! Look at the activity here! I love it! Welcome to everyone who's just joining us! Please stick around, share your journey with everyone!

    @Eafears: I hear ya! I just started week 3 but I haven't done P90X in well over a year and I agree with you; that first workout was harder than I remember! lol Way to push through!

    Remember for those that are in Phase I, protein, protein, protein! Drink lots of water too! You can't get results without the nutrition part of it!

    Keep bringing it!
  • mdz79
    mdz79 Posts: 9
    Hello Everyone,

    I have maybe little bit off the topic question but it is very important for me. I am in P90X program - Day 1. I think I missed something or so but I do not understand whether I can eat less than what is in the nutrition plan.
    To be honest, I have tried today to eat as much as written in the guide but I just simply couldn't eat it all.

    I now I am big guy - Level III but ...

    Any Ideas???
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Chest & Back + Ab Ribber X done! I did a little extra credit today and worked on some negatives with the pullup bar to build strength. Even did some swings with my Ultimate Sandbag and squats for fun.
  • Nate0047
    Nate0047 Posts: 105
    @ mdz79 - I would watch your calories and energy levels. I am actually eating fewer calories on P90X than MFP recommends, but yet I have more energy than before, so I am not that worried about it. If you have enough energy to do everything, including the workout, you are probably fine.
  • Nate0047
    Nate0047 Posts: 105
    Day 2/90 - Plyo X done!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I have maybe little bit off the topic question but it is very important for me. I am in P90X program - Day 1. I think I missed something or so but I do not understand whether I can eat less than what is in the nutrition plan.
    To be honest, I have tried today to eat as much as written in the guide but I just simply couldn't eat it all.

    I now I am big guy - Level III but ...

    Any Ideas???

    If you did the calculations in the guide book, then I would stick to it as closely as possible. Now, you don't have to eat exactly what they have laid out, but just make sure your ratios are on track. If you have the energy to get through the workouts, you should be fine. It's when you "bonk" that's no good! That's when you know you need to up the calories (the right calories of course). Hang in there and take a look at it again in a couple of weeks, let your body adjust.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good morning X'ers!!! :drinker:

    Well, today is one of my P90X teaching days (overall body workout), so I did 30 min on my ellyptical this morning and tonight, I teach! I'm looking forward to tomorrow's workout; I love working my upper body!

    Love to see the energy here! Keep it up!
  • abaxter02
    abaxter02 Posts: 23 Member
    Back and biceps done for the day, along with ab ripperx! This is the farthest I've ever made it in p90x and feeling quite proud of myself =)
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Back and biceps done for the day, along with ab ripperx! This is the farthest I've ever made it in p90x and feeling quite proud of myself =)

    Woo hoo!!!! Way to go girl! Keep up the momentum! Get those results! They belong to you! :drinker:
  • razor_fever
    razor_fever Posts: 41 Member
    Chest/Shoulders/Triceps - DONE!
  • Eafears
    Eafears Posts: 135 Member
    Been running around all day so I got a late work out in, but Day 2 Plyo is done! I think with this being my second go at it, Plyo was so much better today. I wasn't so concerned with getting the moves down as I was with working on landing softly and it made it easier to get through plus i still burned 600 cals. I'm good with that. Hope everyone had a great day.
  • Nate0047
    Nate0047 Posts: 105
    Day 3/90 - Shoulders and arms and abs done! I love the shoulders and arms workout. So much fun.
  • razor_fever
    razor_fever Posts: 41 Member
    Back & Biceps - DONE

    That's 11 P90X workouts done since 2/2
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Shoulder & Arms & Abs done!!! Love, love, love this workout! I even increased my weight on most moves! Also, I've been drinking a whey protein before my workout; more beneficial than post workout! Feeling good!

    This morning, I put on a button up shirt and the sleeves are a tad bit snug!!! Love it!!!! :bigsmile:

    Man, you guys are rockin it!! Everyone starting to see some results or any progress made? Hope you're all using your workout sheets!

    Have a great day! I'll be increasing my calories today since I teach yet again tonight! Sooooo looking forward to recovery week next week! And then, on to phase II already! Bring it!!!!