pet peeve...



  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Also, another thing I cant STAND is that noise of when a knife and/or fork scrape across the plate. It is torture!
  • Jlennhikes
    Jlennhikes Posts: 290 Member
    oh forgot affect versus effect! Affect is a verb effect is a noun.

    "Effect" can also be a verb.
  • Jlennhikes
    Jlennhikes Posts: 290 Member
    Biggest peeve for me..... drivers who drive slow in the fast lane!! People, move into the right hand lane when another vehicle is on your bumper! Geesh!!!

    I'm with you on this one. I drive hundreds of miles a week, and there's a three-lane freeway I use often where people string themselves across the three lanes (when there isn't a lot of traffic) and drive a couple miles below the speed limit, so it's difficult to get around them. If I'm in the mood to drive slowly, I stay in the slow lane.
  • tosize2
    tosize2 Posts: 32
    You mean "punctuation."
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    I am going to sound like a horrible person...but I cannot stand it when people whistle!!! There was a coworker in an office across the hall that whistled all day long and it annoyed me to no end. I promise I am not a crazy person.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    You mean "punctuation."

    she apologized for that on page one:ohwell:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    When people going into the gym have to park in the closest spot possible; then they go in and get on the treadmill for an hour! :grumble:

    Haha, this one gets me too. Another similar one which I see all the time is when people drive their dogs to a field to take it for a walk.

    I would have agreed with this until I actually experience the wonders of a dog park last month. We took our dog to visit my cousin in the Chicago suburbs and I was fascinated with the number of people at the dog park and how great the dogs got along when allowed to play off the leash in the park.

    My pet peeve is spelling errors. My frustration is that my iPhone doesn't have a spellchecker - now I'm part of the problem!!!

    My second pet peeve is road rage driving (DH does this and drives me bonkers!!!!)
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    An oldy but a goody. Putting back an empty container in the fridge or one with less than a serving of whatever. This week my daughter put back an empty egg carton. I just looked at her and said "Really?" :huh:
  • abredbenner
    abredbenner Posts: 125 Member
    When people leave shopping carts in parking lot of the grocery store. Is walking 50 feet to return it really that much trouble?
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    Biggest peeve for me..... drivers who drive slow in the fast lane!! People, move into the right hand lane when another vehicle is on your bumper! Geesh!!!
    I agree, but what's worse is people who drive on other people's bumpers! :laugh:
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I have so many I don't even know where to begin.
    Chewing loudly and crunching is one of mine (like someone else said) I hate it when someone eats chips near me.
    Whistling drives me crazy as well as the sound of keys clinking around.
    This isn't going to be popular, but when people complain about others spelling, if I knew how to spell it correctly I would, I use spell check but I've always been a bad speller. I'm self-conscience about it enough without everyone saying they hate it on facebook, MFP, etc.:smile:
    When I clean the house spotless and my hubby comes in and puts his lunch dishes from work in the sink rather then the dishwasher.
    My biggest one of all is when someone is driving, realizes they have missed their exit, driveway, what have you and just STOP! Really? Just because you messed up doesn't mean you have to make everyone else stop. Drive up the next block, turn around and go back to where you need to go. Why stop traffic because you need to get into that lane. Better yet, the jack A%$ who missed the on-ramp for the freeway today and cut in front of 3 lanes of trafic as the light just turned green for them to go.
    I'm sure I will be back more to rant in a bit as more come to mind :laugh:
  • snookeroo
    snookeroo Posts: 1,992 Member
    The extra fees that are always tacked onto the price of a concert ticket.
    "Convenience charge" "Handling fee" "Order Processing Fee"
    What a bunch of crap! Ticket prices are too high even without these ominous contributions!!
    And, to add insult to injury, for the leasure of printing your own tickets at home:
    - You save them money
    - You save them paper
    - You save them ink
    - You save them envelopes
    - You save them postage
    - You save them an employee doing the work
    And you are still subject to these bogus expenses!!!!!

    Why not put a tip jar on the counter or a place to submit an online
  • Vallandingham
    Vallandingham Posts: 2,177
    The extra fees that are always tacked onto the price of a concert ticket.
    "Convenience charge" "Handling fee" "Order Processing Fee"
    What a bunch of crap! Ticket prices are too high even without these ominous contributions!!
    And, to add insult to injury, for the leasure of printing your own tickets at home:
    - You save them money
    - You save them paper
    - You save them ink
    - You save them envelopes
    - You save them postage
    - You save them an employee doing the work
    And you are still subject to these bogus expenses!!!!!

    Why not put a tip jar on the counter or a place to submit an online

    "Everywhere you leak, somebody hangs a bucket."

    -- Gallagher
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Mine are mostly driver related. I agree with slow fast-lane drivers and tailgaters the same. But may I add....

    The declining usage of a great invention. The BLINKER!:grumble:

    If you want to get in front of me, don't cut me off and cuss me out because I did not utilize the miracle of ESP to know what you wanted and where you were going.

    And the elementary school parking lot. It is a very simple process. You drive through the drop-off lane to DROP-OFF your kid. You do not park there so you can walk your kid to the door. PERIOD! Can you not see the big yellow words painted all over the ground that say "NO PARKING". Leaving the car running still counts as parking.

    Also, when you are pulling out of a parking lot that is a one way drive way. There are arrows painted to let you know that this lane goes this way > and this lane goes this way <. So please do not pull into this lane > and try to turn this way < and cuss me out for being in your way. There are no words to even challenge yourself with. They are simple arrows! Seriously, its not hard. Your kintergardener can understand it.......
    You know, that kid you just walked to the door while your car was parked and left running half on the sidewalk and half in the drop off lane causing a backup of traffic out onto the main road and making 42 other students tardy while you stopped to chat it up with your PTA friends.

    OK. I'm done. Feel better now. Can you tell I just came from the school parking lot?:laugh:
  • sfischer1979
    sfischer1979 Posts: 5 Member
    People who chew with their mouth open! I have noticed this becoming more and more the "norm" when I look around when I am out to eat. I hound my son about it daily (often it will be a few times in a day) and would expect that others do to, but no. People are perfectly content to show off their food and make disgusting noises as they chew their cud! AAAAHHHHH, we are not animals, we are people!

    Ok, so it bothers me more than a little bit :explode:
  • Vallandingham
    Vallandingham Posts: 2,177
    My biggest pet peeve is people who are not listening. They are just waiting for a break in the conversation so they can interject their thoughts.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    hmmm people who name their children ludicrous names. They have to spend a lifetime spelling and repeating it to people.

    People who have blue badges that clearly don't need them or who (like my neighbour) use their parents/spouses to park for free or in the easy spots.

    How the companies put a serving size on the nutrition panel that is SO tiny nobody would use it, they are only doing it so that at a quick or unthinking glance people think something is less calorific than it is (Honey Nut Cheerios is one that springs to mind, serving size is 30g, 111 calories, 30g is just over two table spoons, I defy anyone to say this is a legitimate serving size, it's just a con)
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    hmmm people who name their children ludicrous names. They have to spend a lifetime spelling and repeating it to people.

    I've worked in some dental offices for kids and have seens some dooseys! Some of the names that stuck:
    Cash Monet
    Sir Frederick
    Just to name the ones I can spell....
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    How about Summer Rabbit?

    I suppose at least it's not Jessica....
  • buggaboo73
    buggaboo73 Posts: 169
    Well #1 is unannounced guests.

    #2 is poor spelling and punctuation when you are writing for public viewing. If you're writing for people to see, crack the dictionary, that's my feeling.

    #3 is someone telling me to smile. I hate this one. If I'm deep in thought or concentrating, I am probalby not smiling, it doesn't make me unfriendly, it just means I can't multi-task.

    #4 last but not least, discussions or remarks about religion or politics that are made in inappropriate places. Really, some people think their beliefs and opinions are so dang important we all need to know about them, no matter the context. It's like they assume you are going to agree.

    Other than that I'm pretty easy. I don't sweat the small stuff. Just call before you come over and once you get here don't tell me to smile, write me a note full of obvious spelling errors or try to engage me in religious or political debate.....and it will all be good! :laugh: