Any Menopause weight loss success stories?



  • sphira
    sphira Posts: 132 Member
    I'm 48 and 10 years post menopausal. I'm doing it by eating better (not less) and moving more. I do cardio almost every day and starting lifting between Christmas and New Year's, lifting 3x a week. I strongly believe the weight lifting is giving me back a figure that I lost with the menopause in that I'm finally getting a waist again. I've never purposefully exercised until the August of 2011. It's definitely possible to have successful weight loss after menopause.

    I am 5'5", started at 188 (and a size 17), and am currently 142 (size 6 or 8). More concerned with the reflection in the mirror, but I think I want to see 135 on the scale.

    Thank you so much for sharing your story, it really gives me hope. My FSH level confirmed I am post menopausal (last month) and I just turned 42 at the end of 2012. I gained about 10 pounds last year. I started MFP early January and have lost 3 pounds so far. It is a slow process and some days are harder than others. I started exercising this year and really enjoy weight lifting. The hardest part for me is the hot flashes, I am up 10-15 times per night!

    Thanks again everyone for sharing your stories.
  • FitNWise
    FitNWise Posts: 12 Member
    Bumping to save
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I'm 52 years and have lost about 35 lbs. since July 2012. I am now at maintenance, increasing my fitness by lifting weights and doing an exercise video daily.

    Lots of success stories on this thread:

    Good luck to you!
  • tadlana
    tadlana Posts: 27 Member
    bump to save
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'm 60 and have lost weight by basically staying within the calorie goal that MFP gave me based on my weight loss goals. I generally eat back calories burned though exercise (with calories burned being measured by my heart rate monitor). I exercise at least 3 days at the gym and do a combination of cardio and weight lifting. I reset my macros to include more protein than MFP automatically sets, and I try to focus on lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. I do eat the occasional piece of chocolate and have a glass of wine now and then. I'm pretty much at my goal weight but I am trying still working on fitness goals. Honestly I don't think that menopause has much to do with it--it has to do with how much food you put in your mouth vs. how many calories you burn.

    :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • kathymc54
    kathymc54 Posts: 56 Member
    bump - helpful thread!
  • JessicaZen
    JessicaZen Posts: 149 Member
    I had a hysterectomy I have Hypothyroidism and PCOS and have lost 119 pounds with about 56 more to go I don't eliminate anything but I have everything in moderation. Probably if I eliminated some not so good things like sweets I would lose faster but I also have excercise to thank as well. I am also 41 so I had all the odds stacked against me. All you need is patience and hard work and dedication and portion control if you would like to add me that would be nice.Good luck.
  • sukielovesveggies
    sukielovesveggies Posts: 12 Member
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    bump as well, too early to tell
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'm 55 now. [Edit: and about 3 years or so post menopausal.] I started in January before I turned 50 in April at my top weight of 205 pounds (before menopause). Hypothyroid since age 19. Sit behind a desk at home all day. Mainly walking with some strength training now and then.

    My last straws were being sick and tired of not being able to put my pants on while standing, starting to have difficulty with "short arms" in the bathroom, and getting out of breath while trying to walk fast or on a slight uphill grade.

    I started with a mission statement to never give up. EVER. I started with some soul searching and making a list of what I would and would not do. I would walk. I would not join a gym. I would do exercise videos at home. I would ride my bike. I won't do any crazy diet. I would not do a high protein diet, a low carb diet, or take any "products". I would eat real food and make healthy lifestyle changes once and for all. I would do a diet I could sustain for the rest of my life so I don't have to "learn" anything new about how to eat and keep the weight off again. I know what healthy food is and I knew I was eating too much crap so I weaned myself off of all remaining junk food in the house and told myself when it is gone, it is gone.

    I started drinking water. Started walking 30 minutes a day. I am too old for crazy exercise and don't want to get hurt. Got the Dr. Oz book: You on a Diet and followed his advice to the letter: get rid of all junk food, food containing sugar, food containing refined grains. Eat only whole grains, veggies, fruits, nuts, and fish and poultry. Cut way back on saturated fats. I lost 53 pounds eating like this in maybe 9 months. My weight loss for the big picture was 1.1 pounds a week over time. I journaled every thing I ate. I learned a lot about MY body and how MY BODY processes food and which foods cause ME to gain and which foods help ME to lose and how many calories I could eat to get away with. I also learned that hunger would not kill me. I hadn't been hungry in years. Now I felt hungry a lot and ti didn't kill me. I made sensible snacks of 3 figs, 6 Triscuits, or 12 almonds and it really did help. It took time for the snacks to register but when they did I was fine. I stopped eating mindlessly out of the bag or box.

    I did some backsliding for 2 - 3 years and gained 20 pounds. I got serious again. I joined MFP, for motivational help and while I continued to lose slowly, I never gave up. I always look for new information for what will help me. My current diet is about 80% Vegan with ETL. I've learned a new healthier philosophy that works for me. My joint pain is gone, I am NEVER hungry and I get to eat unlimited delicious produce. I still fight with sugar and sweets, but I no longer stop at gas stations to get peanut butter cups when I buy gas, I never feel like eating a big meat dinner out because I feel so much better and more awake eating a plant strong diet. I find when I do have a piece of cake or cookies over the holidays i dont feel so good and the cravings come roaring back. Currently fighting off the last of the 8 pounds I gained over the holidays because I began eating "normally" again. I know what works for me and my hat is off to those who just eat smaller amounts of pizza and cookies, and hamburgers. That philosophy will only lead me down the garden path to 205 pounds again and a size 16. Currently I am a size 4. For the first time in my adult life I am below a size 12. I am at Jr. High size for me and I feel great! I don't want to be fat again. I was so self conscious and felt like I was hiding from life. Now I am in the front row for pictures. Let everyone else stand in the back row and hide!

    :flowerforyou: :smooched: :flowerforyou:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I had a hysterectomy I have Hypothyroidism and PCOS and have lost 119 pounds with about 56 more to go I don't eliminate anything but I have everything in moderation. Probably if I eliminated some not so good things like sweets I would lose faster but I also have excercise to thank as well. I am also 41 so I had all the odds stacked against me. All you need is patience and hard work and dedication and portion control if you would like to add me that would be nice.Good luck.

    Wow, 119 pounds is tremendous:drinker: Thanks so much for replying!!!
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    Yep, 21 lbs and several sizes down. Calories in < Calories out=weight loss. I eat what I want, just less that I was before. I drink what I want, just less that I did before. I exercise 30-45 minutes every day. Belly fat is the last to come off. I am still working on that through lifting weights. Open diary.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I had success post-menopause by cutting out most processed foods, keeping my carbs fairly low and walking everday. I've now added some strength training as well.

    Good luck to you in your journey.

    Wow...this sounds like the EXACT recipe for success for me, thanks for posting!
  • mforsis
    The good news is I don't get the water weight increase each month (5 - 10 lb) . The bad news is metabolism is slower so it is harder to lose the weight. That should be good news for younger women as it gives them another reason learn to eat healthy and stay their healthy weight younger.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Yep, 21 lbs and several sizes down. Calories in < Calories out=weight loss. I eat what I want, just less that I was before. I drink what I want, just less that I did before. I exercise 30-45 minutes every day. Belly fat is the last to come off. I am still working on that through lifting weights. Open diary.

    Thanks for posting!!! My ugly belly fat and flab is the first to come off...BUT ONLY if and when I cut back on stuff and work-out daily--it does seem to be harder for me these days, harder mentally especially too :ohwell:
  • lkc2854
    lkc2854 Posts: 16 Member
    I went through menopause at the age of 41 and weighed 212 pounds at the time at 5'5".

    When I retired from the post office 4 years ago at the age of *almost* 55 and quit smoking, my weight went up to 238. I started working out 4 days a week -- 2 days cardio and strength training and 2 days water aerobics. I began focusing on protein and whole grains, cutting out all refined carbs (flour, sugar, etc.), reduced my fat intake and replaced the sodas with water.

    In 11 months, I went from 238 pounds to 137 pounds and have kept it off for over 2 years now. I'm just amazed at the amount of calories I can eat and still maintain my weight. But I'm told that the consistent exercise causes my body to burn calories more efficiently.

    I just turned 59 and feel better than I did when I was in my 30's. :)
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I went through menopause at the age of 41 and weighed 212 pounds at the time at 5'5".

    When I retired from the post office 4 years ago at the age of *almost* 55 and quit smoking, my weight went up to 238. I started working out 4 days a week -- 2 days cardio and strength training and 2 days water aerobics. I began focusing on protein and whole grains, cutting out all refined carbs (flour, sugar, etc.), reduced my fat intake and replaced the sodas with water.

    In 11 months, I went from 238 pounds to 137 pounds and have kept it off for over 2 years now. I'm just amazed at the amount of calories I can eat and still maintain my weight. But I'm told that the consistent exercise causes my body to burn calories more efficiently.

    I just turned 59 and feel better than I did when I was in my 30's. :)

    What???!!!????'re my shero, thank you so much for posting this super encouraging reply!!!!

    :heart: :drinker: :heart:
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 723 Member
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I'm starting to have pre-menopausal systems, they started about a year ago and then stopped, then last week the hot flashes came back with a vengeance. It looks like I'm already doing what other women have done, working out and eating right and strength training. Hoping that's enough to keep my metabolism up so that I prepared when the real thing hits.
    JNALTBK Posts: 136 Member
    Hi ... Im 67 years old and about 15 years post-menopausal. Have been struggling with my weight and yo-yo dieting most of my adult life and have used every excuse in the book for not being able to either lose weight, or keep it off once I lost it. I don't think that being post-menopausal is an excuse for staying overweight. But I don't think I can lose weight as quickly as I did when I was younger. I find that keeping my carbs low, getting lots of good lean protein, veggies, and some fruit, along with keeping more active than I find comes naturally really helps. It's taken me 2 years to lose 31 lbs and I still have about that much to go, and I'm o.k. if it takes another two years to achieve that. I found that anytime I've lost weight quickly, it went back on just as quickly so now I'm taking the "scenic route" instead of the "freeway", and refusing to give up even if there are setbacks from time to time. As long as I keep plugging away, the scale will slowy move in the right direction and I've learned to like myself where I am, but at the same time look forward to reaching my goal. Don't be too hard on yourself. Good luck!!
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