Gym Etiquette - what bugs you?



  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    The women who get all dolled up for the gym and just sit on the weight machines talking to each other. And the men who wear do much cologne.
  • joslynlpribble
    My top three are:

    * not wiping the machines down after using thme - just plain gross
    * talking on cell phones, especially loudly so EVERYONE has to hear the conversation - just plain rude
    * leave dirty towels laying around all over the locer room instead of putting them in the bin to be washed - just plain inconsiderate
  • angelpearls
    angelpearls Posts: 17 Member
    My problem isn't so much about etiquette, just a pet peeve. I hate that the unused eliptical are all of a sudden popular. I started to go between two machines that are out of the way. I never used to see people using them, but it seems that now that I use them at 9am they have become popular. I swear I never saw people on those machines before at 9am. Now apparently they are the best machines at the gym. They aren't even the best eliptical, I had to move from the good ones after new years because of the resolutioners.
  • emtb319
    My biggest pet peeve is the person who shows up late to class and then 'squeezes' herself in right on top of me. Oh and she also needs to take up the space of 3 people. One gal almost got punched multiple times in my last class because I was concentrating on the moves and not watching her.
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 278 Member
    People "running" on the treadmill that jump on the sides every two minutes to get a drink of water, adjust something for a minute, and talk about how they run so much, but just aren't seeing any results.

    I do this, it's called intervals. When Im jumping on the sides, Im changing my speed, cause I can't multi task (same goes for the sip of water). Although I don't complain about how I'm not making progress, because I am....I used to run and 5.5 and now can run at 6.3 for 10 min and am up to 7.3 for a min and a half.....I run/walk for a total of 35 min, 3.5 miles.
  • dallas4u
    People who don't respect my personal space and boundaries. For example, I really hate it when someone gets right on the elliptical right next to me when all of the other ellipticals are available. My gym has rows and rows of ellipticals - so this isn't an issue of availability. It isn't like that person is hitting on me either - just no personal space. This happens with both men and women.

    Also, I don't like it when the gym turns into the meat market. I go there to sweat and lose weight - not to stare at you and I certainly don't want you staring at me.
  • dallas4u
    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then they block your view of the instructor or sit in personal space. This happens in body pump a lot.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Worked out last night and it was dead, yet I still couldn't use the incline bench I wanted because a couple douchetards were using it for a weight rack. They were doing some ridiculous long circuit where they used it for maybe a total of 5 minutes through the course of an hour, but left 135 lbs of weights sitting on it the whole time. RAGE.
  • cairee
    cairee Posts: 95 Member
    this thread has reminded me why I hated gyms and now work out exclusivly at home
    when I did use a gym, people not wiping down the machines was what bugged me the most, closely followed by people who used any machine as a seat to relax on rather than exercise on.
  • paleirishmother
    People who *itch all the time about what other people are doing at the gym.
  • Sara_Pulsifer
    I really dont go to the gym much now because I have my own equipment at home I can use. Not as good as the gyms or as good of a variety but I feel more comfortable there.
    Anyways, I use to HATE being gawked at. Cant stand it. But I hate being gawked at in general anyway so yeah :)
  • DisputedEnds
    When i get rushed off the power rack because people just give you dirty looks when they have to use it and im not going fast enough for them...i never get to get my full sets in because they always go up and ask how many more sets you have and i just started and they saw me just start. Strong logic people.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    There was a guy at the gym this morning who sums up most of my peeves. He sat on a machine...with a cup of soda...did maybe three reps at a wimpy level...and then sat there on the machine reading a newspaper. After about ten minutes of being in other people's way, he moved to another machine...three wimpy reps and read the newspaper. And then again. I could see what he was doing because I was on the balcony doing my cardio and he was right below me on the main floor. He got so many nasty looks from people who wanted the machines he was using as a reading room. There's a lobby with soft chairs, doofus!! Go there! !! I almost wonder if he was just doing it to get a reaction...he kept looking around, but didn't seem to be waiting for anyone. Well if what he wanted was to annoy lots of worked! Get off the ab crunch machine unless you're using it! I have other things to do with my time than watch you read the paper!
  • skiersteve12345
    skiersteve12345 Posts: 89 Member
    people curling in the squat rack ...
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    Girls completely dolled up! Ugh... booty shorts as well. Girls who come with guys and "act" like they want to be there and then as soon as the guys leave they don't do anything. Seriously, why bother coming?

    Not wiping down the machines.

    I am sure there are others but my mind has gone blank. :drinker:
  • HisLamb
    HisLamb Posts: 15 Member
    Can't stand it when there are 15 empty Treadmills and the skinny chic comes and stands next to the fat chic (me) just so she can prove something to me or 'get a better look'

    .I'm like if you want to see this fat chick jiggling her fat that close then have at it but ya better wear some goggles and body protection bc I can't guarentee that my fat wings on my arms aren't gonna slap that smirk right off your face :laugh:
  • Chaslorr
    People who leave their phones, towels, water bottles etc on machines while they work out on the next one, and then forget to pick them up and take them with them. Do they think anyone else wants to handle this stuff?
  • Betty_Canada
    Betty_Canada Posts: 85 Member
    People who don't bother putting their plates away when they're done. They're on the floor, or they left 200+ lbs sitting on the bar, which I have to remove and put away, or take sixteen weights of dumbbells and then leave them scattered on the wrong side of the gym instead of racking them, so I have to go rescue the ones I want from the abandoned pile. (And put them away when nobody yells "I'm using that!", which I know nobody is because they've been there for 45 minutes now....)

    Folks... Put Your Damned Toys Away! Really? Are you two years old? Your mother isn't here to pick up after you.

    I swear, I spend more time putting stuff away that doesn't belong lying around or left behind in the free weight section than I do actually working out. Idiots who leave 45 lb plates lying flat on the floor are a particular annoyance because they're hard to lift up enough to get a grip. Oh well. Trying to look at it as a good way to develop pinch strength.


  • Milliemocha
    Milliemocha Posts: 26 Member
    Staying on a machine and just chilling, chatting, texting, whatever.. ... Also not wiping down equipment after use. Ugh!!
  • DisputedEnds
    Girls who wear makeup to the gym