


  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Sounds like it. When in doubt, take a test. Then, if you're still not sure, wait another week, take another test.
  • Gemz321
    wow she was only asking a question.

    I would personally go and talk to your doctor about it. Taking the pill can affect your period anyway making you spot between periods, even miss them all together. I would see your doctor so you know the result is accurate.
  • 1sisrat
    1sisrat Posts: 267 Member
    Take the test! When I was pregnant I found out before my expected period by taking the test. If you are, it will show up...You need to know so you can stop the pill, asap, and make plans.
  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    ALRIGHT I'd like some opinions. I I started taking the pill again after being off it for 4 months I met my bf when I was 2 weeks into the pack and we didn't use protection. Last week I completely lost my appetite it took me 45 mins to eat my fav yogurts. I I've been wanting pickles and pretty much everything I look at turns my stomach. I sleep a lot and have been having really bad headaches the last few days and yest I threw up at work. I bled for two days on my "period" 2 but it was very light. The I Lso had a dream last week that I was pregnant with a girl. I I've lost about 14lbs in the past two weeks cause I just can't eat it makes me nauseous.

    I'd like some opinions do you think I could be pregnant? I didn't start thinkin it til yest when I threw up at work and now I'm kind of concerned.

    When I first started taking the pill my roommate in college was convinced I was pregnant . I wasn't. I knew this because I actually didn't have sex for the first couple months I was on it. So short of immaculate conception it was highly unlikely that I would be pregnant. I was even frequently nauseous (smell of eggs at breakfast would make me want to puke) but never actually vomited.

    Many of the side effects of adjusting to the hormones in the pill are the same as the symptoms of early pregnancy. Even if you take the test "too early" it's not going to hurt you or the baby. Go ahead and take the test, then take the test again in a few weeks to be sure (in case you got a false negative because it was early).

    You could also visit your doctor to discuss the possibly of pregnancy vs possibility of side effects.

    Additionally, if you have been inconsistent about taking your pills (should be at the same time each day) your odds of an accidental pregnancy increase.

    Also, remember that the pill does not protect against STDs. Please use caution for your own sake and that of your child.
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    100% take the test. I went to the Dollar General and got the test that are only $1 (my hubby and I tried to almost 5 years, so I would just buy the cheapest). They are just as accurate. No matter how faint the line is, your pregnant. From the way everything sounds, it does sound like you are pregnant. You don't want to take ANY chances on the things you may be doing that might hurt the baby. Sometimes that "light" bleeding that you have will be from the implantation of the egg. That's at least what happened to me.

    If I were you, I'd rather be safe than sorry.
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    hard to say if you hadn't done it for awhile the bleeding could be just due to that or could also be a side effect from your pills who knows, it could just be stress causing the upset stomachs or worry about it that could be causing you to not have an appetite or it could be you actually are. Any time you do something unprotected and even sometimes with the pill you can still get pregnant. I actually had an IUD fail with my last child and still got pregnant that time. I would treat it for now like you could be and I would for surely get a test to be safe but I would try not to worry yourself too much cuz it could be stress just as well. And you can still be pregnant if you bleed your first month of it. I know people that have bled up to a couple of months into it and been pregnant. So you just don't know without getting a test. I would get a test and if you are over worried go into the DR and get a blood pregnancy test they can usually tell you sooner that way.
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    Wow gotta love smart *kitten* I was more hoping to get girls opinions from past pregnancies. I yes I have a child but had no symptoms with him so this is different and I don't want to take a test too early.

    When I was pregnant with my 2nd I had no idea until I was well into the 2nd month,
    and only because my husband had a feeling and asked me to take a test.
    I've always had irregular periods.
    As a matter of fact, I think I might be pregnant with #3.
    I have no idea! Each of my pregnancys were different, and the symptoms are similar to my pms.
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member

  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member

    Secondly, you met a guy and two weeks later had unprotected sex with him? You are a mother, you need to be smarter than that. He could of had any STD that would of been given to you. I'm really not sure why you wouldn't use protection with someone you just met and started sleeping with.... It is dangerous.

    Ill second this.
