calories and weight loss



  • what-the-****-meme-generator-what-the-****-am-i-reading-3255b3.jpg

    LMAO.... RIGHT.....

    the dude who started this post really wants to make a point... and that's great... but unfortunately the science of the Twinkie Diet (NOT AN ACTUAL DIET, BUT A SCIENCE EXPERIMENT TO PROVE THE POINT EVERYONE'S BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU, SIR WHO STARTED THIS POST) says that the bottom line, deciding factor, end of the line, no questions asked way to lose weight is:



    That's it.

    That's all.

    Not saying that it's healthy, that you'll be satiated, or that your blood sugar will be properly regulated, but it is the truth.

    Calories in < calories out = weight loss.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    EXACTLY! what i am saying is i ate a LOT and it came out to barely any calories :)
    i at a danish! plus I ate three normal sized meals. dinner i actually ate 4 bowlfuls of my stew and I felt stuffed.

    last year, i was on dukans (a low carb diet) and looking back i was eating about 1200 calories a day, feeling starving, and not losing :(
    Not to change the subject, but you you didn't eat a lot of food.
    If that's pigging out, then I'm an elephant.
  • ADStanfield25
    ADStanfield25 Posts: 9 Member
    I think where the original poster is getting confused as to the responses he is getting, is because he is discussing NUTRITION, whereas the rest of the community is just trying to reiterate that a caloric deficit will cause weight loss. This is a calorie counting website; people are using this method and seeing results. Getting into the whole endocrinological debate is not necessary; yes, I process a banana different from someone else because we have a different body chemistry. Yes, on a nutritional level, that banana may affect us differently. HOWEVER, it will NOT lead to weight gain as long as my calories "in" do not exceed my calories "out." Your argument does have some validity, and if you hadn't called everyone brainwashed, you would have gotten more respect (lol), but I am willing to bet that the majority of people (myself included) on the site are more interested in changing eating habits/losing weight, and not on the deeper aspects of health science.
    Nutrition is deeper than weight one disagrees when you say that eating 1000 calories of twinkies will affect you differently than 1000 calories of kale. But you stated that eating the twinkies will cause weight gain and the kale wont. If you are over your calorie counts, you will gain whether you eat veggies or twinkies. Now, if you had stated that 1000 calories of twinkies may make you feel sick, quesy, and lethargic, while veggies may not, you would have had a leg to stand on. But again, a caloric deficit, no matter WHAT you eat will lead to weight loss...maybe not health...but weight loss, which is what this forum is about.

    ok, time to wrap this one up for good

    the word calorie is used to help us to determine the fuel of foods that help us to feel satisfied with energy,

    In my honest opinion I believe that you can get fuel from the processed food, but this is not the healthy option for our body's because our body will get a higher amount of energy at once than it was created to handle, it seems that we all have our strengths and weaknesses in dealing with this kind of man made foods that come in a box

    i find it very sad for people who may be trying very hard to lose weight and count calories, but they cant seem to lose weight, this could be related to there insulin response and how well there body will react to the amount of sugar we throw at it,

    so the best advice i could give is that try and cut down on your processed intake of sugars and try to get the healthy sugars that came in nature, not in a box

    I am not going to discuss this any further, we all have our take on this subject and could talk about this from now until the end of time

    if you are having a hard time losing weight then you could be on your way to type 2 diabetes, this is a serious problem and you should consider changing your diet to reduce the insulin resistance in your body
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Its science. A calorie is a measurement term for energy. food has energy potential that is unleashed by the body. Ten ten calories, whether its ice cream or celery. Now...nutrition is another ballgame.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    In my honest opinion I believe that you can get fuel from the processed food, but this is not the healthy option for our body's because our body will get a higher amount of energy at once than it was created to handle,'s just your opinion then?
  • the dude who started this post really wants to make a point... and that's great... but unfortunately the science of the Twinkie Diet (NOT AN ACTUAL DIET, BUT A SCIENCE EXPERIMENT TO PROVE THE POINT EVERYONE'S BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU, SiR WHO STARTED THIS POST) says that the bottom line, deciding factor, end of the line, no questions asked way to lose weight is:

    That's it.

    That's all.

    Not saying that it's healthy, that you'll be satiated, or that your blood sugar will be properly regulated, but it is the truth.

    Calories in < calories out = weight loss.

    as i said, the reason i think this worked for him could have been the fiber intake with the nuts, it could have had a cleaning effect inside the colon scraping all of his waste matter that was built up over the years, nuts are a great way to get rid of your build up of fecal matter in the colon, this is my take on it
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    This is why we shouldn't read Taubes, ladies and gentelemen.
  • In my honest opinion I believe that you can get fuel from the processed food, but this is not the healthy option for our body's because our body will get a higher amount of energy at once than it was created to handle,'s just your opinion then?

    think about it, cant you see it makes sense ? we are not designed for this high sugar intake, the sugar that's processed has all the fiber stripped from it , so the absorption to the blood is faster
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    In my honest opinion I believe that you can get fuel from the processed food, but this is not the healthy option for our body's because our body will get a higher amount of energy at once than it was created to handle,'s just your opinion then?

    think about it, cant you see it makes sense ? we are not designed for this high sugar intake, the sugar that's processed has all the fiber stripped from it , so the absorption to the blood is faster

    I think everyone here will agree that eating refined sugar is not as ideal as eating the same amount of CALORIES from fruit. You will feel full longer, you get nutrients, etc.

    Where you lost everyone is that you keep saying that you can lose weight by eating more calories as long as the food is "healthy" versus eating half that many CALORIES from "unhealthy" sources. That simply isn't true.
  • shaleyn
    shaleyn Posts: 125 Member
    Twinkies have nuts? We need our colons scraped out? Ouch.
  • [/quote]

    I think everyone here will agree that eating refined sugar is not as ideal as eating the same amount of CALORIES from fruit. You will feel full longer, you get nutrients, etc.

    Where you lost everyone is that you keep saying that you can lose weight by eating more calories as long as the food is "healthy" versus eating half that many CALORIES from "unhealthy" sources. That simply isn't true.

    ok, lets be more clear about this

    if you where on a low calorie diet of say 1200 calories to lose weight

    if you eat 1200 calories of junk food vs 1200 calories of good healthy foods

    what results would you expect from these 2 diets ?

    same result in weight loss ?

    i don't agree at all

    the 1200 calorie diet on the junk food would make you more hungry and it would eventually lead you to eat more than this
    but the 1200 calorie diet on the healthy food would leave you satisfied

    this is why they say diets dont work, because you are making the wrong decisions in what you place in your mouth, thats why they dont work, your eating the addictive foods that you just cant say no to , have to break the cycle
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member

    I think everyone here will agree that eating refined sugar is not as ideal as eating the same amount of CALORIES from fruit. You will feel full longer, you get nutrients, etc.

    Where you lost everyone is that you keep saying that you can lose weight by eating more calories as long as the food is "healthy" versus eating half that many CALORIES from "unhealthy" sources. That simply isn't true.

    ok, lets be more clear about this

    if you where on a low calorie diet of say 1200 calories to lose weight

    if you eat 1200 calories of junk food vs 1200 calories of good healthy foods

    what results would you expect from these 2 diets ?

    same result in weight loss ?

    i don't agree at all

    And I feel sorry for anyone who eats 1200 calories. You have no point anyway, I can have a week of eating 1810 cals a day of healthy food and a week of eating 1810 calories of rubbish (that fits my macros, I don't track sugar) and lose precisely the same amount of weight
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I think everyone here will agree that eating refined sugar is not as ideal as eating the same amount of CALORIES from fruit. You will feel full longer, you get nutrients, etc.

    Where you lost everyone is that you keep saying that you can lose weight by eating more calories as long as the food is "healthy" versus eating half that many CALORIES from "unhealthy" sources. That simply isn't true.

    ok, lets be more clear about this

    if you where on a low calorie diet of say 1200 calories to lose weight

    if you eat 1200 calories of junk food vs 1200 calories of good healthy foods

    what results would you expect from these 2 diets ?

    same result in weight loss ?

    i don't agree at all

    Now, I can partially agree. However, the difference is going to be from the assumption that you aren't getting enough essential nutrients from the junk food, so you are losing a lot of lean body mass, which affects your metabolism over a long period of time. In the short term, the weight loss will be very similar if you adjust for water weight, bowel weight (eww, did I just type that?!), etc.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Twinkies have nuts? We need our colons scraped out? Ouch.

    [Insert Inappropriate Colon Scraping/Twinkie/Nuts comment here. Segue into vulgar creme-filled Twinkie innuendo]
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    If you're getting a good amount of ok protein in your 'junk food', why would you loose LBM eating junk food, but not eating non-junk food?

    I thought it was fairly well considered that protein was the important factor there.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    If you're getting a good amount of ok protein in your 'junk food', why would you loose LBM eating junk food, but not eating non-junk food?

    I thought it was fairly well considered that protein was the important factor there.

    That was my assumption - essential nutrients = protein. Besides, he's not even mentioned protein in this thread I don't think. It has all been about sugar. White sugar to be exact. Brown sugar seems to be in the clear!
  • princessd84
    princessd84 Posts: 121 Member
    Not sure how calories are supposed to be some kind of diet industry ploy given that they are a scientific unit of measurement? If they are merely fad diet propaganda, my college biology tutor must have been in on the conspiracy too.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    ok, lets be more clear about this

    if you where on a low calorie diet of say 1200 calories to lose weight

    if you eat 1200 calories of junk food vs 1200 calories of good healthy foods

    what results would you expect from these 2 diets ?

    same result in weight loss ?

    i don't agree at all

    the 1200 calorie diet on the junk food would make you more hungry and it would eventually lead you to eat more than this
    but the 1200 calorie diet on the healthy food would leave you satisfied

    this is why they say diets dont work, because you are making the wrong decisions in what you place in your mouth, thats why they dont work, your eating the addictive foods that you just cant say no to , have to break the cycle

    But if you eat more, then you wouldnt be on a 1200 calorie diet any more. Don't get psychology confused with y'know .. math. Eating more (for whatever reason) means you're not eating the 1200. So your example is simply wrong.

    1200 is 1200 is 1200 is 1200. 1200 Calories Lard = 1200 Calories Sugar = 1200 Calories lettuce.

    Your point is NOT that 1200 calories of junk is somehow more or less fattening than 1200 calories of "good" food. Your point is if you make unwise choices with your 1200, you'll be more likely to cheat. Stop trying to change the word calorie because it doesn;t fit into some mystical mumbo-jumbo you want to spout.
  • If you're getting a good amount of ok protein in your 'junk food', why would you loose LBM eating junk food, but not eating non-junk food?

    I thought it was fairly well considered that protein was the important factor there.

    That was my assumption - essential nutrients = protein. Besides, he's not even mentioned protein in this thread I don't think. It has all been about sugar. White sugar to be exact. Brown sugar seems to be in the clear!

    here are the list of foods that you should consume as a healthy human being

    lentils, beans, sweet potatoes, potatoes, almonds, nuts, salads, fruits,

    you get protein in lentils, nuts, fruits,

    eat clean fuel for your body , and weight loss is easy,

    with proper water consumption also, 3-4 liters a day

    enough said,