Logging food ahead of time



  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    Before going to work I always log my breakfast plus what I have packed for lunch and snacks at work. Sometimes I make changes as the day progresses/ I don't see any harm in it. Why not?
  • nyemu
    nyemu Posts: 43
    If you fail to plan you plan to fail. Pre logging is the only way I keep within my calorie goals :wink:
  • dzuli823
    dzuli823 Posts: 115 Member
    I forgot about this. My PhD friend who's also an eating disorder counselor told me once that she recommends her patients pre-log their food up to a week in advance! I don't know if I could go as far as to do that, but I bet a day ahead would be helpful. I'll have to give that a try! Thanks!
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    yehh, I think its fun! :D haha
  • MN4US
    MN4US Posts: 78 Member
    I find that logging ahead of time.. sometimes gives me the time to reconsider whether I really want to be eating what I'm about to eat :happy:
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    You think it in your head what you'll eat the day before or at least early on the same day, whats the difference then by just logging it. Plus you know the cost of what you'll eat.
  • SamanthaClarexo
    SamanthaClarexo Posts: 353 Member
    Personally, I think it helps me stay on track if I pre-log. I like to pre-log my WEEKS even! I find if I don't pre-log I am more likely to fall off the wagon.

    Everyone's different, but that's just me :smile:
  • Yes, I think it is an excellent way to do it. It means that you are planning and taking control of what you will eat, and gets rid of eating in a chaotic way which is what I have done in the past. I now try to make my entries ahead of time and so far I have successfully stuck to my calorie limits. Well done on your weight loss!
  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    I think pre-logging your food can be really helpful. I do it as much as I can so I know what I'm going to be eating and it stops me having to make rash decisions or not knowing what to eat. I can also pack my lunches for work the night before and it saves me money going out and buying lunches every day!

    Feel free to add me :) x
  • apittmanrn
    apittmanrn Posts: 200 Member
    I find that logging ahead of time.. sometimes gives me the time to reconsider whether I really want to be eating what I'm about to eat :happy:

    This, and it makes me happy when I can say at the end of the day, "Yay! I can delete that!"
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Yes. I log my dinner first thing in the morning and then work the rest of the day around it. I have previously got home and realised I didn't have enough cals left for the dinner I'd planned... so I ate it anyway. It's much better for me to pre-log!
  • missmadejavu
    missmadejavu Posts: 33 Member
    If I'm not quite sure how many calories it has then I log it first, if it's something I am sure of then I log it after, or while I'm eating it.
  • doctorwhogirl
    doctorwhogirl Posts: 26 Member
    I log my week that's coming and then base my shopping list from it!!!!

    I think it's brilliant for staying on plan and also for saving money on food shopping as I don't buy unnecessary items!
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    I log my next day food the night before. Sometimes 2 days in advance. Makes it easier for me and keeps me accountable rather than spur of the moment. If i can log several days ahead i sometimes just have to make some adjustments as i go.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Yup. I do my breakfast the night before as I usually stick to the same thing: bagel/fruit, eggs, oats. And log my dinner during the day so I know how many calories I have to play with for lunch and snacks. Helps me a lot.
  • MsLilly200
    MsLilly200 Posts: 192 Member
    I logg while I'm making the food....
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Yep - I broadly log what I am going to have for breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus my standard drinks, and then I can fill up the rest to make up my numbers.

    It does take a BIT of planning - in terms of needing to take stuff out the freezer to cook or batch made soups the night before - but it does help a lot.
  • Mjhnbgff
    Mjhnbgff Posts: 112
    I pre-log my food in the morning and adjust if necessary. This really helps me plan my meals so that I don't have to wonder what I'm going to eat and worry if I eat too much or not enough. I find that planning my meals has allowed me to cut out unplanned snacking completely. The only drawback is that I have to shop and cook once a week. I need to always have enough food on hand to make my meals since I rarely eat out or get carry out. I don't like being caught flat-footed, so to speak, because it will pretty much guarantee that I go off the rails or I get too hungry and eat too much.

    I also pre-log my exercise for the day and then I work towards that goal. Today I logged 100 minutes of walking and I know I can knock out 60 minutes easily so I'm going to try to get to 100 and top it if I possibly can.
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    I don't do it but I think it's a good idea. I could log breakfast and lunch as they are usually the same everyday.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Does anyone else log food in ahead of time? For example I already know what I will be having fo breakfast in the am and what my snacks will be so I just add them now so that I stick to it and save some time later.
    Is this a good idea? Im new to this so any advice is very much appreciated.

    I do this almost every day. I find it keeps me on track and lets me plan my workouts and figure out if snacking is needed so I don't get too short on calories.