
  • pondmermaid
    pondmermaid Posts: 43 Member
    good one!
  • Alyxander100
    Alyxander100 Posts: 9 Member
    1. Expired food
    2. Food you don't like
    3. Food that has gone bad
    4. Food that's dropped on the floor
    5. That cupcake that your worst enemy made for you with "special" filling

    I have to disagree. If the floor is moderately clean and it's only been there for less then 5 seconds, it's fair game.

    This. Though depending on the deliciousness of said food, I am flexible on the 5 second part....and the floor being clean...
  • *Spoiled Food (expired does not mean bad)
    *The "cream" in the Oreo or similar type products (i.e. transfat, chemical, synthetic, blegh)
    *Foods to which I am sensitive or allergic

    Otherwise floor food (relative to the condition of the floor) within a reasonable time of it getting there is ok ( I will let you determine "reasonable") is ok in my book.

    I am a believer in moderation...within reason...
  • kingkoopaluv
    kingkoopaluv Posts: 147 Member
  • I clicked on that ad and ever since then it made my computer run slow..be careful.. just saying
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    1. Expired food
    2. Food you don't like
    3. Food that has gone bad
    4. Food that's dropped on the floor
    5. That cupcake that your worst enemy made for you with "special" filling

    I have to disagree. If the floor is moderately clean and it's only been there for less then 5 seconds, it's fair game.

    This. Though depending on the deliciousness of said food, I am flexible on the 5 second part....and the floor being clean...

    I would like to disagree with number 1, as well. I mean, don't go drinking expired milk if it smells funny. But when I was in AmeriCorps and we were really poor, we ate expired food allllllll the time. It was mostly okay. :)
  • Timehope
    Timehope Posts: 44 Member
    A chef friend also observes The 5-second Rule --but last time I checked, bacteria and viruses don't exactly wake up and make a hasty sprint for a morsel of dropped food. Instead, it is the lucky ones on the floor who attach instantly the moment the food lands on their heads (as it were.) My impression is The 5-second Rule mostly works by allowing you to toss the morsel into your mouth and swallow it before you get a chance to think about it.

    Just saying.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Anything is good in moderation within the context of a balanced and macro/micronutrient sufficient diet.

    I am forced to vehemently disagree, as least to a limited degree. Cauliflower sushi is not good no matter how much you eat. Except for that I agree, everything else in moderation.

    I am forced to disagree with you (although I do most respectfully and am in no way bullying or being mean to you..everyone is different after all) - pineapple should never be included in a diet - it tastes horrible and it's horribleness contaminates everything it touches.



    I hate pineapple too. And Suns - the caulifower sushi - nuh uh. But the cauliflower roll might be okay. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    I clicked on that ad and ever since then it made my computer run slow..be careful.. just saying

    Thanks for the heads up!
  • I think for people trying to lose weight, it is probably best to avoid donuts.
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    This. Though depending on the deliciousness of said food, I am flexible on the 5 second part....and the floor being clean...

    Also, I have a funny story about this. One time my brother's friend was over at our house mooching food... and he dropped a slice of bologna on the floor, picked it up, and ate it.

    When the rest of us were disgusted, he just said "What? It's already bologna!"
  • fiferize
    fiferize Posts: 141
    I only got thru bananas and concentrated fruit juices. I couldn't stand to watch it any further.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    there five food catagories. they actually tell you them right in th begining.

    the whole message is basically eat whole foods, foods with as close to one ingredient as possilbe.

    they are selling a diet book and unlimited access to a website for 50 bucks.

    they don't tell you not to eat banana's, they tell you to eat as much real fruit as you want (but not fruit juice with added sugar)

    apparently the internet has robbed people of even a 5 min attention span.
  • 1. Meat (Think of the animals...)

    2.3 Vegetables/Fruit (Think of the plants)

    All foods will give you cancer. There is no hope. Live off the sun.

    In all seriousness though.... eat ALL the foods!!!
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    I remember 2 of them. That's all I made it thru!...
    1. Orange Juice
    2. Whole Wheat Bread

    What is wrong with whole wheat bread? I thought that was the healthy bread to eat. If not, which bread is the best to have?
  • LaurenVamp
    LaurenVamp Posts: 74 Member
    Anything is good in moderation within the context of a balanced and macro/micronutrient sufficient diet.

    I am forced to vehemently disagree, as least to a limited degree. Cauliflower sushi is not good no matter how much you eat. Except for that I agree, everything else in moderation.

    I am forced to disagree with you (although I do most respectfully and am in no way bullying or being mean to you..everyone is different after all) - pineapple should never be included in a diet - it tastes horrible and it's horribleness contaminates everything it touches.

    Pineapple is amazing! And on pizza, omg heavenly. Ps I have incredible stomach envy.

    Reported. If there's one thing worse than pineapple, it's pineapple on pizza. What an abomination.

    ^^This. Fruit on PIZZA? WTF, mate??! Whoever decided to bring that terrifying mess into the word deserves to be slapped. Repeatedly.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    I think for people trying to lose weight, it is probably best to avoid donuts.

    I eat donuts regularly and have lost a lot of weight. Difference is, I only have one instead of a half dozen. I agree with whoever said to eat butter and not margarine, other than that, nothing is totally off limits.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    1. Expired food
    2. Food you don't like
    3. Food that has gone bad
    4. Food that's dropped on the floor
    5. That cupcake that your worst enemy made for you with "special" filling

    I have to disagree. If the floor is moderately clean and it's only been there for less then 5 seconds, it's fair game.

    Lol, TRUE! If it passes the 5 second rule, go for it!! Or if you know for sure that the floor is clean, it can be longer than 5 seconds and you can actually eat it directly off of the floor!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    A chef friend also observes The 5-second Rule --but last time I checked, bacteria and viruses don't exactly wake up and make a hasty sprint for a morsel of dropped food. Instead, it is the lucky ones on the floor who attach instantly the moment the food lands on their heads (as it were.) My impression is The 5-second Rule mostly works by allowing you to toss the morsel into your mouth and swallow it before you get a chance to think about it.

    Just saying.

    No. Just no. No respected chef follows the 5-second rule. W..T...F. If I were a health inspector or your friend's boss..they'd be fired on the spot. That's just messed up. And yes, I do know a few chefs..a couple well known executive chefs at that and they'd rage if anyone in their kitchen did that.

    And mythbusters proved that the moment the food hits the ground, it attracts all kinds of crap. The amount of bacteria collected made no difference from 2 seconds to 6 seconds.
  • Just avoid poisonus stuff and you are good :wink:

    Yep, drain cleaner will wreck your diet plans. Anything else in moderation.