Team UK - May 2010



  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    :drinker: Happy Hump Day everyone!

    I'm having a good week so far and I am LOVING it! I'm really looking forward to my fast jog tonight, I'm doing week four of the Race for Life 10k training plan...hmm wish me luck!

    Hope everyone is good!

    :heart: Mimi

    Ooh, good job you reminded me hun. I get paid on Friday so will get some sponsor money over to you then! :flowerforyou:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Im being a hungry bean today!!! must be the workout i had last night.. but then i dont want to ruin my appetite for tonight?!!!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    :drinker: Happy Hump Day everyone!

    I'm having a good week so far and I am LOVING it! I'm really looking forward to my fast jog tonight, I'm doing week four of the Race for Life 10k training plan...hmm wish me luck!

    Hope everyone is good!

    :heart: Mimi

    Now that's a reminder I really did need!!

    Evening All!!

    I've not been around much other than to maintain my diary.. It's been a tough few weeks, with a mild bout of depression and the sheer lack of motivation to keep having to watch what I eat. Saying that, I'm still losing weight at a steady 0.5 - 1lb a week - even when I want to throw in the towel and eat like a pig, I'm managing not to. Though I am giving in to temptations like chocolate, which I have to watch because a little bit is never enough.

    It's great seeing so many people posting here regularly, both old and new faces.

    I'm hoping to get out of my mood sooner rather than later, if just to stay on the wagon!!

    So, untill the next time, all of you take care and b'bye for now.
  • alfie1995
    alfie1995 Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm new to this, just wanted to say hi. Glad to see people from the uk. I've lost 2 stone and would like to loose another ready for my wedding in December, but it seems to be getting much harder now! :-) it's amazing seeing how much everyones loosing!! X
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Hang in there Kendra! You are doing great and I hope it gets easier again soon. Well done for not giving in!

    Hi everyone,

    It's been a little while since I posted, busy busy with the new job. In Australia I'd been used to living walking distance from where I worked so commuting kills me! Not to mention I have to walk past the McVities factory on my way to and from work and it smells delicious - like chocolate brownies baking - it's such a tease!!

    I've been to the gym a few times since I started the job and loving it. I tend to go at the beginning of the week but it gets me home so late that when I'm getting tired at the end of the week I tend to come straight home. I always have about an hour walking just to get to and from train stations anyway so I don't worry too much.

    In general I find it much easier when I'm working to be good with food, although yesterday my weight loss clinic was way stressful so I had some chocolate when I got home :P

    Lost 1.2kg last week and hoping for some more this week :)

    Take care everyone x
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    :drinker: Happy Hump Day everyone!

    I'm having a good week so far and I am LOVING it! I'm really looking forward to my fast jog tonight, I'm doing week four of the Race for Life 10k training plan...hmm wish me luck!

    Hope everyone is good!

    :heart: Mimi

    Ooh, good job you reminded me hun. I get paid on Friday so will get some sponsor money over to you then! :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Thanks Lee that'd be awesome :flowerforyou: only my mum's sponsored me so far, what a loner I am :laugh: xxx
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Kendra wrote:

    Now that's a reminder I really did need!!

    Evening All!!

    I've not been around much other than to maintain my diary.. It's been a tough few weeks, with a mild bout of depression and the sheer lack of motivation to keep having to watch what I eat. Saying that, I'm still losing weight at a steady 0.5 - 1lb a week - even when I want to throw in the towel and eat like a pig, I'm managing not to. Though I am giving in to temptations like chocolate, which I have to watch because a little bit is never enough.

    It's great seeing so many people posting here regularly, both old and new faces.

    I'm hoping to get out of my mood sooner rather than later, if just to stay on the wagon!!

    So, untill the next time, all of you take care and b'bye for now.

    You can do it hun, I have every faith that you will back strong! :smile:

    Take it easy

  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    xXmimiXx wrote:

    :heart: Thanks Lee that'd be awesome :flowerforyou: only my mum's sponsored me so far, what a loner I am :laugh: xxx

    Aww, what are you like! :laugh: x
  • galoot
    galoot Posts: 17
    Hi, I'm new to this, just wanted to say hi. Glad to see people from the uk. I've lost 2 stone and would like to loose another ready for my wedding in December, but it seems to be getting much harder now! :-) it's amazing seeing how much everyones loosing!! X

    Welcome matey.. well done on the previous loss that's superb! :) Hopefully we can all keep each other motivated when we need it..
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    It's been a little while since I posted, busy busy with the new job. In Australia I'd been used to living walking distance from where I worked so commuting kills me! Not to mention I have to walk past the McVities factory on my way to and from work and it smells delicious - like chocolate brownies baking - it's such a tease!!

    I know EXACTLY what you mean, I live less than a ten minute walk from the Nestlé factory in York. If the wind is blowing our way you can smell it all through our house even with the windows closed. Then you open the door or something and the smell just HITS you.

    I swear I gain a lb just from breathing in!
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Nice to see some sun, huh?

    Hope everyone had a good weekend.

    We went paddle-boating on the Serpentine in Hyde Park, it was fun and surprisingly quite the workout! So I guess that was a bonus :P Unfortunately I didn't realise how pasty I had become in 6 months of winter-y weather and am now very sunburnt... who knew you could burn on your arms? (certainly not Australians! hehe).

    Take care
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Yeah, it was nice to see some sun, I've just seen too much of , Now I just hope it buggers off again. :laugh:

    Its too hot to do anything, I can barely move let alone go out for runs. and I cant eat if its too hot, I struggled with half a salad earlier. Im like 400 calories under my goal.

    I'm British, which means I'm not used to nice weather!
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    It's been a gorgeous weekend. I like the sunshine :glasses:

    Unfortunately the weather does not stop me from eating! Went to Brighton yesterday and ended up going to GBK for lunch (gotta love those 2 4 1 vouchers). I had a chicken burger with babaganoush - it was bloody lovely! I bought some new running shoes, but didn't actually manage to do any running - just ended up vegging on the the sofa with homemade pizza and cadbury caramel biscuits :sad: After playing 'guess the calories in th eburger' I think I ended up about 250 over, so not the end of the world.

    Today I did manage a run. I went early, but it was HOT! Fortunately some of it was through the woods, so that was a bit cooler. Had rehearsal this afternoon, and kept feeling a bit weird...probably just the heat. Hubby made a lovely spag bol for tea. I DID manage to avoid the vino this weekend, which is good!!! Just as well as we had a bit of an unscheduled after worker on Monday...oops!

    I'm hoping to get a few more runs and gym in during the week, because we're off to the mother in laws for bank holiday, and when we were there for a few days at Christmas I put on 5 pounds. :noway: Hopefully there won't be quite so many goodies, but she's not exactly known for small portions if you know what I mean!!!

    Have a great week everyone,

    Erika x
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    I know EXACTLY what you mean, I live less than a ten minute walk from the Nestlé factory in York. If the wind is blowing our way you can smell it all through our house even with the windows closed. Then you open the door or something and the smell just HITS you.

    I swear I gain a lb just from breathing in!

    Oooo your near me! I'm about 5mins (if that!) from the Nestle factory!
  • emmaldownie
    emmaldownie Posts: 232 Member
    Hey everyone! My first post on the Team UK thread! Woooo!!!

    This weekend has been a right off for me completely, the gorgeous lay in the garden doing nothing weather combined with the ooo lets have another beer to keep cool mentality has thrown me right out the water!

    Saying that I've not kept my food diary for ages!!!!! Really must get on and do it!
  • galoot
    galoot Posts: 17
    Hey everyone... and welcome to the new peeps!

    Just thought I'd say Hi, still doing pretty good here been exercising every day & still eating better.. weigh day tomorrow :)

    Had a bit of an odd day on Saturday.. I had nearly my total daily calorie allowance in pints of Guinness at the pub! Still I only went over my calories by a few hundred & I reckon I'm allowed to be bad once a month hahaha.
  • emmaldownie
    emmaldownie Posts: 232 Member
    Hey everyone... and welcome to the new peeps!

    Just thought I'd say Hi, still doing pretty good here been exercising every day & still eating better.. weigh day tomorrow :)

    Had a bit of an odd day on Saturday.. I had nearly my total daily calorie allowance in pints of Guinness at the pub! Still I only went over my calories by a few hundred & I reckon I'm allowed to be bad once a month hahaha.

    If we were never bad, how could we ever reward ourselves for being so good!
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Hey all,

    Hope everyone is well! :smile:

    Strange day for me yesterday, had a decent tea but previous to that, I think I only consumed about 250 calories. Overall, my total was just under 1025 for the day. It's been the same again today, but I'm going the gym after work, so my net cals could probably only hit 500 which is not good at all, but this week I've just not been in an eating mood. Strange.

    On the up side, my iPhone came today!! Whoo! :happy: No doubt, I'm going to spend forever sorting that out. Will make sure my first app is the MFP one of course! :-) Also, managed to get yet another long weekend sorted out, finish work on Thursday and don't come back till the following Wednesday. Looking forward to it.

    Hope everyone is having a good day/week, and keep up the good work! :smile:


  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hi everyone!! :flowerforyou:

    Right, I am back on here logging again as of now!!! Been a little bit naughty of late and getting out of the habbit!!! Dont want lb's to start sneaking back on!!!

    Got my 30th :sad: :sad: birthday party in 3 weeks and want to try an loose a few more lb's if possible so I look good for that!!

    Hope everyone is doing well and you have all been enjoying the sunshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine (said in a Manchester Liam Gallagher style!! :laugh: :laugh: )!!!!

  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    I know EXACTLY what you mean, I live less than a ten minute walk from the Nestlé factory in York. If the wind is blowing our way you can smell it all through our house even with the windows closed. Then you open the door or something and the smell just HITS you.

    I swear I gain a lb just from breathing in!

    Oooo your near me! I'm about 5mins (if that!) from the Nestle factory!

    Lols, wow.

    If you ever go on the bike path in the evening, and see some crazy woman in a black and purple striped hoody struggling her *kitten* off attempting to do the C25K... thats me.
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