Eating before exercise



  • thirstyflea
    thirstyflea Posts: 114 Member
    I almost forgot- I also try to eat something high in protein within 45 minutes AFTER my work out as well, as recommended by my cardio instructors and trainer. If I can't get to dinner fast enough, I usually drink a 100 calorie whey protein drink to help my muscles recover from the workout.
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    as i said i don't need to argue with you, the info is out there for you to find, and it's scientificly backed up

    SHOCK your link doesn't have any credible proof... it's a load of drivel and trying to sell a book :o

    Haha! Right on boss! You have a great day reading over your "facts" that you think are "scientificly" backed up. Enjoy your day!

    Edit for links: be helpful for the OP. be of interest to you.
  • Seaduck79
    Seaduck79 Posts: 35 Member
    You should figure out what works for YOUR body, and do that. Here is what works for me:

    If I were just doing weights, a light snack (banana or a protein shake) 30-60 minutes before works just fine. So does eating nothing at all.

    If I am doing cardio, and I don't mean 15 minutes on the elliptical, I mean running like 8-10 miles, I can't have anything but water or some electrolyte fluid in my stomach or I get cramps. 1 liter of water 20 minutes before, another during the run. If I were doing that later in the day, I would want to allow 3-4 hours after a carb meal, 5 after a heavy protein one.

    If you need to have something in your stomach before a workout, make it light, not a 3 egg bacon omelet or something that will sit there like a lump for hours. If your body is sending blood to your muscles for your workout, it can't focus on digesting what's in your stomach. That's why I keep those things separate.
  • wrotruck
    wrotruck Posts: 72 Member

    Please, explain how it's B.S. if it's working for them, and many many others?

    I too am working out in a fasted state and the results have been outstanding.

    Brief summary:
    Jan 14th I was 201.6.
    Next 2 weeks ate my B/L/D meals and worked out. I weight train and finish with 20 minutes of cardio, 6 days a week. Those 2 weeks I lost 4 pounds total.

    Then while researching different exercises on YT I came across intermittent fasting and decided it's worth a shot. I set my eating window at 1pm to 7pm.

    Today is Feb. 13th. One month ago I was 201.6. Today's weigh-in is 182.2. That's a total of 19.4 pounds.

    Two weeks to lose 4 pounds while eating 3-4 meals throughout the day --- or --- the last 2 weeks to lose 15 pounds while intermittent fasting.

    Sorry, but fasting works.

    There simply isn't enough info here to prove anything. What was your starting weight? And what is your goal weight? Did you change your workout routine? Did you measure body fat percentage?

    How do you know that you aren't sacrificing muscle?
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    4 hrs would be way too long for me, i'm hungry every 3 hrs and would be too weak to have a good workout if i went 4 hours.

    full meals should be eaten at least an hour before exercise.

    its okay to have a snack such as ONE slice of whole grain toast with peanut butter 30 mins before working out but no more food than that or it should be considered a full meal.
  • ldbuster0
    Some of these answers could really confuse a new person like me. Everyone has so many answers and just a bunch of arguing going on. What is a person to do? Seems like what information is given is what works for that particular person. I just try things and see if it works for me.
  • Pipil503
    Pipil503 Posts: 56 Member
    my badd!!!

    Sorry but you clearly didn't, it's obvious from the rest of your post what you're saying, arguing aside, it sounds like you do have some issues with food, it would be a good idea to do a good bit of reading up about food and the body, and before you go spouting off your insane perspective of food and it's use to humans as facts make sure it's correct. which it quite clearly isn't

    infact depending on who you're telling that **** to you could cause someone some damage similar to lernrach's experience, now that experience off a machine is dangerous enough but on a treadmill mid way at full pace you're talking serious injury... and if someone takes it as fact and doesn't deviate for a week because no one has corrected you the more likely that is to happen.

    Woah!! Relax #2 --- She is looking for advice which is exactly what #1 has given her. It's up to her to find out what works best for her. I have tried eating 6 meals a day while on a deficit and that s*** sucked!! Some of my meals were the size of my palm and that's it!! You know how hungry I was constantly!? Now I'm trying intermittent fasting and it is awesome!! I was never a breakfast type of dude so my meal window is between 12:00 and 20:00, between that time I can consume the caloric quantity I have allotted myself. Now my meals are nice and big, satiety!! I train fasted EVERY morning at 6:00 and supplement with BCAA's I have lost 21lbs since Jan 1st, but better yet! I have gone down almost 3 inches at my waist.

    I'd say it all depends on what her ultimate goal is.... just saying.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Some of these answers could really confuse a new person like me. Everyone has so many answers and just a bunch of arguing going on. What is a person to do? Seems like what information is given is what works for that particular person. I just try things and see if it works for me.

    Try both for a week each and see which works best for you... :-)
  • Pipil503
    Pipil503 Posts: 56 Member
    4 hrs would be way too long for me, i'm hungry every 3 hrs and would be too weak to have a good workout if i went 4 hours.

    full meals should be eaten at least an hour before exercise.

    its okay to have a snack such as ONE slice of whole grain toast with peanut butter 30 mins before working out but no more food than that or it should be considered a full meal.

    I used to consume fruit and a small bit of oatmeal to give me that carb boost for training.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Some of these answers could really confuse a new person like me. Everyone has so many answers and just a bunch of arguing going on. What is a person to do? Seems like what information is given is what works for that particular person. I just try things and see if it works for me.

    you'd think the forum would be a great place to find answers... and it is, especially if you want every possible answer, regardless of truth or accuracy.

    your best bet is to do your own research and make up your own mind.

    Trial and error is good too... as long as you evaluate honestly and within a reasonable amount of time.
  • Pipil503
    Pipil503 Posts: 56 Member
    I seem to have better gains when I am in a fasted state. Don't know if it makes me focus more or what. I can't eat (unless it's like a protein shake) earlier than an hour or so before a workout. Everyone is different though.

    i don't really understand what you mean by 'better gains when in a fasted state'.

    are we talking about losing weight or putting on muscle? cause i definetly don't see how fasting is going to help anyone put on muscle.

    With BCAA supplementation you are not breaking the fast and you are mitigating cortisol development throughout your entire body. If during your eating window you intake a caloric surplus it helps build muscle. So technically you can build muscle when "intermittently fasting".
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Ridiculous suggestion?! WHAT THE HELL?!! have you never heard of FASTED CARDIO?!
    THIS!! I do fasted cardio almost every morning, and have done so for years.

    It really all will depend on a number of things, including what time of day you would be exercising and how intense that exercise is.... I certainly wouldn't fast all day to workout in the afternoon, just like I wouldn't run a 5K immediately after eating..

    What is a ridiculous suggestion is to assume that there's one correct time to eat.. Use common sense and make sure you don't have blood sugar issues that might cause you to pass out, and you should be just fine!!
  • koko12
    koko12 Posts: 81 Member
    i eat 1.5hrs before workout and right after workout
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    With BCAA supplementation you are not breaking the fast and you are mitigating cortisol development throughout your entire body. If during your eating window you intake a caloric surplus it helps build muscle. So technically you can build muscle when "intermittently fasting".

    thats fine, just doesn't make sense to me that you would both fast and eat at a surplus.

    whats the point?
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    My big workouts (a fitness and tkd class) are in the evenings. starting at 8 pm twice a week and 7 pm once a week. If I eat past 5pm (4-4:30 on Sundays), or my meal is too large, I might just see that meal again. But, when I take these classes, I really push myself and kill it. Other times a week, I'm on the treadmill or doing yoga. Treadmill, I can eat just before and be fine. Yoga, I'd prefer to have a somewhat empty belly

    It's all personal preference

    Yes, definitely an empty belly for downward dog! :sick:
  • NualaTW
    NualaTW Posts: 205 Member
    I usually work out right after I get home from work in the evening. Usually about 3-ish in the afternoon (I get home around 5), I have a plain greek yogurt with flaxseed and some fruit. I just find that it helps give me a little energy boost and keep me from feeling hungry during my workout, when I should be focusing on what I'm doing. :)

    I then eat my dinner right after (at least 30 mins to 1 hour, depending on how long it takes me to prepare).
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I actually discussed this with my dietitian and she informed me there is no harm in eating pre-workout other than potential tummy aches from the diverted blood supply away from digestive system. Some people cramp up, some don't. I am a "don't." The food you have in your belly isn't going to be instantly digested simply because you worked out immediately afterwards - it doesn't process that fast so you'll still be burning stored fat.

    If you eat pre workout and find it makes things uncomfortable then tweak til you are ok again. It is your choice, there is no (AFAIK) "best way."

    good luck! :drinker:
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    I usually eat a snack before depending on when I work out to help keep my blood sugar stable. Something small like a piece of string cheese or some almonds. Sometimes if I work out AFTER dinner I do not have a snack but by then it's only maybe a 2 hour gap as opposed to going right after work when it's been 6 hours since lunch.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    I have a friend who ate every 3 hours and he ate 30 mins right before his workout. He died of a heart attack.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Hey guys, what's going on in this thread?
    a retarded liverpublian who sounds like a sufer dude from california spouting off as if he's an expert in weight loss when he quite clearly isn't and failing that barely knows what he's talking about.

    *leaves thread*