Annoying other people!



  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    I just don't say anything. If someone asks, "I'm checking calories" the end

    This is it. There's no use in getting into a conversation about it. Most people typically will not understand, will be critical or worse yet, start to give you unsolicited advise. I keep it to myself. I'm not really interested in their opinions and input. I have my plan.

    Exactly this. If I don't have room for something in my calories, I just say, "Nah, I'm full from dinner," or something else like that. Otherwise it turns into a bunch of weight loss conversation and/or unsolicited advice and whatnot.

    If I'm logging, they probably just assume I'm texting or something. I find that if I do mention calories, I feel like I'm annoying them or look preachy or something. It would be like someone talking about their upcoming wedding every time you were around them. Yeah, friends need to be supportive of each other, but there comes a point where it's just too much. Friends also need to respect when they're boring their other friends. ;) (I'm not saying you did any of that, OP.)
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    No. People adore me and hang on every word I say, no matter what the topic is.
  • juggz212
    From my experience I have found that people who aren't about fitness or at least eating heathy will "roll their eyes" or tell you to shut f*** up in their own minds. Or have a very boring look on their face as your explaining something. As much as I enjoy helping people a lot of people just do not want to hear it.

    Similar experiences for me as well! IMO they don't want to hear that you need dedication hard work good eating habits good sleeping habits instead they WANT to hear "take this pill and in a couple weeks you will look like insert grotesquely skinny model here ____ or drink this liquid and you will drop 5 pounds a day. I've actually had people ask me what I did to lose weight I kept it brief because I know they aren't truly interested, unsurprisingly they said "well I don't want muscle I just want to be skinny. I said well if you want a body like a 12 year old boy just do cardio. I know that's a little mean but I deal with these people everyday Lol I save my breath and best advice for people who really want to change their life
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Your friend is insecure, so she'll mock you because you're better herself and she's just sitting there....

    You bettering yourself has made her more self-aware.
  • whitmars106
    whitmars106 Posts: 118 Member
    I don't think it's fair to say, "That's what MFP is for..." because any time some life altering change is happening in a persons life, they're going to talk about it with everyone, and yes, everyone will get sick of hearing about it. It's the same when you have a crush on someone, planning a wedding, having a baby, traveling, etc. People talk about what is going on most in their lives. Others should really be more understanding, and supportive, or at least learn to tune you out when you're on a roll about fat content. While it may not be relevant to their lives, it is to yours, and if they're going to make you feel bad for figuring out how many calories are in a dish before you order, then maybe you shouldn't go out to eat with them. Friendships need patience as well.
  • Fredrigo
    Fredrigo Posts: 134 Member
    My wife gets horribly annoyed; I don't even have to say anything but as soon as she realizes I'm recording my meals on my phone she acts like I've just delivered a 20 minute monologue on how she should eat better. As a result I usually try to plan and enter meals ahead of time when we eat out or I'll excuse myself to the restroom to type in my data.
  • whitmars106
    whitmars106 Posts: 118 Member
    Your friend is insecure, so she'll mock you because you're better herself and she's just sitting there....

    You bettering yourself has made her more self-aware.

    ^ This too!
  • goldfleck
    I have also noticed people being annoyed. I was over at a friends house and scanned the barcode of the wine we were drinking and she even said "I`m going to kill myself if you keep doing that". I told her it is something I have to do for myself pointblank and that she will have to get use to it. I don't hang out with her as much now because it would always include drinking and lots of eating stuff like nachos. Plus she is a bit of a negative nancy who would spend all of our time together complaining. She is also experiencing problems with her weight but not doing anything to address it, so like a lot of people have said, it's mostly friends who haven't decided to tackle their own issues acting annoyed.
  • Wrenbot87
    Wrenbot87 Posts: 100 Member
    Well, I find it annoys most people, because if you're like me, I'm almost obsessive about checking anything before I eat it. Honestly, I try to plan my day in the morning with my coffee and leave myself an allotment of calories for snacks that I can use throughout the day. If I go out to eat, I just look up what I'm going to get beforehand so that I don't even have to bring it up, and I log it before I get there. This way my phone isn't even out!
  • fougamou
    fougamou Posts: 200 Member
    I have a friend that talks about running all the time- specifically how far she ran and all the aches and pains involved. Frankly, not interesting. Likewise, I don't think the fact that my walk canceled out my breakfast calories is of any interest to anyone but me.
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    I try not to bring it up but if someone asks what I'm doing, I tell them (being honest with myself about what I'm actually eating by tracking it, lots of cardio and heavy lifting). That usually stops the conversation right there. I do get funny looks every once in a while when we all go out and they are all devouring chicken wings and french fries while I'm sitting there with my spinach salad, dressing on the side. But hey! I'm out, enjoying my beer and not going to feel guilty about it tomorrow.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Yep. It annoyed my BF at first. He got over it.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I have a friend that talks about running all the time- specifically how far she ran and all the aches and pains involved. Frankly, not interesting. Likewise, I don't think the fact that my walk canceled out my breakfast calories is of any interest to anyone but me.

    But a lot of the time people talk about it because when you work out regularly it becomes an interest/hobby, the same as someone who paints, writes, etc. will talk about it if they have a particularly difficult piece to they are working on or they had a "break through". It's just the same really, also, sometimes I know I talk about it because I need some encouragement.
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    Hi all,

    I went for lunch with a friend today and started to MFP what I wanted before ordering so I knew where I stood with calories and then started to explain to her that the walk I did this morning "cancelled" out my breakfast, etc.
    She rolled her eyes at me (in a friendly way) and then got my other half in on the "doesn't she talk about calories all the time" banter wagon.

    Is anyone else finding that your friends and partners are (jokingly) getting annoyed by all the calorie talk?

    :) x

    Not as annoyed as I get when someone knows I'm watching what I eat and offers me cookies, chips, etc. Knowing I don't want to be tempted.
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    I love it when people ask me "what my secret is" and whatnot. They come crying to me because they want to lose weight and can't, and see that I've been successful at it thus far, so I tell them exactly what I did, and what led me to it and how not hard it really is. About how it is a commitment for me, and how it really is a lifestyle change. And how "normal" (meaning I still indulge to a reasonable extent) I still am and still will be. I tell them also that they really have to want to make the change for themselves to really be successful.

    And then they don't say anything because it's not the super magical take a pill easy fix they thought I'd tell them.

    Seriously, MFP has been great for me. I tried SparkPeople twice before, and it just didn't click for me there. Even though both my own mom and my aunt have been major success stories there (for real, SP has a cookbook - which is pretty great IMHO - and both of them are featured in the book. Side note: they needed "after" photos, so I was tapped to shoot them for the publication, so I'm published!), I just couldn't make it work. I joined up with a weight loss study, so I HAD to keep a food diary and I kept hearing great things, so I tried this out...and over a year later, I'm still going strong!

    Anyways, yeah, people will get annoyed and tired of my bantering about weight loss and exercise and yadayadayada. But there's also a small percentage of my friends who are inspired by my example and have joined up and are now losing as well!
  • Ebelina07
    my parents even laff @ me and others lift their nose in the air (it is called YIMU, a mockery gesture in Nigeria) but i just look past all that and move on. someday they will know how important it is counting calories
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I can honestly say that I never talk about it. My husband is the only person who has even mentioned that I've changed. I just track what I eat and if I go well over my TDEE then I do some math before bed :)
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    No... but I feel like a monster huge aggravation because I talk about gym stuff all the time. AND IM HOLDING BACK. A LOT. trying to talk about something while trying not to talk about something when youre dying to talk about it for 4 hours....and knowing your friends wish you'd just become a couch potato already... is very very very frustrating on a motivated spirit.
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    My husband is used to it. I am an obsessive person. If it weren't this it would be something else, like we spent 2 years paying down debt (and killed $25K in credit cards!) , or when I was pregnant for the first time reading everything there is to know about becoming a parent. Right now, I am trying to master this weight thing. I am still in the learning phase and I just have to put a lot of time and energy into it now. I am hoping it will be a little more intuitive a year from now. And besides, he usually winds up reaping rewards from my pursuits. He is a very happy camper!!!