Hello I'm a newbie and have 16st/223lb to lose.



  • Welcome, this is a great application. There are tons of people on here to encourage you on your journey! Good luck working your plan.
  • Welcome. Add me too. I love to give my advice. I'm on a mission to fight obesity one person at a time. And anyone else on here can add me too. If you look at my profile, I am currently putting on weight. Haha. Kinda contradicting this whole weight lose goal for most people, but I am doing this on purpose without gaining much fat. So bulking up on muscles. Muscles burn more fat. So don't just diet, weight train too. Don't worry women won't get manly muscles without the right nutrition, training and supplements and steroids.

    My credentials: I lost over 25 lbs in 90 days on a meal replacement program with weight training, some cardio and healthier food choices. I am 5'4" starter at 155 lbs, 25% bodyfat. Dropped to 130 lbs, 8% bodyfat. So that means I had 38.75 lbs of fat on me, after 90 days I had 10.4 lbs of fat. I feel great, look great, full of energy, and most of all, I am helping others to do the same. My current weight is close to 150 lbs at 11% body fat. My calories per day is over 2600. With more muscles, the body needs more fuel. Like a sports car burning gas. So lift heavy, build lean muscles to burn fat 24/7. Good luck.
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    First of all, WELCOME! You have made a big step in joining MFP and adding your first post. I have been using MFP for 6 weeks and have dropped 15 lbs. I still have another 65 to go. I have been successful by eating real food with my real family. I am married and have 3 children living at home (1 recent graduate from college, 1 still in college and 1 in high school). I honestly and accurately enter all my food intake and all my exercise. I know if you start using the tool honestly, you will begin to see results. I would love to support you along your journey! I will send you a friend request!
  • Hi there! Welcome to MFP! It's a great way to lose weight! Feel free to add me... I have quite a bit of weight to lose as well!!
  • cuddlescreampuff
    cuddlescreampuff Posts: 42 Member
    Hi there and welcome to our happy family :flowerforyou: I have been on MFP for almost 2 years. It is a great way to lose weight if you stay focused and dedicated. My hubby just joined 2 weeks ago, and so far has lost 6 pounds! Feel free to add me...I'm always looking for new friends. I'm a great encourager :smile:
  • irishlass76
    irishlass76 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! My name is Colleen, I'm 37 yrs old. I've been a member of MFP for about 1 month. However, i've been pretty slack about it. Not being consistent with my food and exercise, so I've only lost 3 pounds. I need to lose a lot of weight also, almost 90lbs. I'm the type of person who, if I don't see fast results, I get discouraged, and fall back to old bad habits. Recently, I've been cooking more than I ever have before. I'm trying to cook homemade versions of my favourite foods, so I know exactly what goes into it. I would love join a group where I could get and give support. I'm good at giving support to others, but can't apply the same to myself, so that's where I need help. i'm not sure how to join a group or add friends, so please help. lol :smile:
  • Please feel free to add me as a friend. I have nearly 100 pounds to lose. Would love to support you with your journey.
  • lynnw24
    lynnw24 Posts: 116 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have a lot to lose but I am on my way :) Anyone can add me if you'd like!
  • Hello, I am also new to MFP and need to lose 50 lbs. It seems overwhelming to me at this time. I tried WW to no avail. Hopefully I will have better success at this site. I exercise 5 days a week for a total of 45 minutes per day. I think my weakness is portion control. Leftyjo
  • I am also new. I have 100lbs to lose. We'll support each other.
  • Hello! Please take it one pound/stone, one step, one milestone at a time, and don't get discouraged. Even when you have a day that you feel is not a good one, stay focuses on your ultimate goal by concentrating on objectives (this week I will lose this amount; today I will change this eating habit). You will get there!:smile:
  • typingathome
    typingathome Posts: 100 Member
    Let's be friends. The more the merrier. Please feel free to add me. The journey will be worth it, take care.