Diet Coke?



  • wjniii
    wjniii Posts: 110 Member
    I have had a can or two most days throughout my weight loss journey and it has not kep me from losing more than the weight I set out to lose.
  • cbear_
    cbear_ Posts: 10 Member
    I drink a can of coke zero maybe 3-4 times a week? Any fuzzy carbonated soda is bad for the body but at least it's coke zero I guess:/ I'm trying to cut back and only having it when I'm having dinner to curb sugar cravings
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    i drink diet coke ALL THE TIME.

    I've been losing just fine. I know it's terrible for you. but i don't care. I quit smoking cigarettes so let me have my damn diet coke.

    Yep...Give it a rest man everyone has their crutches...Foreshame those who let aspertame cross their paths EVILL EVVVIIIILLL!!!.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    aspartame is the sweetner in all diet soda, Its terrible for you, causes cancer and it actualy causes a insulin spike so you might as well as had the regular and not kill yourself.

    ......this again?........
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Try to limit all diet drinks especially those with artificial sweeteners. Drink water and unsweetened green tea. It is a weakness just like anything else it takes time to change your habits and sometimes u just have to give in:) Mine is redwine! Anyways, don't beat yourself up, I am sure you could eat something worse. And, I am an RN and it is true it spikes your insulin level but the worse part is it tricks our bodies into thinking we r eating sweets and when we do that our bodies crave more sweets!!!!!!!!!!! So diet soda can actually lead to splurging on something else bad....Like I always relate diet coke with twizzlers!!!!

    Yep. Alton Brown calls Diet Coke a "trigger food" he said for him he gave up Diet Coke and milk and lost 50 pounds (gained 20-30 lbs of muscle in its place).

    Ooooooh.... And here I thought that going to the gym would get me ripped.
  • jkuhnen
    jkuhnen Posts: 14 Member
    Wasn't sure, so I asked snopes. It worried me because I probably drink a 6 pack of diet pop a day.

    Zero cancer, and really any negative implications even in large doses. There is a good deal of sodium, just something to be aware of if you have high blood pressure.

    As for the weight loss, I can't speak for others but I use diet soft drinks to fill up. I don't understand how putting more volume into your body could possible make you feel hungry. But I won't contest that, if you think you're hungry then I guess you are.

    Oh and as for some of the talk around metabolism, I'm down at least 65, (probably closer to 75 but you don't go hunting for a scale when you are that overweight) and its almost exclusively diet, no material changes to exercise routine.

    #1 ingredient of Diet Mountain Dew is Water, #2 is Concentrated Orange Juice - Not suggesting it has any redeeming nutritional value...more of a fun fact! :)
  • briana0522
    briana0522 Posts: 15 Member
    How is coke zero different from diet coke? just curious
  • briana0522
    briana0522 Posts: 15 Member
    Oh nevermind. I saw where someone posted about it. Thank you everyone!!!
  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member

    at least drink Coke Zero if you're going to stay in the Coca Cola family.

    TOTALLY agree--Coke Zero is by far superior in taste to Diet Coke...and I drink quite a bit of it and diet mt. dew (one can a day most days), and I think I'm ok. I suppose we'll have to see if I die early, but I seriously doubt that's what will kill me...
  • kellyr730
    kellyr730 Posts: 44 Member
    I've been trying to quit because it's one thing I just have way too much of and I'm trying to keep my diet as "clean" as possible. One thing that helps me is drinking a bottle of perrier (or other similar fizzy water) with some lemon or lime juice squirted in - gives me the fizz and the tang which I think is what I crave the most. Orange juice is pretty good in there too and I've been wanting to try pomegranate and blueberry too. Much healthier :)
  • Sarah1023
    Sarah1023 Posts: 194 Member
    Just a little research data for you all...

    An average 150 pound person can consume 100 packets of Aspartame, equivalent to 18 12-oz. Diet Cokes per day before any reserach shows cancer causing risks. Who drinks that much?? Right, no one.

    In addition, The American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has their own position statement on the use of sweeteners...

    "It is the position of the Academy of Nutritionand Dietetics that consumers can safely enjoya range of nutritive and nonnutritive
    sweeteners when consumed within an eatingplan that is guided by current federal nutrition recommendations, such as the Dietary
    Guidelines for Americans and the Dietary Reference Intakes, as well as individual health goals and personal preference."

    With all that being said, there is no replacement for plain old water. Moderation on diet beverages is key. Caffeine has it's own effects, stimilant, can deydrate you, acts as a diuretic, etc. etc. etc.
  • irishscootz
    I too have been somewhat of an addict to Diet Coke. There was an article that was posted on MFP when I first joined in December. The article was about "5 Foods to Avoid...", and to my dismay the second item on the list was Diet Coke/Artificial Sweeteners. I thought that I was doing pretty good by sticking to my Diet Cokes instead of Regular, and after a while I started to prefer the taste of it over the regular stuff. From time to time, I would get on an iced tea kick, but inevitably I would end up loading that up with a couple of packets of Sweet n' Low, or Splenda.

    Breaking the Diet Coke habit was tough, but it's just another part of my journey to make that major life change. Was I a slave to Diet Coke? Looking back it, I think I was subconsciously. But I found myself discovering new information that helped me to overcome the "need" to have it.

    At the end of the day, what I have learned is consuming 1 ingredient items (carrots, water, chicken...etc), and items that don't contain chemicals, are going to be the best choices to aid me in achieving my goals in health, and weight loss.

    Here is a link to a video about the article that I read:
  • stephgas
    stephgas Posts: 159 Member
    love me some diet coke. when i worked from home and didn't drink water, i would drink over 2 liters of diet coke a day! now i only drink it in the evenings, maybe two glasses with and after dinner. i drink water all through the day, so i'm still being hydrated.

    i don't believe that the artificial sweeteners in diet coke make everything crave sweets. i rarely eat sweets - i eat far fewer sweets than i did when i drank regular coke (over 2000 calories a day in regular coke back then). and you have to drink SO MUCH diet soda in such a short period of time to show a positive correlation between diet soda and cancer. and it's really my last vice.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    Yes...I got earlobe cancer from it last year. :wink: