40+ Club: Hop Into Spring With A Fit Bod



  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Final week countdown!!!! I'm excited and nervous because I have soooo much work to do and still consider my health. I am finally getting caught up at work, which is a relief. I did well with my diet yesterday, except for some PB & J on crackers. Why did I do that???? Strict and clean for the most part until we go next Thursday. I know, I know...Hotel Hershey tomorrow. I'll do my best, but I'm not promising anything. Speaking of Hershey, Stiring, I'm glad that you checked it out! It is even more stunning than on the pix. I've never been to their spa, but they say that many of the treatments involve chocolate or cocoa. Now there's an aphrodesiac! :love:

    Stiring, I'm also glad that you are taking a balanced approach to fitness. I got this wake-up call, loud and clear! I'm a type-A+++, full bore, damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead type of guy. And you know, dear sister, that it runs in the family!!!

    Alf, have a great time at the wedding. I'm sure your family will be surprised!!!!

    Have a great day!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to Stiring, Happy Birthday to You. We will have a birthday party for you right here and now on this thread. I am passing out the goofy hats right now. Who wants to bring a healthy birthday cake substitute?
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    I'm bringing the Yuengling Beer!!!!! Happy Birthday to our dear Stiring!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    I'm 50+ close enough?
    I joined this site almost 3 weeks ago and have found it very easy to track my calories. Harder to fit in the exercise but am building up slow but sure.
    After a shocking step onto the scale I found that I have a total of 65 lbs to lose.
    I have gained and lost around 20 lbs twice in the last couple of years trying quick fix diets. I hope this is the one I can stick to and help keep me at a healthy weight.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    khk2010, welcome! I am a charter member of this fine group and I am quickly approacing my 56th birthday! Please stay with us, we can help you reach your goal!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Sorry I've been MIA again...but work has been crazy busy, and last weekend I was attending my daughter's graduation from William and Mary! Awesome time spent with family (and the almost X) and my weight stayed down! Wheee!!!

    Still working out with the trainer twice a week, and now have upped the cardio to another 4 times a week in the hopes of slimming a bit more. My BF% is still 18% but would like to see if I can get it into the 16% range. (Hey, it's a goal.) I'm feeling really good, and that is the main thing. Hoping to get my running up to 3.3 miles so I can run a 5k later in the year. I don't know why running is so hard for me, I suspect it's my breathing, which I'm working on. Boot camp is still in the mix, and I have to say, I feel pretty darn good that I can actually keep up with some of the 20somethings in the class. Hee hee.

    Sing, I've been reading along about your concussion and I am so sorry. You sound like you are feeling better now and I am glad you've been given the green light to start working out again. Being on forced rest can be sooooo frustrating. I hope you have an amazing time in Europe!

    Stiring, I read a lot about your trip to Hawaii, and it sounded like so much fun. LUCKY!!!!! And Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Texas, so sorry to hear about your dog. I lost one of my cats this past winter, and it is one of the toughest things about owning a pet. I would love to have a dog again, but like you, I think I'm currently too busy for one. :( Someday, though.

    khk2010, welcome to this thread! Many wonderful people here, and lots of support! Some of us eat carbs, some don't but we all get along great! And I turned 55 this year, so you are among peers!!!!
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Sing: I am getting excited about your trip! Have a wonderful time!

    Stiring: I have the cake: Angel food topped with non-fat yogurt and fresh strawberries! Yum... My husband made the mistake one time in a very "lean" money year to do nothing for my birthday. After that, I decided I would do something for myself to celebrate my birthday (and not feel guilty about it either!)

    Cardigirl: Good to hear from you.

    KHK2010 Welcome! I am 51. I don't think there is an upper limit on the age. This is a great group of people.

    Take care all! TxMs
  • pepper06
    pepper06 Posts: 89
    well it is Thursday and the weather certainly plays a part in how I feel. Yesterday it was rain and clouds, and did was tired, but I went to my cardio class anyway. Well, another lady was saying how tired she was and just a bum type of a day. I was glad I went, and pushed my way through it-not my best work out-just did not have the strength. This morning I was up at 5:30 and went for that 3 mile walk, later in the day I worked in the garden-certainly more energy today than yesterday.

    Does weather affect anyone else exercise days?

    Almost Friday:smooched:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Friday reporting day! Nothing much to report on!! For 3-1/2 weeks now I've been a bit under the weather. I'm very thankful that I started my get-in-shape routine months ago. I'm still strong and fairly slim. My weight has not changed either, even though I'm not able to exercise very much.

    Yesterday I went to the gym for the first time since April 26th. I walked on the treadmill and lifted some light weights. The pressure of lifting is still making me a bit light headed, so that's out for a while.

    I will get plenty of walking in Europe. We don't sit around all day eating sauerkraut and drinking schnapps...sounds good though. I would say that we easily walk 5-7 miles per day, sometimes more.

    We are leaving late this morning for Hershey. We are going to do some shopping in the Harrisburg area and then go over to the Hotel Hershey around 3 pm to get our passes for the Hershey Gardens and Hershey Museum. Today is going to be in the mid-80s, so after dinner we will enjoy a drink on the veranda while listening to jazz. I bought some bubbly to toast my wife's birthday in our room. I'm really happy that we have the same interests.

    I'm busy printing out bus & train schedules, as well as directions to various sights in Germany & Austria. I'm taking our GPS, but I like to have a backup plan if that should fail for some reason. My Ipod Touch is loaded with apps for DB (Deutsche Bahn), OEBB (Austrian national rail), maps, etc... I can even check my email when I can find free WIFI. I'm told that all McDs even in Europe have wifi. There is even an app called "Billig Tanken", which finds cheap gas in Austria!!!

    Have a great day!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Hi Everyone! couldn't help but check this thread out. Hope you don't mind me tagging along. Just turned 47 and starting to get into the swing of things. Lost 10 so far but need some continued motivation. Sing I am a fellow Pennsylvanian, just north of Philly. Just started getting into Zumba with my daughter. Fun mother/daughter bonding. I will miss it when she heads off to Penn State in the Fall.

    Have a great weekend all!
  • danizell
    danizell Posts: 9
    Welcome Zippy111!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Zippy, welcome to the club!!! I live in southern Schuylkill Co., north of Reading, east of Allentown. I went to Grad School in the Philadelphia area (West Chester U.). Nice to have you with us!
  • danizell
    danizell Posts: 9
    Checking in! Happy Friday to everyone! One day this week I went way over on calories. Can't beat myself up over it however, ran the last three days and todays run was long and awesome. I truly lose the most weight by running. Can't wait to lose about 5 more and feel even better. Going to be a hot one here in NJ, thinking a light walk this afternoon??? Have a fabulous day everyone!
  • danizell
    danizell Posts: 9
    singfree, have a great trip to Hershey!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Sing: Have fun tonight @ Hershey!

    Welcome Zippy, I think you will enjoy this group.

    I am doing the Happy Dance. I am down 1.8 lbs this week. I'm continuing to do Walk it Out 7 days a week. I keep trying to incorporate the aerobic step a little more each week.
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi Everyone. Well, I didn't weigh today as I went out with girlfriends last night and ate tons of sushi and had lots of wine. No need to depress myself. But as of yesterday it looks like a week of maintaining...which is ok with me. I'm on a slow path now.

    I did pump up time spent on the elliptical last week and this week from around 40-45 minutes to 50-60 minutes. A little scared now that I have hit 60 minutes I won't be able to maintain that length of time long term....I hope so.... but it is so darn boring!!!

    Anyway, hope everyone had a great week!
  • JuliaSoCal
    JuliaSoCal Posts: 87
    down .8 of a pound today. This is very interesting because according to the scale I was down even further on Wed. WACKY scale...

  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Happy Friday to all!!!

    We FINALLY have dry skies and sunshine here in Kansas!:smile::smile: :smile: :smile: I'm so excited - the weather forecast is 80's and maybe 90 thru the weekend and most of next week!!!!! :happy: :happy: I can't wait......I'm so tired of cold and rainy weather. My poor husband has been freezing since he got home; average high temperature in Afghanistan was 95-100° when he left, and he comes home to 50's and 60's. Maybe he'll finally be able to lose the zip up hoodie he's been wearing for 3+ weeks!::laugh: :laugh: Need to get the boat cleaned up - can't believe that next weekend is Memorial Day - the "official" start of boating season here in Kansas.

    Finally getting used to having him around again and not having to take care of everything myself. I'm not sure if his biggest appreciation right now is running water, not having to get dressed to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night (nearest latrine was 50+yards away:grumble: :grumble: ) or pouring an ice cold beer :drinker: :drinker: out of his kegerator whenever he wants to. Me, I'm just happy to have him home again:wink::wink: Being a geographical single parent stinks, no matter how old your children are!!

    Today will make 3 days this week working out at Curves - haven't done that in what seems like forever!:grumble: Won't know my weight until then, so will report it later. Trying to maintain 124-126 pounds; focusing on eating healthy, making the husband eat healthy with me, losing the flab around the belly and losing body fat percentage. I'll know the first week of June if I've been successful at losing inches and body fat percentage, I get measured and body fat calculated once a month at Curves.

    Still going crazy supporting two position searches at work, so probably won't have time to check in very often. Computer at home is acting stupid and we're trying to figure out what kind of notebook computer to buy, so stealing a few minutes out of my work day is the only way I'm checking in.

    Stiring..........happy early birthday!

    Sing...........have a great time at Hotel Hershey with your wife. What a great way to celebrate a milestone birthday.:happy:

    Everyone else...............hope the rest of your day is great and you have an awesome weekend!!!!

  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Sing: Have fun tonight @ Hershey!

    Welcome Zippy, I think you will enjoy this group.

    I am doing the Happy Dance. I am down 1.8 lbs this week. I'm continuing to do Walk it Out 7 days a week. I keep trying to incorporate the aerobic step a little more each week.

    Thanks for the welcome everyone! Sing - Beautiful night for Hershey. DD was a six flags today in Jackson NJ for Senior Cut Day!

    Marla - Know what you mean about getting use to husband not being around. Mine has been deployed 4 times in the last 6 years! They don't think we know how to run a household without them...little do they know:wink: . Glad he is home for you. Please thank him for his service
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