C25K Beginnners



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I did week 3 day 1 yesterday, Monday, and tomorrow i will be doing day 2. week 3 was a little challenging because i am alternating 90 seconds of brisk walking and running..so it was challenging but fun.

    Good luck to all!
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    I completed Week 2 workout 2 today. I felt really good and strong so I added 10min of brisk incline walking at the end.
  • reddqueen
    reddqueen Posts: 300 Member
    I've started the C25k program a few times throughout this past fall and winter, and given up due to cold weather. But now it's beautiful out again, and I just completed W1D1 this morning!

    I love the way I feel afterwards - I can't wait to be able to run further distances. I'd love to join your group too, and hear how everyone's doing with the program.
  • NewMe80xoxo
    NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
    Week 1 workout 3 is tomorrow. I'm hoping that strectching before I do it will help me a tons witht the cramps that I have been getting!!!
  • NewMe80xoxo
    NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
    C25K: Week 1 Workout 3...I was able to do it up to the last 5 mins. For some reason my legs starts to burn and hurt and its hard to work mustless jog. Next week I'm going to try to up my water intake to atleast 2 bottles of water before my workout and strectch a lot more...Today I barely stretch and I didn't even have 1 cup of water in me!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Afternoon!

    I will ( hopefully) be doing week 4 day 1 today. Last night i had had a charlie horse/ leg cramp, i am in pain today. I am not going to let it derail me from doing c25k, but i Will take it easier than normal.

    Best sucess to all!!!
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    Hello everybody,

    I started C25K this morning, I'd love to join you even though I'm a little behind. It was harder than I thought it would be, but I did it and really liked it! I think I'm going to end up really liking running, which I never thought was possible for me.

    So, today: W1D1. I plan on doing it M, W, F, with some strength training on the off days.

    Question: Do you do this outside or on a treadmill? For those of you doing it outside, do you have an alternative plan for bad weather days? I don't want to have ANY excuses for skipping days.
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Hi everyone! I am a little ahead of you guys (doing W3D3 tomorrow) but can I still join? I am on another C25K thread but they don't post as much as you guys do, and I REALLY need the motivation!

    I signed myself up for a 5k to run on July 4 (do the math!) I was ready to move onto Week 4 last week but switched from the treadmill to outdoors so I could make the adjustment sooner than later. Boy, was it hard! I couldn't even finish Week 3 outside (even though I had finished it 3x without problems on the treadmill already.)
    That said, I may not be able to run my entire 5k on July 4 but I am sure going to try.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Welcome LIsa811 and AmandaB4588!

    I started Week 4 day 1 on Monday..it wasn't as bad as i expected. And tomorrow I will do Day 2.

    Best sucess to all!!!
  • lrberchielli
    Okay I know I am starting a little later than the rest of you but reading the plan was very exciting. I would love to join. I haven't run since I got plantar fasciitis in my left foot, so I am a nervous. Tomorrow will be my start day (I was just about to start dinner). Wish me luck and good luck to all of you.
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Question: Do you do this outside or on a treadmill? For those of you doing it outside, do you have an alternative plan for bad weather days? I don't want to have ANY excuses for skipping days.

    I started on the treadmill and just switched to outside. I haven't experienced a bad weather day since switching to outside but plan to just take it back to the treadmill if/when I do.
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    I just did Week 1, Day 2. It was tough. But I made it through. It's very motivational to read about those of you on weed 3 and 4. The podcast is great, makes it so much easier!

    So, I've heard of sore knees from running...but how about sore hips? Mine were kind of achey yesterday. I have a feeling I'm going to be one of those people with bad hips someday. :cry: Does anyone else experience this?
  • lrberchielli
    Sounds like you need to open up your hips a bit. Try sitting in a chair, bring your right leg up bent at 90 degrees placing your right ankle over your left leg just above your knee. Then press your right knee toward the floor trying to get it parallel with the floor. This is a move I give to a lot of runners who are super tight in the hips. (I am a yoga teacher) Open hips also help with knee issues. Also try a lunge with your knee down on the ground and back toes pointed back. Another move is to sit on the floor with your knees bent and soles of your feet together (pulling them as close to your body as possible and pressing down on knees). Most importantly breath through each position. A little every day If you get a chance go to a yoga class or rent a DVD that concentrates on hips. Good luck
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    Irberchlelli - thank you so much! I will do that. I'd like to start doing some yoga anyway to improve my flexibility.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Thanks Lrberchlelli for the great tips, I will be using them too. sometimes My hip(s) hurt when I am running, but it stops when I stop.

    Lisa811, How are you making out with week one? best of luck girl :-)

    As for me, I have week 4 day 3 to do today and then I will be moving on to week 5. week four was a little challenging. I should think about downloading podcast because i had to set up the times to run/walk..it became annoying towards the end.

    Good luck girls!
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    Thanks Lrberchlelli for the great tips, I will be using them too. sometimes My hip(s) hurt when I am running, but it stops when I stop.

    Lisa811, How are you making out with week one? best of luck girl :-)

    As for me, I have week 4 day 3 to do today and then I will be moving on to week 5. week four was a little challenging. I should think about downloading podcast because i had to set up the times to run/walk..it became annoying towards the end.

    Good luck girls!

    I did W1D3 today. I'm a little nervous about going to week 2 because the 60 second runs were still challenging today, but I'm going to do my best! I lost 2 lbs. this week, so I'm totally motivated!

    The podcast is so helpful!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Thanks Lrberchlelli for the great tips, I will be using them too. sometimes My hip(s) hurt when I am running, but it stops when I stop.

    Lisa811, How are you making out with week one? best of luck girl :-)

    As for me, I have week 4 day 3 to do today and then I will be moving on to week 5. week four was a little challenging. I should think about downloading podcast because i had to set up the times to run/walk..it became annoying towards the end.

    Good luck girls!

    I did W1D3 today. I'm a little nervous about going to week 2 because the 60 second runs were still challenging today, but I'm going to do my best! I lost 2 lbs. this week, so I'm totally motivated!

    The podcast is so helpful!

    That's great to hear. Way to go on the 2 pounds lost!

    can i ask you, do you run outside or on the treadmill? if treadmil, are you running too fast which causes you to get winded to fast? slow down the speed and maybe that would help.

    good luck girl!
  • Mom2Emery_Liam
    I'm so bummed I had to stop this after week 2. Both knees hurt like crazy for a good week and a half and now I'm afraid the pain will come back in full force if I try it again. Now I'm just doing 20 minute circuit training videos and no knee pain so far. I really miss my early morning run/walks though...may have to start up again and test my knees out. I think more than anything I need some better insoles for my new shoes. Flat feet suck!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    was wondering if I can join here...did W1D1 today. I have started this like 3 times in the past....and now I have a little more free time this summer, so my goal is to finish it and start running/jogging some 5k's!

    good luck everyone!
  • nikki_zav
    nikki_zav Posts: 320 Member
    Hi Everyone. Just ran across this thread today, but would love to join in!! I started C25K this week. I actually ended up doing 4 days of W1, and did 9 repetitions of the walk run instead of 7. In just over a 1/2 hr I totaled 2 miles each time. I play ice hockey though, so didn't totally start from couch, just haven't run in a while and I like the idea of intervals to get back in the habit.

    Great job everyone so far. Keep up the hard work :)