*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • Hi my name is Joni, I am a mother of two, a wife, and just recently stopped working due to being overweight and the strain that it puts on my back and my breathing. I am looking to lose 75 pounds. My biggest obstacle is how do I make my need for excercising over come my depression? I would like to be around for my kids, since my grandmother just died from obesity and it runs in my family.
  • MrsGrayz
    MrsGrayz Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Megan. Please feel free to add me. I just rejoined MFP and I would love to share healthy meal options. I'm 30, married, mother of 1.
  • Hello everyone!

    I have at least 90 lbs to lose. I am 25 years old and in my 3rd year of law school. I gained approximately 60 lbs this past year and half. I know the weight won't come off quick...but I'm hoping that being on this site and message boards will help me feel accountable. I want to lose this weight. So let's do this :)
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    I'm still here, sorry I'm always quiet over the weekends.
    I don't have much to add except I ate a lot of rubbish this weekend but a lot less than I might have normally...and my body doesn't feel too different for the badness, Infact on Saturday I woke up feeling thinner which was great.
    Big NSV...y'know those black work jeans I bought back in the middle of jan...well this weekend I bought my actual size, back down to a uk12! And they fit...and the dark blue jeans fit too so I bought some of those too...so something is working.
    We have the stupid snow back, but I sucked it up and cycled to the station and got drenched i slush by all the cars but I did it...and I didn't go out for fish&chips at lunch with all my colleagues who wanted to coz it was "cold and snowy"... Nope I ate my packed stew lunch like a good girl.
    Apparently I had more to say than I thought...

    Hmayo86 I'm very impressed by your morning workouts, I wish I could drag myself out of bed earlier to do 30ds or something before work...I know I *could* but I honestly don't think my body would ever forgive me right now, especially whilst it's still dark when I get up...as the body adjusts to the early starts and late finishes I hope to add something like this in though, even if it's not every day! X
  • borofka1
    borofka1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I would like to join this group. I am 58 years old and an ICU nurse. I have three grown children and one stepson and two adorable grandsons.plus a sweet 4 year old step granddaughter and two step grandsons! I am happily married. I hope to lose around 83 more pounds. I want to have more energy to play with my grandkids, play golf, look decent in a bathing suit this summer, and feel better in general. I am looking forward to participating in this group!
  • misspinkshorts
    misspinkshorts Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for the motivation guys. Im not giving up this time. Every time I try to get in shape and be healthy I give up after a month or so. I am making it all the way this time. Today was good. I stuck with what I planned to eat although I feel like I am way under my calories I don't feel hungry so I guess there is no harm in it.

    As to working out in the mornings I want to start running and what not in the morning but right know like Penny said its still dark when I would have to be out running in order to get to classes and work on time. Most days I have been doing good sticking with my workouts. Seems like Friday will be my only trouble because I know all my friends are at my apt waiting for me to get home and Im exhausted and ready for the weekend. I just wanna skip.

    Penny congratz on the NSV!!! I love when I can feel my body changing and see my cloths fitting differently! Keep it up because what you are doing is clearly working. :)
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hey everyone, well I jumped off the wagon this weekend and then let it run over me. But I'm back on. Every time it happens, I'm reminded of how crap I feel after eating really really bad food. Wish I could remember that before it is ordered and eaten! Yesterday was really food and easy...wish every day could be like that. It did help that Kenzie and I were out of the house for a few hours so that's a few hours away from temptation. I even skipped stopping at subway and came home and made lunch.

    So far today has been good. Dinner is planned and ready to go into the crockpot. Making buffalo chicken lettuce wraps (from skinnytaste.com). Will let you know if they are any good. I've also got my sweats on so that when Kenzie naps I can get my sweat on. Hoping to be super productive today and get a just sweat session and 30ds in. Its ambitious but I need it. Meeting up with my old trainer for coffee tomorrow. I can't wait to get back to working with her. Gym membership reactivates at the end of March (it was suspended during my maternity). I won't be seeing her every week and I won't be in the gym 6 days a week but knowing I will be weighing in with her every couple of weeks will keep me moving and motivated and accountable. And as much as I am dreading returning to work (it makes me cry and breaks my heart, the idea of sending my baby to daycare, I don't want anyone telling me when she has taken her first steps or said words (she's already mastered MOM!) but I also know that being busy with work and then coming home and having precious time with Kenzie will definitely help my eating....boredom is the worst thing for someone who has a food addiction.

    Penny: fab NSV!! You're doing so well continuing to cycle even in the crappy weather (I still snicker at the UK response to snow, sorry!). Looks like it is supposed to get warmer later this week though!

    Amanda - good job on sticking to the healthy eating, to me that's the hardest part. Anyway you could one or two of those friends to do exercise with you on a Friday? Something fun perhaps? Would make it easier to face :tongue:

    New faces: welcome, jump in and join the conversations - the more you post and chatter, the more you will benefit!
  • Hello all. Life keeps getting in the way of my dieting! I am so tired and my willpower is right out the window. So in need of encouragement.
    Congrats to all who have been able to lose this week! Keep up the great work :)
  • Teamshoemaker1
    Teamshoemaker1 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi I just found this tread and I have been searching for support, anyways that being said I am Christina. I teach kindergarten and LOVE it. I'm looking to loose more than 100 pounds. I log in everyday and try to complete my food log everyday. I really need someone to help motivate me! I'm excited to be part of your group!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    It's funny... I feel selfish when I can't comment to others and just post my own stuff. However, if I don't at least do a little, then it appears I'm missing... so, I apologize in advance, I don't have much for time and will need to do responses to people on the next one.

    My birthday week is over, and while it was fun? I find that there were just too many excuses for everything! So, I decided that with Lent starting tomorrow... this year, for Lent, Id give up excuses. It's going to be hard, it's going to be a lot of work, it's also? Going to get done.

    I've been weak lately, but my strength will come back!

    My exercise pattern has been back on track, however, I'm not seeing any results... other than numbers getting bigger vs smaller on the scale. AND NO... before anyone says it's muscle, it's not. Yes, it's still side effects of the meds... but it's time for that to go away!

    Otherwise? Things are OK... New position being created at work, with me in mind. I'll see it on Feb 26. We'll see... *sigh* Hope it's good... And, the guy? Well, he messed up with my birthday but asked for Valentine's Day and says he's planning everything... crossing fingers. LOL.

    OK, gotta run but will address more of you individually on the next post!
  • I like the way the OP puts it--looking to release lbs. it makes it sounds so happy, like the fat is being sent somewhere sunshiney and wild. go, little fat! be free!
  • MySlimGoals
    MySlimGoals Posts: 754 Member
    Hi, I'd really like some friends on this to help me stay motivated with my food diary keeping. I'm working in kgs though for my weight loss so I hope you don't think I'm being awkward on purpose! I'd like to lose about 30kg.
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    Hi ladies. Hope everyone is doing okay with your goals.

    I'm currently doing JM's 30 day Shred. I'm already on D6L1. Unfortunately, I couldn't do it last night since I'm feeling under the weather (fever and cough). I'm a bit ok now but I think I will not hit the gym tonight and take it slow. Hopefully, I'll feel 100% tomorrow, and hit the gym.
  • Hey all!! I'd love to be a part of this group...I'm a 29 yer old mother of 2 boys in San Jose, CA. I used to weigh 281 pounds, but lost 110 pounds with Weight Watchers. Unfortunately, I am a stress eater and have gained 60 pounds back. = ( Looking to lose 70 pound and reach my goal weight of 160. So, I need all the support I can get as I'm having such a hard time getting back on the wagon!!!
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    It's friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiday!!!!!!!!!!! That is all...
  • hmayo86
    hmayo86 Posts: 81 Member
    TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy:

    Lost one pound and one inch this week! Having some issues with my HRM app since it updated yesterday and MFP had reverted my start weight back to what it was when I first signed up, so I had to fix that. I've lost weight and my ticker still said zero..can't have that! Anywho, hopefully it's all fixed now. Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
  • Hi! I just found this group and would love to join!

    My name is Bonnie. After years of working retail on my feet all day I got an office job and gained alot of weight and 3 dress sizes. :( Taking care of 4 kids and working full time didn't leave a lot of extra time and the monthly pitch ins at work didn't help! We're down to 1 kid at home but I now work 50+ hours a week so still don't have a lot of time.

    At my heaviest I was 200 lbs. I had lost 20 lbs and pretty much kept it at that level for years. We just started a round of 'Biggest Loser' at work and imagine my disapointment to see my first weight in is almost back to 200. I would like to lose 70 lbs. There is a strong family history of Type 2 diabetes - grandma, mom and uncle - and I don't want to be the next one!
  • claretaclara
    claretaclara Posts: 43 Member
    Hello (:

    My name is clara ...19 years ... lookin forward to losin 50 lbs :)
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Have flu. Enough said.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member

    I wrote a blog tonight, and kinda feel good about it. If any of you want to check it out - the link is below. Much of it had been niggling in my brain for the last few weeks and tonight I took the time to actually put the thoughts down, in what I hope is a coherent manner. :) I'm kinda hoping that this one will get some votes... which is usually NOT the reason that I do any of the blogging thing - mostly I do it to process through - but this one? I kinda hope that this one will get some attention and some love... this one? means a lot to me! :)

    It's about When Inner Fears... Interfere
