Share mother in law horror stories!!

lumstead0317 Posts: 85 Member
And... Go!!


  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    My mother in law loves me more than her own son and gives me hundreds of dollars to go shopping on many random occasions.

    I call her when my boyfriend is being a d!ck and she yells at him.

    ..oh horror stories...

    I got none.
  • lumstead0317
    lumstead0317 Posts: 85 Member
    that's amazing!! Hats off to your MIL!! We've had this topic going on at work a LOT today!!
  • Fox_n_sox
    Fox_n_sox Posts: 283 Member
    I'm a MILF...oooooh you meant M-I-L...haven't met my future M-I-L yet. Meeting half the family tonight though!
  • originalkazila
    My mother in law loves me more than her own son and gives me hundreds of dollars to go shopping on many random occasions.

    I call her when my boyfriend is being a d!ck and she yells at him.

    ..oh horror stories...

    I got none.

    This is the same for me too. My MIL Loves me haha.
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    My MIL gives me $100 for Christmas!
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    My mother in law loves me more than her own son and gives me hundreds of dollars to go shopping on many random occasions.
    I call her when my boyfriend is being a d!ck and she yells at him.

    Your husband's mother REALLY must like you better than her own son, if she doesn't mind you having a boyfriend on the side.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    my former mil... so old hat already... my children's daddy died 11 years ago and his mom made things bad by doing what she thought was her right concerning $ and stuff... I've let it and her family go. God is my provider and will always be. She kept the $ but lost a family ... sad... I don't even know where they are anymore. I just pray that God sends someone to them to bring them to Jesus so they can go to Heaven in the end. Hell is a horrible place and wasn't created for people.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    My mother in law loves me more than her own son and gives me hundreds of dollars to go shopping on many random occasions.

    I call her when my boyfriend is being a d!ck and she yells at him.

    ..oh horror stories...

    I got none.

    This. my MIL is great
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    My to be MIL is an angel, but his grandmother is the horror sometimes!

    We were nice enough to allow her to live with us to make things easy on her. For 6 months. The entire time she rode me saying I had to get a better job (like I wasn't already trying), I had to clean the house, had to cook dinner, and pay for everything. If I didn't, I got griped at, told I wasn't good enough. He tried to buff it a bit, but he was doing Nascar races (rear tire changer) and wasn't always around to protect me.

    I have many others during those 6 months, but was horrid
  • Pdschurig
    Pdschurig Posts: 56 Member
    My MIL is a wonderful woman, and I am glad that she is my MIL. We have much in common and talk as much as we can. Now my former MIL well lets just say I am glad that she is no longer walking the earth! She and her son were replaced with much better upgrades!
  • n8dawg77
    n8dawg77 Posts: 216 Member
    Mine lives with me... I used to sit and watch the hockey game in my gitch at like 1:00 am on a Friday night... wife asleep in bed, kids finally sleeping ... and she'd come out of nowhere sit beside me and start ask questions about the game and my day and the weather. AWKWARD!!!!!!!
  • Rosytakesoff
    No MIL horror stories. She is a pretty normal person. I am waiting for people to post some good ones though.
  • emtb319
    Until recently I thought I had a nice mother in law. Apparently, she hates my guts now and is trying to get between us. She yelled at my hubby something horrible for getting me pregnant last year and then told him how happy she was that the baby died because now it can't be an additional burden on him. She also goes on and on about how I'm a lazy, fat American and how bad a mother I am. She caused so much friction in our relationship that we almost separated.
    Now, my hubby sees what's going on and is taking my side and the side of our family. My mother in law will just have to get over it and get some friends. She's an empty nester and she hates it. Her house is too quiet and empty. I actually feel sorry for her and I hope that she finds something better to do with her time that alienating her kids.
  • salgalbp
    salgalbp Posts: 218 Member
    Can I do a Father-in-law horror? Wait I'm going to anyway.

    When I was married my FIL (A$$HAT) anyway but....we were all at the company Christmas Party and the owners bought all the men windbreakers. I grabbed my FIL's so it looked like he didn't get one (he's a greedy (*&%^) so it was a joke but everyone wanted to see his reaction.

    When he realized he didn't get one and started pouting as we knew he would I stood up and gave it to him. When he took it out of the bag and held it up he said (LOUD ENOUGH FOR THE 30+ PEOPLE TO HEAR) "Good thing it wasn't for you because it wouldn't have fit you anyway" The whole room went silent.

    I was 280lbs at the time......

    Um yeah - if I wasn't such a nice person I would have physically harmed him!
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    Former MIL was overbearing, compensating for what her son wouldn't do at home by doing it herself (laundry, dishes, vacuum).

    She would need money every other month to finish the month even if she didn't have that much to pay compared to her earnings.

    She would make the calls for her son's appointment, call the health line if he wasn't feeling well, bringing him the vitamins and medication suggested.

    She would come over at night and if ex was on the laptop, she would make a scene for him to get off of it and tell him he was lucky that I was tolerating him.

    She would call me at work to report gossip from the building we all lived in, she would take the dog out while we were at work and most nights, so her son wouldn't have to do it.

    Former MIL would come by when I was making dinner always asking me questions about what I was preparing, she would come in our apartment and if the dishes weren't done, would throw herself and it and tell us to sit down.

    She would believe everything they say on tv and report it to me and insist her son applies it.

    She would give excuses for her son for all he did wrong, when he was younger, she would bail him out creating a fake alibi when he got in trouble, she would pay his speeding tickets, she would take money out of her retirement fund to cover the collections from collection agency when she could, she would borrow the car and clean it up whenever she could, commenting on the mess.

    She would also come over 10 times a day over the weekends sometimes, would call a lot, asking questions, would comment on my FB pics 3 times in a row for each pic, frightening people away from commenting.

    Would always worry too much, wouldn't eat much, would smoke too much, would spend her days in front of the tv and would not find herself hobbies other than us.

    I'm glad i'm out and fyi ex-bf is 37 years old and they're not italian.

    Feels good to talk about it...breakup is recent :blushing:
  • Vmax1992
    Vmax1992 Posts: 41 Member
    My current MIL is great. My past one got better over the years after she gave up driving and had to keep her broom parked
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Mine loves me, too, and I've been separated from her son for 7 yrs now. She gives me money on my birthday, and invites me to all the family get-togethers. Ex's girlfriend is not allowed. I don't think I have any horror stories. My own mom, yes. *googling gitch*
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I have a future MIL, but she's still a nightmare none the less. My fiance and I live with her due to financial woes. She's a gossiper. ALWAYS making up horrible stories about me and her son. Every four months she asks my fiance if I'm pregnant, which is ridiculous because I don't look pregnant. She thinks he beats me when there is no evidence of such things occurring. She is constantly eaves dropping and will make up a narrative based on parts of conversations. Until she got yelled at, she kept bringing up my fiance's ex that she liked. Her reason for liking her was because she treated her son like garbage. I actually treat him well, which is apparently bad. She urinates on the bathroom floor and the toilet seat at night and doesn't bother to clean it up, so the next person who enters the bathroom gets to have their feet stuck in sticky urine. She plays favorites and pretends she doesn't. She goes through my fiance's coat pockets and has tried to hide his mail from him. She refuses to clean up after herself period. I'm the one who cleans and I rarely get a "thank you" for it. She constantly insults my fiance and spoils her other son, who is creepy, mentally challenged and morbidly obese because he eats everything in sight.

    There's more, but I don't feel like delving deeper. I wish we had the financial means to move......
  • Dianemarie58
    Dianemarie58 Posts: 6 Member
    My first MIL came to my house to visit. She rearranged my kitchen to suit her better, insisted on cooking dinner which was awful and I caught her going through my drawers in my bedroom. I sent her home quickly.
  • mrstravisjones
    mrstravisjones Posts: 104 Member
    mine stalks me, my husband, my family, and any of my friends who happened to accept her friend request on facebook. if i post anything, or anyone else's posts a photo of me.... without fail, she will have commented on it or liked it within 10 minutes of it being there. she does the same to my husband, my sister in law (my brother's wife, so.... no relation to her), and my friends. she used to do the same to my brother, and would get into debates with him all the time. he sent me a text saying, "i'm sorry, but your mother in law is a douche and i had to unfriend her".

    i disagree with most things she says, but it is way to soon in my life to go and burn bridges with her, so i just bite my lip and let her say her piece.... all. the. time. i cringe a little bit every time she messages me, because i know she is going to lecture me about something. she complains to my husband that we see my family more than her, which isn't true. we see her multiple times throughout the year as she lives about 3hrs away. my family is two states away, and we visit 1-2 times a year. she nags about little things, like packing an umbrella to take to the beach - i'm talking, repeatedly nagging. she flips every time my gym posts a photo of me working out, because - women shouldn't be lifting things that heavy, and i'm going to injure my knees if i don't stop squatting, etc.

    she messages my husband... no, not message... SPAMS my husband 20-30 messages at a time, whining about how she misses him and he'll be sorry he didn't spend more time with her once she's no longer here. and she'll always end with - don't you just love your pitiful mama. he'll read it and turn to me and say, "and this is why i don't call her. this is all she does"

    she has MS, which is understand is a bad disease to have, but she talks about it all time time. everything she does. i have ms, so i can't go out late at night. i was in the kitchen and got tired, you know, because of the ms. i might have ms, but... ever since i got the ms.... this ms medication....
    she does the same thing with her dog, that went blind. over christmas, my husband and i were there for 3 days. over the course of that time, she mentioned that toby was blind at least a dozen times a day. she posted a picture of him on facebook and captioned it, "i'm blind now, but santa claus still came and i had a good christmas."
    she is always looking for sympathy.

    and i hate that she calls me her kid. i am not her kid. i married her kid.... who is no longer a kid.

    and she has informed us that she wants our children (future children, no kids yet) to call her nanny-poo. over my dead body and i am going to have a lifetime of saying the word 'poo'. and anyway, it's just recently that she even wants us to have kids. last year, she lectured my husband after she snooped through boxes of our belongings cleared marked personal-bathroom and found pregnancy tests. we were moving into our house and i carried boxes upstairs to the bathroom. she was right behind me with scissors in hand. i told her that i didn't need her help with the box, and that i would unpack it later. she ignored me, walked right into the bathroom, cut open the box, and started rummaging through it. she told my husband that we were too young to have children and it was too soon. that event in our life was when i lost trust and respect for that woman.