Pregnancy weight gain.......some are gaining too much



  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    i gained 80lbs with my first two pregnancies and that wasnt my fault...i had a medical condition that made me retain water like crazy! so given i agree with no gaining that much but at same time some ppl cant help it if they develop something they cant control.
  • andersonjo0306
    andersonjo0306 Posts: 304 Member
    it may not be healthy but we as women just generally dont want to hear it
    our bodies durring and after pregnancy are an intimate topic that we share with only our loved ones
    we have enough esteem problems with our changed bodies
    we dont need to hear it from trainers or nutritionists
    even if they have our best interest at heart
    and especially not from some internet dude

    We are vulnerable and flushed with hormones
    we dont need your opinion

    If we want help or advice we seek it out on a level that is comfortable for us

    This topic is offensive to mothers becuase we have all had our own individual stuggles with our pregnancy and bodies. You are throwing random info out there and categorizing us into one pregnant mass. Like if we all followed your souond advice we would all have healthy pregnancys and rocking bodies after the birth.

    It is not that simple.

    We women (mostly) prefer for men to leave this topic alone. But to each his own, its your soapbox preach on to the masses!

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    It's not always so black and white. I lost 80 pounds prior to becoming pregnant, and maintained that loss for more than two years. I went into pregnancy "planning" to gain the recommended 25-30 pounds, maximum, for my height. I'd been working out and weight training five days a week and never stopped. I never missed a workout through 9 months of pregnancy. I ate high fiber foods, more veggies and fruits than ever before, and plenty of lean meats. In fact, I ate BETTER during pregnancy than I had ever before. I slept well and wasn't stressed out. I had a perfect pregnancy and stayed active. In fact, my water BROKE when I was getting up early to do yoga.

    I gained 50 pounds.

    Judging someone you see in a waiting room without knowing the story behind it is kind of closed minded. Just my two cents.
    I agree it's not black and white and working with the general guidelines isn't always going to work for everyone, just like approaching weight loss doesn't really have a straight forward plan with the exception of calorie deficit.
    My belief is that like some myths of "don't eat after 7pm or it will all turn into fat" are circulated, that the "eating for two" myth also should be addressed with moms to be.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mindiv
    mindiv Posts: 49 Member
    I have to agree....a lot of women DO eat for two instead of one. What would you have recommended to someone in my position, nutrition and/or training wise, who was gaining while doing everything right during pregnancy...

    You know, in case I have another :)
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    If you really just want to dispel myths, why not just post the actual info without preaching what pregnant "should and shouldn't" do?

  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    When I was newly pregnant with my daughter (my oldest), my doctor told me, "You ARE eating for two, but remember one of you is very, very small" and he went on to say that the extra calories needed each day are not significant.

    Pregnancy is definitely not a license to eat whatever you want, you're only making it harder for yourself down the road. Plus, slow, moderate weight gain helps avoid stretch marks!
  • ekaustin7
    ekaustin7 Posts: 185 Member
    I love when men nag about **** that has nothing to do with them.

    i agree,

    Sorry he's concerned with the health and well-being of both mother and child. He works in the fitness industry, it's his job to care about the health of others.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I love when men nag about **** that has nothing to do with them.

    i agree,

    Sorry he's concerned with the health and well-being of both mother and child. He works in the fitness industry, it's his job to care about the health of others.

    It's nice he cares so much about the health and well being of women he's never even met, instead of focusing on his actual clients and posting information without preaching.
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    I love when men nag about **** that has nothing to do with them.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    That is true. Yes, I hear you. I made the mistake. I gained 100 pounds. I lost it.


    You are a man. Until you carry a child inside of you for nine months, dealing with joint pain, heartburn, morning sickness (sometimes a f*cking salad is the last thing you can imagine eating), and 900 other symptoms... you have no place to talk. K, thanks.
  • htzen
    htzen Posts: 12 Member
    Not everyone gains 80 lbs because they "ate too much" during their pregnancy... my sister gained 80 lbs during her first pregnancy, was diagnosed with having pre-eclampsia and had retained such a high amount of water weight and swelling that she was put on bedrest for the last 3 months of her pregnancy. My sister has always been a very petite girl. If she stood for longer than 10 minutes, her ankles would swell up like crazy. As soon as she gave birth she started losing the water weight immediately. She has worked her butt off to get her figure back and is at a very healthy weight today. Her baby is also extremely healthy. My advice to you would be to not judge people when you have absolutely no idea what they are dealing with.
  • MrsSardone
    MrsSardone Posts: 194 Member
    Ive always been thin. With my first I gained 35 and lost all of it and more about 4mos post partum.

    With my second I gained around 70. But it's not like I was thinking "I'm eating for 2! Who cares!" I was out of control hungry!

    My point is, sometimes it's not the mother's fault. I was RAVENOUS during my second pregnancy.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    OP, have you ever stopped to consider why so many people "eat for two"?

    Do you really think the majority of women don't realize they shouldn't be eating 4,000 calories per day? Or do you suppose that women, by in large, face harsh scrutiny about what they eat/what their bodies look like normally that they are just relieved to not have to worry for 9 months since their bodies are changing so much anyway?

    You are feeding the problem with posts like this. It would be easier for women to achieve "health" weight gain during pregnancy if they had "healthy" self concepts to begin with.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    If you really just want to dispel myths, why not just post the actual info without preaching what pregnant "should and shouldn't" do?

    I did mention it in the first post, but here's an actual link:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ekaustin7
    ekaustin7 Posts: 185 Member
    I love when men nag about **** that has nothing to do with them.

    i agree,

    Sorry he's concerned with the health and well-being of both mother and child. He works in the fitness industry, it's his job to care about the health of others.

    It's nice he cares so much about the health and well being of women he's never even met, instead of focusing on his actual clients and posting information without preaching.

    I don't think he was "preaching" at all. He just made an observation from a fitness standpoint. He's not claiming to be a doctor or health professional, so stop accusing him of doing so. I don't think he had any mean intentions when writing this post, so no one has a right to be mean to him.
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    I dont know about the rest of you ladies, but I quite enjoyed eating whatever I wanted to for 9 months :-) that being said 52lbs is a lot to gain and if I did it again I wouldnt go buck wild like I did. Ahh live and learn

    & original poster I thought it was only 200 cals more when your preggs not upwards of 300.
  • ToFatToBeSick
    OP, have you ever stopped to consider why so many people "eat for two"?

    Do you really think the majority of women don't realize they shouldn't be eating 4,000 calories per day? Or do you suppose that women, by in large, face harsh scrutiny about what they eat/what their bodies look like normally that they are just relieved to not have to worry for 9 months since their bodies are changing so much anyway?

    You are feeding the problem with posts like this. It would be easier for women to achieve "health" weight gain during pregnancy if they had "healthy" self concepts to begin with.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    It's nice he cares so much about the health and well being of women he's never even met, instead of focusing on his actual clients and posting information without preaching.
    Yes because posting FREE information, that I actually charge clients for, shows that I don't care about people's well being.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • misspastry
    misspastry Posts: 109 Member
    I love when men nag about **** that has nothing to do with them.

    What an a**h*** right!