Pregnancy weight gain.......some are gaining too much



  • akb2006
    akb2006 Posts: 198 Member
    I remember while my sister was pregnant we were grocery shopping together. When she reached for the whole milk I suggested she buy skim, as the calcuim is in the water part of the milk, not the fatty part. She almost took my head off when she quipped "You don't want me to have a skinny baby do you?" As it turned out she gained 60 pounds and had a 10 pound 13 ounch baby.

    Maybe she didn't want to feed her baby chemical milk with fake vitamins.
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    Mom of 4 here..weighing in!

    I agree with the OP - too many moms are either going into pregnancy overweight or are packing it all on during pregancy.

    My first two babies I didn't even think about weight - it added up and I just figured somehow someway it would come off.

    After my second baby was born, I joined weight watchers...was successful...until I got pregnant again - then they dropped me like a hot potato. Since I hadn't actually be LEARNING anything except how to count points, being prego and trying to eat healthfully became a joke and I gained back all of it and then some.

    After my third baby, I bought a book ("17 day diet"...just don't bother reading it) And I began running with my sister-in-law - that was a great summer - the weight was falling off, I got all the way down to about 168 and got pregnant again (yes, we know what causes this...). I was desperate to find out what I could do to not pack on the pounds again, I asked my family doctor, midwife and of course Dr. you know the number 1 default answer EVERYONE gives "now is not the time to be counting calories" I tried to explain I just want to figure out how to AVOID gaining a crapload of weight, but it was pointless, I couldn't get any solid information or leadership. Add to that, my early morning runs made me puke in the bushes (morning sickness) and because so much energy was going to baby, I was basically a burn out the days of my runs, so Ijust had to give it up. I came out of that pregnancy at 195 pounds.

    Couple things - I REFUSE to say "baby weight" every pound of fat on my body is "overeating and not exercising weight" My sweet babies didn't do this to me - I did! Second, until I found MFP and a church group First Place 4 Health, I couldn't put together a days' meals that were on spot for total daily calories, I couldn't figure out how many cals I needed etc - so WAY more info needs to be available to expectant moms. Therefore, I applaud this "man" (OP) who dared to start this thread...lets just chatter more about healthy weight gain during pregancy and maybe more moms will get it figured out before the fat gets them! :)
  • I remember while my sister was pregnant we were grocery shopping together. When she reached for the whole milk I suggested she buy skim, as the calcuim is in the water part of the milk, not the fatty part. She almost took my head off when she quipped "You don't want me to have a skinny baby do you?" As it turned out she gained 60 pounds and had a 10 pound 13 ounch baby.

    Maybe she didn't want to feed her baby chemical milk with fake vitamins.

    Seriously? There's nothing wrong with skim milk. Fake Vitamins? Might as well tell pregnant women not to take prenatal vitamins since they are all smashed together in the form of a pill and not ingested by eating food...
  • akb2006
    akb2006 Posts: 198 Member
    I didn't say that there was anything wrong with skim milk or that it would be harmful, just pointed out the fact that there could very possibly be other reasons why her sister decided to chose whole milk over skim. And not all vitamins are created equal -- I never said women shouldn't take vitamins. (I take them) but there is sure a difference between synthetic vitamins and natural food based vitamins. Especially in pregnant women who have an extra demand for vitamin absorption compared to other women. "real food" is always better than highly processed food that have to have nutrients put back in it any day.
    I remember while my sister was pregnant we were grocery shopping together. When she reached for the whole milk I suggested she buy skim, as the calcuim is in the water part of the milk, not the fatty part. She almost took my head off when she quipped "You don't want me to have a skinny baby do you?" As it turned out she gained 60 pounds and had a 10 pound 13 ounch baby.

    Maybe she didn't want to feed her baby chemical milk with fake vitamins.

    Seriously? There's nothing wrong with skim milk. Fake Vitamins? Might as well tell pregnant women not to take prenatal vitamins since they are all smashed together in the form of a pill and not ingested by eating food...
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    I'm sure not every woman educates themselves like all you super smart girls getting pissed off. Some woman are getting pregnant very young and could definitely use this knowledge. Even 20s is young enough for some people to be ignorant. So this definitely may need to be heard. I had a friend whom I spent a good amount of time with. She pigged out hard when she got pregnant. She would literally smile and say "eating for two teeheeeeeeeee" , then shove a large Sunday, burger, and fries down her throat. I honestly remember sitting and a McDonalds and watching that happen. I didn't know **** about nutrition then but now I do. After a full breakfast and dinner to follow that was incorrect lol. If I knew then I woulda said something. She's gained immense amounts of weight and it's been 7 years. I dated her before all that in high school and saw her naked, she was incredible... But definitely not now. So go ahead and get mad at him for posting this but maybe someone that hasn't already ****ed up with their nutrition has a chance to rectify the situation.

    OP: You get serious points for handling the people who took offense. MFP lacks forum etiquette big time. Which makes sense because it's full of people new to the internet. But anyway, next time I would just ignore them all and respond to people interested in serious discussion. Kinda lame how people hijack the details of a thread based on taking offense to something they read on the net... One of the most accurate forms of noob status on the internet haha: Getting offended.
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    What was your pregnancy like? Oh wait you're a bloke! Are you a midwife, doctor or gyno? No? Then why are you dictating what these women should do? You come across as judgemental because you can't relate to the situation and if you can't relate then keep your opinion of these women to yourself. They are carrying a life inside of them, is that not enough pressure for them? Not all women will be yummy mummys and they don't have to be.

    Amen. I am currently 30 weeks pregnant, and I know that I have probably gained too much weight. You try being pregnant, and exhausted all the time but also starving. I lost 60+ pounds before I got pregnant, and while I haven't gained nearly that back, it has to be at least half. To go along with the exhaustion + constant hunger, there are enough other emotional stressors and issues that go along with being pregnant that I think sometimes weight gain is put on the back burner. I do not advocate eating for two, but stressing about your weight and how much you are gaining can be just as detrimental to the health of your unborn child.


    Every woman and every pregnancy is different. People shouldn't assume that a woman who has gained more than the recommended amount during her pregnancy did so just by eating more than they should. There are a lot of reasons women gain more, and one BIG reason is fluid retention. Not just amniotic fluid, but actual water weight which could be brought on by pregnancy-related hypertension, diabetes and hormone changes. You never know someone else's circumstances, so assumptions and generalizations as to why a pregnant woman is overweight is of no help.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I remember while my sister was pregnant we were grocery shopping together. When she reached for the whole milk I suggested she buy skim, as the calcuim is in the water part of the milk, not the fatty part. She almost took my head off when she quipped "You don't want me to have a skinny baby do you?" As it turned out she gained 60 pounds and had a 10 pound 13 ounch baby.

    I would have taken your head off. Who are you to police what she buys?
  • viridianasan
    viridianasan Posts: 21 Member
    "some are gaining too much" hmmmm...

    This is not a topic men should will never know what it is like to be pregnant!! Try giving your opinion on something you have had personal experience from, only then would you be credible.

    Pregnancy is NOT a "one-size-fits-all."
  • AGREED and thank you for posting OP. I myself had my daughter in 2006 and gained between 30-35lbs. My sister on the other hand gained around 70lbs for her first child. That is just ridiculous and if you gain that much but only have a 7lb baby then obviously your nutrition while pregnant is way off.

    I ate like a PIG while pregnant but I also ate healthy...I would eat 2 yogurts a day, multiple bananas, and about finish a jar of spear pickles in 2 days. I'd eat a huge bowl of spaghetti now and then and some treats but I'd also have a healthy turkey sandwich with tomato, lettuce, and light mayo. I wasn't even TRYING to eat healthy...just something I did back then and knew its what my baby needed. I was 17 years old too...I definitely hate this idea of "eating for 2" you aren't. You don't give birth to a 30 year old adult weighing 170lbs. You gave birth to a baby weighing 7lbs or so....HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEE difference!
  • corneredbycorn
    corneredbycorn Posts: 267 Member
    I remember while my sister was pregnant we were grocery shopping together. When she reached for the whole milk I suggested she buy skim, as the calcuim is in the water part of the milk, not the fatty part. She almost took my head off when she quipped "You don't want me to have a skinny baby do you?" As it turned out she gained 60 pounds and had a 10 pound 13 ounch baby.

    I would have taken your head off. Who are you to police what she buys?
    No kidding!
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I remember while my sister was pregnant we were grocery shopping together. When she reached for the whole milk I suggested she buy skim, as the calcuim is in the water part of the milk, not the fatty part. She almost took my head off when she quipped "You don't want me to have a skinny baby do you?" As it turned out she gained 60 pounds and had a 10 pound 13 ounch baby.

    I would have taken your head off. Who are you to police what she buys?
    No kidding!

    Especially for something like MILK! We only consume full fat dairy in my house and none of us are overweight. If a woman can tolerate milk when she's pregnant (most I know were seriously adverse) let her the heck alone!
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    I'm a person who is usually sensitive to topics regarding gender... For example, I hate that there are different rules for women in league softball (mixed gender) and get really annoyed there is a special woman's golf tee. I do, however, believe there are fundamental differences between the genders and we should celebrate those differences. i, for one, am not trying to be like a man, since a) i'm not one and b) that would mean that being a man a better than being a woman, and I don't think that's the case. That being said, I found nothing the OP said to be offensive or even condescending. I'm actually surprised how many people did. I think people might be so offended because its hard to admit they made mistakes. I appreciate the responses from the women who admitted they went overboard.

    I know that when/if I ever have children, I will have to be very careful about weight gain. I know I will not be one of those cute ladies that you don't know are pregnant until the turn around, and even then you wonder if they are hiding a basketball under their shirt. I always kid my husband that we will know when I'm pregnant because i will gain 10 lbs immediately upon conception. ;-)

    Honestly, gaining too much weight would be unhealthy for me - I have back/hip issues, asthma, and thyroid issues. I will have to fight cravings and hormonal swings...and I imagine they will be terrible, since I've dealt with them my entire life and pregnancy will make it worse. I know that I am not entirely in control of weight gain when hormones rule (boy, do I know!), and I will make mistakes, but I will try my best.

    I would like to thank the OP for bringing this information to the forum. Most of us are here to be healthier, learn new habits, and lose weight, and I think many may not know the "eat for 2" rule is not good advice. We are all still learning. He has obviously had a lot of experience helping women lose the baby weight...didn't feel him being judgey.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    BOGUS. The only reason the suggestion is now 25-30 lbs is because most people are already overweight before pregnancy. Back in the 70s when i was born it was totally normal and acceptable to gain 50+ pounds.

    Personally i gained 62 but lost 37 in the first two weeks after delivery.
  • twiglips
    twiglips Posts: 136 Member
    I'd like some input on my weight gain thus far - although early. My history, I started 1/2/12 at 388. By 1/2/13 I was down 135 to 253. I'm 15 weeks pregnant and have gained maybe 3 pounds so far. I did up my calories to 1800/day because I felt like I was having trouble getting all of my nutrients in at 1450/day and I still felt hungry all the time. Don't get me wrong - there are days and meals that are less than optimal food choices and I have indulged in a few cravings that I'm not entirely proud of. :frown: I am still doing zumba 4 days per week most of the time. I would like to limit myself to 20 pounds or so of total gain with this pregnancy. any help is appreciated!! :flowerforyou:
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I may be wrong but I think 1800 cals is way way too low for a pregnant person, especially at 250 lbs. I don't think you're suppose to be eating at a deficit at all when pregnant?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Point is: Most people don't appreciate advise they didn't ask for. By all means, help they people you ask you -- but maybe consider that general posts in forums shouldn't be given in the same way, if you feel so compelled to help EVERYONE.
    No point is you disagree with me and are appalled that a male starting the thread and is considered to be in the wrong territory. You didn't have to comment on the thread nor does anybody have to consider the advice (even thought it's the same advice given by OBGYNs).
    In general most people NEVER want to hear advice on what may help them if they think everything they did/are doing is right even if it could be wrong. You run into that on here with people who want to do HCG, ultra low calorie plans, etc.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    So I was at Kaiser today for my DD's standard checkup at 8 years old. While I was waiting in the lobby (DW was in with DD and doctor), I saw several mothers with new babies who were very overweight. I'm not talking 40lbs, but in the realm of 80lbs and higher.
    A lot of my clientele are females who are losing baby weight, but all of them are only trying to lose 25llbs-35lbs. This should be the normal amount a female should be gaining when pregnant.

    To moms to be: you aren't eating for two. Your nutrition should be much better, but realistically, calories shouldn't really exceed more than 300-350 calories per day on average. It's not a free for all to eat everything. Trust that more you gain, the harder it will be to take off and if that weight doesn't come off, then chances are HIGH that you will end up that weight the majority of your life.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    True maybe if I hadn't gained all the weight I did (70lbs) when I was pregnant I maybe wouldn't have caught my husband emailing other women.....
    Sorry for that. Hopefully everything is working out.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Actually, women that are underweight or are carrying multiples have to gain more, just saying. I think the standard is 40 lbs.
    When I was having babies (16-20 yrs ago). I was told an average of 30#. And I was a liitle underweight. But times change medical opinions, I guess.
    I never counted calories while pregnant or breastfeeding. I was told not to worry much about losing weight on purpose while breastfeeding.
  • aleesh_
    aleesh_ Posts: 137 Member
    /popcorn on this whole thread lol ;)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    So I was at Kaiser today for my DD's standard checkup at 8 years old. While I was waiting in the lobby (DW was in with DD and doctor), I saw several mothers with new babies who were very overweight. I'm not talking 40lbs, but in the realm of 80lbs and higher.
    A lot of my clientele are females who are losing baby weight, but all of them are only trying to lose 25llbs-35lbs. This should be the normal amount a female should be gaining when pregnant.

    To moms to be: you aren't eating for two. Your nutrition should be much better, but realistically, calories shouldn't really exceed more than 300-350 calories per day on average. It's not a free for all to eat everything. Trust that more you gain, the harder it will be to take off and if that weight doesn't come off, then chances are HIGH that you will end up that weight the majority of your life.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    While I agree with you, I also would suggest that you give these new moms a break. Pregnancy REALLY messes with our bodies, and then the hormones add to our emotional psyches. Being a guy, you will NEVER, EVER, understand the extreme changes that take place. And until you can push a cabbage patch doll out of your nostril, you might want to keep your thoughts and comments to yourself. Plenty of us who have been through pregnancy don't care to hear a MAN's opinion or judgmental comments. Even husbands need to know when to keep their mouths closed.
    I've never stated that it's not a difficult time or position to be in. And as husband, I'm a conformer.:wink:
    And of course, once those babies are BORN, and the majority of the care is left to the mom, the LAST thing mom cares about is her weight (unless she is very vain to begin with). Add sleep deprivation and we're basically hot messes until things settle down again.
    Proud to say that when my DD was born, I quit my job and stayed at home. With the exception of breast feeding at night (although I stayed up to burp her an put her back to sleep), I took care of my DD's needs, plus STILL to this day do all the cleaning, cooking, laundry, bills, yardwork, homework, kid activities, etc. so my hard working wife can relax when she gets home after a 12 hour day.
    It takes about 6 months before our heads are back on straight. So, again, while I think women shouldn't use pregnancy as a opportunity to eat whatever, whenever, and as much as possible, POST pregnancy women deserve a little more patience and understanding.
    Oh, trust that I get to hear about it. I get to hear about how "idiotic, moronic, and dumb" husbands are from new moms all the time. We trainers get to be good outlets for frustration.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition