Looking for Nike Fuel Band Friends



  • Add me darrinandrew
  • Add me please. User name makin_usmile
  • HotDog1969
    HotDog1969 Posts: 25 Member
    Just picked mine up and love it. I've added most of you but feel free to add me: SidBoggle
  • Eddu93
    Eddu93 Posts: 1
    Hey everyone!!! Im new on this!!! My nike+ is eddu_93 would be great if u can add me:)
  • dstqueen5
    dstqueen5 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm so excited about my new Nike Fuel Band and staying motivated. I'd love some more friends on MyFitnessPal and in the nike plus community.

    Add me, same user name on both:

  • I just got the Nike Fuel Band 2 days ago, and I'm looking for some friends to help keep me motivated. Add me Vanessatrann
  • antypim89
    antypim89 Posts: 31 Member
    Am also a feul bander; p
  • jrh1323
    jrh1323 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a Fuel Band user and a Nike+ watch user add me if you'd like user name: jrh1323

    Thanks looking forward to the challenge
  • Same here! Just got my band today. Need friends to compete with. :) SN: Christina1927.
  • Just got my band today. Looking for some friends. Add me. Sfreeman1975
  • laze_b
    laze_b Posts: 7 Member
    add me!! lala_b08
  • laze_b
    laze_b Posts: 7 Member
    add lala_b08
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    I have been wanting to get one of these.............................Seems my mind is made up im getting it!:bigsmile:
  • how do I add people? I just got a fuel band is pretty boring if I have no one to interact with or compete.
  • antypim89
    antypim89 Posts: 31 Member
    Hola Gang,

    I recently got a nike fuel band and as everyone knows they track your activity and calories.

    My question is simple...do i log on MFP the amount of calories i expended all day through my general activities and my exercise ooooorrrr do i just record the difference between my burnt calories before and after exercise?

    Am a little confused as i dont want to cheat myself by using the calories ive burnt all day if that isnt going to help me get where i wanna be (tall, slim with rock hard abs: p)

    any advice helpful thanks xxx

    i have posted this in several other places but it seems as their are so few of us that no one is seing it or knows: (
  • cpk44
    cpk44 Posts: 33 Member
    add me! Chameleon747
  • Just got my fuel band and would like some friends to compare with! Please add me! :) Hollie_Hamm3
  • xander_gray
  • richardealford
    richardealford Posts: 1 Member
    I’ve hit a lull in my workouts, so I’m hoping some competition will get me motivated again. I’ve lost 40 lbs over the last few years making minor changes along the way. I’m hoping this last push will get me to my goal weight. Feel free to add me; my S/N is RickAlford.
  • bsix3
    bsix3 Posts: 291
    Hello all, I need a group of fuel band friends. You can add me as well. bsix3

    whewwww!!! ok, i added most of you. I'm excited abut FINALLY having fuel band friends!! #Cru****