How many calories should I really be eating and belly fat

Hello everyone. I am pretty new here. I am 22 years old, weigh 93 pounds and I am 4'11 tall. I am in shape everywhere but my stomach is still out of shape. I've tried cardio, strength training, ab workouts, diet, and nothing has made my belly flat. It is like a hard belly but it also jiggles and you can grab a handful of the fat with your hands. I also have love handels (a muffin top). I just keep losing weight everywhere else but my stomach stays the same. People have been already questioning if I'm pregnant :(
I really do not like how my body looks. I think I am looking too skinny but with a belly and it makes my body look so out of proportion and makes me feel horrible. I still workout and try to eat pretty healthy (been doing this since 2008) and still have not seen huge changes. I am wondering, how many calories should I be eating? I don't want to get anymore skinner, I just want my belly to go down. I already lost my butt which I am upset about. I did like having a big butt but now it's small because I've lost so much weight around there and my legs. Here is a list of my daily foods and my workout. I am on a budget and can't afford a lot of things.

10AM: Breakfast: 1 organic apple, 1 organic orange, 3 cups of water, and a cup of Yogi green tea
11:30AM: 15 minutes of stength training, then I jog for 30 minutes straight, drink 3 cups of water
1PM:Snack: Smoothie: 2 bananas, frozen strawberries, frozen mangoes, and almond milk
3PM:Lunch: Quaker Instant Oatmeal (1 packet of the apples and cinnamon) mixed in with some Old Fashioned Quaker Oatmeal and almond milk
6PM:Dinner: Rice with chicken, fish, or steak with cooked veggies, 3 cups of water

Vitamins I take: Fish Oil (morning), Vitamin D (afternoon), Probiotics (before bed)

I can only spend 50 dollars per week on food for me. And I get free dinner from my parents. Here is my shopping list:

Bananas (3 packs of 6) - 6.00
1 bag of Frozen Strawberries- 4.99
1 bag of Frozen Mangoes- 4.99
1 box of Tea- 3.99
7 Apples - 8.00
7 Oranges- 7.00
1 box of Quaker Instant Oatmeal- 4.69
1 container of Old Fashioned Quaker Oatmeal- 2.67
2 cartons of Almond Milk- 4.19x2


  • 7jj7
    7jj7 Posts: 4
    According to the calorie calculator you should get about 1782 calories to maintain your current weight. You do weigh very little so you could probably consume more calories and you would be fine. :smile: With your stomache, focus on core and ab exercises. A "V hold" is a very good ab exercise.
  • NYgirl1990
    NYgirl1990 Posts: 180 Member
    Around January 11 2013 I was 93 pounds. I just recently weighed myself after about a month and now I'm 100 pounds. I started doing more ab work outs and focusing more on my core. I see that doing that has been helping me more than jogging. My posture is a lot better so it's been helping me look more lean. I'm doing strength training now for about 40 minutes, and then jogging for 30 minutes. I need to measure myself soon and see if my waist is shrinking. Not really concerned about my weight, just my waist.
  • skylardevenney
    skylardevenney Posts: 49 Member
    Jillian michaels has an ab workout that's killer!!! It's called killer abs haha! Maybe you should try it?! Check on you tube to watch for free if you can't afford the DVD!!
  • Camille0502
    Camille0502 Posts: 311 Member
    I'm wondering if you are undernourished. I have a hard time believing that you have very much fat on your body if you are 93 pounds. In my mind I'm thinking of starving children in Africa and their distended bellies. And I'm not saying this to be funny.

    On the other hand, maybe it is just hereditary and something you may never get rid of.

    I, actually, would recommend eating an adequate number of calories and modifying your body image. I'm sure you are beautiful.
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    Because you are so small already and not trying to lose weight I would just do strength training. That will help tighten up everything. I am 5'3" and do some cardio just because I enjoy it (running) but mostly do weights.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Are you currently lifting weights? How much protein are you getting?

    You're in the low end of the healthy weight range for your height, so you shouldn't be eating at very much of a deficit, if at all.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i think you are not eating nearly enough and that is putting you on a halt! i would cut out the running and just focus on the strength training....
  • acm2789
    acm2789 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm wondering if you are undernourished. I have a hard time believing that you have very much fat on your body if you are 93 pounds. In my mind I'm thinking of starving children in Africa and their distended bellies. And I'm not saying this to be funny.

    On the other hand, maybe it is just hereditary and something you may never get rid of.

    I, actually, would recommend eating an adequate number of calories and modifying your body image. I'm sure you are beautiful.

    I was thinking along the same lines. You seem to eat a lot of fruit (high in sugar) but barely any carbs & protein.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    I just looked at your pictures, and your body does not look anything like you describe. You don't look too skinny in the legs, nor does you belly look out of proportion. You look really good. I think you just aren't seeing what you really look like, which is a body image issue, not a body issue.
  • dqgirl1
    dqgirl1 Posts: 39 Member
    where is your protein?? maybe start buying some powders and adding them to your oatmeal and smoothies and definately need more protein:) I say bump your inatke up and start focusing on a harder workout plan for your tummY!!

    edited to need to add more protein and carbs, veggies for sure!!
  • GoddessG
    GoddessG Posts: 175 Member
    You should consider changing to a keto diet, or at least low-carb. The keto diet targets fat. Combine that with strength training as opposed to cardio or mostly cardio and your body will start transforming itself.

    I suggest that you read the most excellent book "Protein Power" and customize your diet within limits based on your activity and fitness level. Your diet is the cause of your belly fat. I would balloon out if I were to take in the types of food that you do.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    I just looked at your pictures, and your body does not look anything like you describe. You don't look too skinny in the legs, nor does you belly look out of proportion. You look really good. I think you just aren't seeing what you really look like, which is a body image issue, not a body issue.

    i didn't see any pics posted? where did you see these?
  • Momzilla2five
    Momzilla2five Posts: 13 Member
    Your diet consists of WAY to much fruit and barely any Protein. Your eating way to much fruit, and the wrong kinds for weight loss. You can do all the ab work you want, if your not eating a proper balance of all macros, you won't see your abs. Not only are you eating to much fruit and to little protein, you hardly eat any healthy fat, which is IMPERATIVE!!! The weight you lost was probably muscle and a Little fat. There is a big difference between weight loss and fat loss. One is starving yourself, the other is nourishing your body....ALL THE TIME.
  • berthabunny
    berthabunny Posts: 251 Member
    Hello everyone. I am pretty new here. I am 22 years old, weigh 93 pounds and I am 4'11 tall. I am in shape everywhere but my stomach is still out of shape. I've tried cardio, strength training, ab workouts, diet, and nothing has made my belly flat. It is like a hard belly but it also jiggles and you can grab a handful of the fat with your hands. I also have love handels (a muffin top). I just keep losing weight everywhere else but my stomach stays the same. People have been already questioning if I'm pregnant :(
    I really do not like how my body looks. I think I am looking too skinny but with a belly and it makes my body look so out of proportion and makes me feel horrible. I still workout and try to eat pretty healthy (been doing this since 2008) and still have not seen huge changes. I am wondering, how many calories should I be eating? I don't want to get anymore skinner, I just want my belly to go down. I already lost my butt which I am upset about. I did like having a big butt but now it's small because I've lost so much weight around there and my legs. Here is a list of my daily foods and my workout. I am on a budget and can't afford a lot of things.

    10AM: Breakfast: 1 organic apple, 1 organic orange, 3 cups of water, and a cup of Yogi green tea
    11:30AM: 15 minutes of stength training, then I jog for 30 minutes straight, drink 3 cups of water
    1PM:Snack: Smoothie: 2 bananas, frozen strawberries, frozen mangoes, and almond milk
    3PM:Lunch: Quaker Instant Oatmeal (1 packet of the apples and cinnamon) mixed in with some Old Fashioned Quaker Oatmeal and almond milk
    6PM:Dinner: Rice with chicken, fish, or steak with cooked veggies, 3 cups of water

    Vitamins I take: Fish Oil (morning), Vitamin D (afternoon), Probiotics (before bed)

    I can only spend 50 dollars per week on food for me. And I get free dinner from my parents. Here is my shopping list:

    Bananas (3 packs of 6) - 6.00
    1 bag of Frozen Strawberries- 4.99
    1 bag of Frozen Mangoes- 4.99
    1 box of Tea- 3.99
    7 Apples - 8.00
    7 Oranges- 7.00
    1 box of Quaker Instant Oatmeal- 4.69
    1 container of Old Fashioned Quaker Oatmeal- 2.67
    2 cartons of Almond Milk- 4.19x2

    From looking at your diary:
    1- Change your calorie goal to maintain
    2- Change your fitness goals (I think you can only change minutes, not type, but you now know you should be doing mainly strength training)
    3- You said your bugdet is tight, but I bet you can find some more protein in some source in exchange for the oranges. Look for meat that is on sale (don't go straight for processed meat, it can have way too much sodium). And why get the instant oatmeal as well as the normal? You can add flavorings of your own for less money, and normal oatmeal is cheaper, especially if bought in bulk (check the price per weight). Also, normal oatmeal microwaves just fine, so cooking it with or without a stove shouldn't be a problem. And to vary your foods a bit, you can try to replace something with an equivalent that is on sale that week, you should enjoy the variety.

    Let us know how it goes
  • barebon
    barebon Posts: 80 Member
    More sleep. No
    Processed foods or refined sugars, and I constantly keep my abs flexed no matter what I'm doing I've realized and I think my abs are my best feature! :)
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    Don't waste your time and energy doing ab only workouts.

    Heavy barbell training, no machines, low reps, heavy weights. Mostly squats, deadlifts, overhead presses, bench press, and weighted chin-ups.

    Increase calories accordingly, high protein, normal carbs.
  • SandraNancy
    SandraNancy Posts: 127 Member
    Others have said it well-- you're eating a lot of the wrong foods to help with belly fat. Bananas, grains, other fruits, etc are high in sugar, carbs, and things that generally lead to that bloated look/feeling. I'm not saying all carbs are bad (after all, there are carbs in veggies, and we all know how good veggies are for you!), but moderation would likely help you a lot.

    As an example, I try to eat about 50-60 grams of carbs per day, with most of that coming from veggies, a little fruit, etc. I'm 5'7 and 135 lbs. You being 4'11 and 93 lbs eating 160-300+ grams of carbs per day seems crazy-high. If you really want to try and tighten your belly, core exercises are excellent, but you won't be able to see those great muscles if they're hidden under wheat bloat. Why not eat more protein/veggies, cut out all the oatmeal, bananas (for the first while) and see how you feel? You might be surprised!
  • NYgirl1990
    NYgirl1990 Posts: 180 Member
    I'm wondering if you are undernourished. I have a hard time believing that you have very much fat on your body if you are 93 pounds. In my mind I'm thinking of starving children in Africa and their distended bellies. And I'm not saying this to be funny.

    On the other hand, maybe it is just hereditary and something you may never get rid of.

    I, actually, would recommend eating an adequate number of calories and modifying your body image. I'm sure you are beautiful.

    I measured around my waist yesterday and I am 32 inches around my waist (when I'm not bloated).
  • NYgirl1990
    NYgirl1990 Posts: 180 Member
    Are you currently lifting weights? How much protein are you getting?

    You're in the low end of the healthy weight range for your height, so you shouldn't be eating at very much of a deficit, if at all.

    I weighed myself again after about a month, and now I'm 100 pounds. I eat protein for dinner. Sometimes for both lunch and dinner. (chicken, steak, fish). I also take fish oil pills and vitamin d pills.
  • NYgirl1990
    NYgirl1990 Posts: 180 Member
    I just looked at your pictures, and your body does not look anything like you describe. You don't look too skinny in the legs, nor does you belly look out of proportion. You look really good. I think you just aren't seeing what you really look like, which is a body image issue, not a body issue.

    I never posted a picture on here of how my stomach looks...

    I'm 32 inches around my waist when I'm not bloated.