Has anyone ever had any experience with Hypno-Band?



  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    How is that even legal?

    How would it not be, its non-invasive, and a personal choice? same as getting your hair done no?

    Only if you use imaginary scissors.

    Like the others against it, I wish only the best for people trying to get healthy. I'm a gym instructor and nutrition and weight management advisor in Dundee, and more than happy to offer any free advice and answer any questions you have about weight loss or exercise I can.

    After my last hair cut cost me 10" i wish i had used imaginary scissors!!

    Thank you, appreciate that.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    How is that even legal?

    How would it not be, its non-invasive, and a personal choice? same as getting your hair done no?

    Only if you use imaginary scissors.

    Like the others against it, I wish only the best for people trying to get healthy. I'm a gym instructor and nutrition and weight management advisor in Dundee, and more than happy to offer any free advice and answer any questions you have about weight loss or exercise I can.
    ...but...that means you have to work at it. :grumble: :wink:
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    How is that even legal?

    How would it not be, its non-invasive, and a personal choice? same as getting your hair done no?

    Only if you use imaginary scissors.

    Like the others against it, I wish only the best for people trying to get healthy. I'm a gym instructor and nutrition and weight management advisor in Dundee, and more than happy to offer any free advice and answer any questions you have about weight loss or exercise I can.
    ...but...that means you have to work at it. :grumble: :wink:

    Eating less is less cooking, cleaning, chewing AND saves you money, and doesn't everyone love exercise?
  • cally69
    cally69 Posts: 182 Member
    I went theough the process of the hypno band sessions about a year and a half ago. It consisted of 3 appointments at £75 a time. Worked initially for me and I felt positive about it, but I didn't feel it changed my eating habits and over a period of a few months I was back to square one. Decided in feb of this year to use MFP to count my calories and felt like I was taking concrete steps that I could measure. I felt the problem with the hypnosis was that it was too vague and I honestly didn't feel like my mind set had changed towards food. I don't regret the experience but it has taught me that there's no substitute for plain hard work. There's also no better reward for your hard work than the results you see. You have to mentally be ready to change your life, and you don't need hypnosis for that.
    Wishing you luck in your journey
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    How is that even legal?

    How would it not be, its non-invasive, and a personal choice? same as getting your hair done no?

    Only if you use imaginary scissors.

    Like the others against it, I wish only the best for people trying to get healthy. I'm a gym instructor and nutrition and weight management advisor in Dundee, and more than happy to offer any free advice and answer any questions you have about weight loss or exercise I can.
    ...but...that means you have to work at it. :grumble: :wink:

    im more than happy to keep working at it, as i keep saying, i dont think its a quick fix, but in addition to my excersise and healthy eating, i cant see how it could hurt. I enjoy the gym. i must do, going twice a day.
  • christabel6
    christabel6 Posts: 173 Member
    Wouch!! £350?? That *is* a lot of money (and I'm talking as someone who likes hypnotherapy).

    When I had it done it was as part of an hour's ordinary hypnotherapy session (I see from looking around that this is a programme of 4 sessions and the CDs but for that it's still costly). The gastric band idea is very very trendy at the moment and I suspect some people are trying to cash in on that.

    What might be useful is to get a gastric band CD from Amazon for less than £15 (there are a couple with a lot of good reviews not just one or two) and see if you take to it, before you invest such a lot.

    I got an NLP practitioner certificate a few years ago and as part of that you learn both to hypnotise people and to write hypnosis scripts around the individual client's triggers and needs (done for personal interest not as a career move). People have different motivations to lose weight and some metaphors work really well for one person that don't work for another. If you're providing a personal service the idea is that you write a script that (for want of a better word) pushes their buttons - keying in to their individual motivations. I suspect that generic scripts don't work well for everyone for exactly that reason - they are a bit hit and miss. So this is something I'd certainly be asking your therapist about - in this day and age and for that amount of money they can tweak scripts to give you something more personal to you and your own individual CDs.

    As a hypnotic technique it is really not rocket science though - speaking as someone who knows a little about how it's done. I wonder if the cost, the number of sessions and so on is meant to impress on you that this will really work :-)

    Would love to hear back on how well this works for you.
  • LouE
    LouE Posts: 19 Member
    I had my first session yesterday, spent the next 24 hrs constantly thinking about food! However my main problem is nibbling biscuits at work, today i have had no biscuits, dont even want a biscuit, but not sure if its the hypnotherapy or my determination!

    I will keep you updated.
  • MystikPixie
    MystikPixie Posts: 342 Member
    I have no idea what this is, but I once spent a few hours with Hypnotoad (though I don't remember much of it).

    I always picture the same thing whenever I see or hear 'hypno'!

    OT - as a previous poster said it all depends on if you believe it, but to not let it be the end all of dieting for you. And to not be too disappointed if it doesn’t work. I personally think if it works it's because you had that willpower all along and just needed a push in the right direction from an outside force.
  • christabel6
    christabel6 Posts: 173 Member
    Still keeping an eye on this and would love to hear how it works out.

  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    Hi there y'all

    I never went for the consultation. in the end i realised that i just wasn't prepared to waste £350.00 on something that "might" work.

    SO ive just been at the gym, eating plenty of fruit and cereal and yoghurt combinations and cooking chilli and brown rice meals in advance. Getting there.

    thank you all for your help. xxxx
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Hi there y'all

    I never went for the consultation. in the end i realised that i just wasn't prepared to waste £350.00 on something that "might" work.

    SO ive just been at the gym, eating plenty of fruit and cereal and yoghurt combinations and cooking chilli and brown rice meals in advance. Getting there.

    thank you all for your help. xxxx

    This is an awesome decision you've made. Common sense and hard work wins out. Yay!
  • christabel6
    christabel6 Posts: 173 Member
    In the end that's what matters isn't it, you found what works for you. Great job and good luck!
  • LouE
    LouE Posts: 19 Member
    Its working for me, im not eating anywere as much and ont pick between meals, but im not dieting, i just eat healthy and less tan normal. Tbh its a mentality thing with me i think, if i am dieting i become fixated on what i can or cannot eat, with this i dont have that "bad food" guilt.