my new plan..need some opinions..

My goal is to lose 55 pounds.
I've been reading a lot about different diets and i came up with my own.
I'm starting Monday. I will update this with my results or you can add me as a friend and see how I'm doing.
1000/day 3 days, walk a half hour a day on those days.
and then 1300+calories/3 days with hour of exercise switching between aerobics and strength training, I will let MyfitnessPal tell me how much I can go over the 1300 as I track my food,.
and 1 day...whatever the hell i feel like, no rules!!!!!.
all days ORGANIC
and mostly vegan, with the exception of my fish, eggs, and cheese. Once I figure out how to cook something that can get me around my fish eggs and cheese I will no longer eat them.
and of coarse a liquid multivitamin and 8 glasses of water at minimal a day.
So, what do you think?
Please don't tell me it's unhealthy. Can't be any less healthy then being 55 pounds over weight!!!
Also, what ideas so you have besides gum(I don't do Aspartame) when I need to curb a food craving?


  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Why are you making this so complicated? There's no need to put so many restrictions and rules and daily changes on yourself. It might seem like the more involved it is the better, but trust me, I did it many times and it never worked. If you want to know what has finally worked and finally made me happy, it's this: eating at a reasonable deficit every day, and trying to get between 40-50% protein daily.

    That's it.
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    I must agree.
    Here is what I do

    1400 cal a day i stick to it as far as possible, I cardio 2 mornings a week and I strength train 3 days a week.
    I eat whole foods, good food ( vegan or not is your choice, make sure its good full and healthy)

    when i want something i have it in moderation and rarely...and I think that 1000 cal a day is too little, i wouldn't go less than 1200
  • That's dedication! Personally being that strict never worked for me but more power to you to try to plan like that! Good luck and I hope it works out for you.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    If you don't want people to tell you it's unhealthy, then you don't really want people's opinions. What you want is for someone to pat you on the head and tell you that it's a good idea.

    It's unhealthy. Maybe not as unhealthy as what you're already doing, but it's unhealthy. And unsustainable, unless you have ridiculously strong willpower.

    Eat less, move more. Calories in<Calories out. It really is that simple.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    Sounds like over-thinking and a hell of a lot of work. I'd just start with the tried and true method of following the caloric guidelines that MFP gives you, based on your activity level, age, etc. Give that a month or so and see how it's going. Then try mixing it up to go more vegan, if you still think that's right. Be as organic as you can all the time (just because I think that's healthier and it's often much tastier -- but also quite costly). Eat as much fresh fruit and veg as you can and don't skimp on the protein. Drink more water than you think you can hold.

    Losing weight is hard in the beginning. Throwing too much change in right at the start can be a recipe for disaster. Yes, some folks do well by making an immediate, drastic change, but I think those folks are few and far between. Go slowly, go kindly, love yourself and be well!
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    and mostly vegan, with the exception of my fish, eggs, and cheese. Once I figure out how to cook something that can get me around my fish eggs and cheese I will no longer eat them.

    Ummm first of all that's not even vegetarian let alone vegan.

    And I also don't like your plan. But hey, it's your life, if you really think you can limit yourself to those calorie levels then go for it. Me, I'd be starving the whole time (and I'm an actual vegetarian who eats loads of vegetables, I still couldn't go close to being happy on 1000 calories). Honestly it sounds to me like you're trying to lose the weight fast and in a way that's just not sustainable.
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    I know people would hassle me about giving myself rules and restrictions But I am the type of person that if I didn'tI,'d live of of Helluva Good french onion dip and Grandma Utz chips chased by a couple bottles of Guinness, and naps instead of ellipticals. With the occasional ENTIRE tub of Cherry Garcia...So yeah...rules work..because of rules I have lost 12. But It took me 6 months doing it the laid back, just "eat sensibly " way. Screw that. I need to step it up.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    If you don't want people to tell you it's unhealthy, then you don't really want people's opinions. What you want is for someone to pat you on the head and tell you that it's a good idea.

    It's unhealthy. Maybe not as unhealthy as what you're already doing, but it's unhealthy. And unsustainable, unless you have ridiculously strong willpower.

    Eat less, move more. Calories in<Calories out. It really is that simple.


    Unhealthy and unsustainable.

    If you really want this to work, if you really want to be 55 lbs lighter, then you need to do one thing: eat below your TDEE all year. That's it.
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    "Ummm first of all that's not even vegetarian let alone vegan."

    I'm aware. But I have to have my salmon, haven't found an affordable replacement for cheese and eggs. What do you suggest? and if you say tofu please back it up with a recipe that is EXTREMELY easy to follow.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    "Ummm first of all that's not even vegetarian let alone vegan."

    I'm aware. But I have to have my salmon, haven't found an affordable replacement for cheese and eggs. What do you suggest? and if you say tofu please back it up with a recipe that is EXTREMELY easy to follow.

    That's not the point. The point is that you shouldn't call something vegetarian or vegan if it isn't. It simply looks ignorant.
  • pjp_t
    pjp_t Posts: 2
    A snack idea...15 natural almonds = 87 calories. It doesn't sound like much, but they take some chewing so it seems like you are eating more. Also, I understand that almonds are really good for you!
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    "Ummm first of all that's not even vegetarian let alone vegan."

    I'm aware. But I have to have my salmon, haven't found an affordable replacement for cheese and eggs. What do you suggest? and if you say tofu please back it up with a recipe that is EXTREMELY easy to follow.

    That's not the point. The point is that you shouldn't call something vegetarian or vegan if it isn't. It simply looks ignorant.

    I didn't call myself a vegetarian or vegan...I said Mostly. other then eggs, when I'm broke, salmon, and cheese on occation, I don't eat animals or animal products.
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    A snack idea...15 natural almonds = 87 calories. It doesn't sound like much, but they take some chewing so it seems like you are eating more. Also, I understand that almonds are really good for you!

    great idea but i can't eat nuts unless they are ground in a paste or sliced really thin, both of which i don't have time for. don't know why. just not into them. but thanks for the tip. you are one of the few who offered a suggestion instead of telling me that it is unsustainable.
    My diet is only unsustainable for people with no will power.
    I have incredible will power. So it works for me.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Why not simply eat at a 20% deficit to your TDEE, make good macros, and do a solid exercise routine?
  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
    "Ummm first of all that's not even vegetarian let alone vegan."

    I'm aware. But I have to have my salmon, haven't found an affordable replacement for cheese and eggs. What do you suggest? and if you say tofu please back it up with a recipe that is EXTREMELY easy to follow.

    1 Block of Firm tofu, sliced in half like a steak thickness
    1 teaspoon honey
    1 teaspoon soy sauce
    1 teaspoon mirin/white wine vinegar/rice wine vinegar
    1/2 teaspoon crushed garlic.

    Combine all ingredients in a zip lock bag, let marinade for at least 30 mins for flavour to penetrate.

    Grill and serve however you like, with veggies, mash sweet potato is one of my favs or in a burger etc. Super easy.
  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
    Why do you want to go vegan? If you already eat animal products? Giving up a whole food group ie dairy isn't a great idea especially when dieting, you'll be in danger of lacking in calcium, vitamin d and also a, e, k. Not to mention the essential amino acids from animal products, so if you really do want to be Vegan then you need to do the research and be sure you're getting all your nutrition, especially on such a huge calorie restriction, you need to be careful not to lose muscle :/
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    Why not simply eat at a 20% deficit to your TDEE, make good macros, and do a solid exercise routine?

    I'm not sure what a TDEE is, and I know nothing of macros. the exercise routine is the hard part. not the diet.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Then it sounds like what is lacking is education. Educate yourself and you will have more success.

    Read this, follow the directions, and you will learn a lot. :)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Why not simply eat at a 20% deficit to your TDEE, make good macros, and do a solid exercise routine?

    I'm not sure what a TDEE is, and I know nothing of macros. the exercise routine is the hard part. not the diet.

    Agreed. Diet is easy. Exercise is hard work. Since you have strong willpower, will yourself to follow a sensible diet. Google TDEE. Once you understand it, you hold the key to controlling your weight. And you will no longer make plans with these arbitrary calorie targets like 1000 and 1300.
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    Why do you want to go vegan? If you already eat animal products? Giving up a whole food group ie dairy isn't a great idea especially when dieting, you'll be in danger of lacking in calcium, vitamin d and also a, e, k. Not to mention the essential amino acids from animal products, so if you really do want to be Vegan then you need to do the research and be sure you're getting all your nutrition, especially on such a huge calorie restriction, you need to be careful not to lose muscle :/

    You need to study where calcium, and vitamin E,.A and D come from a little more before you tell people they may be in danger of being deficient.

    I don't want to eat animals because animals have a right to life, liberty, and happiness just like the rest of us, on top of the fact it's not sustainable to the planet to keep supporting that tradition. It's my moral duty to care about them and the planet as a compassionate human being and a "smart monkey".

    I haven't completely cut animals out, I MOSTLY cut them out. I would completely if i were a better cook.

    I don't exercise hardly ever, so my calorie restriction is necessary. I've already been over all this with an endocrinologist. So I'm sure I'll be fine.
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