

  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
    so glad I found this thread. Now I don't have to try all this crappy food!
  • Athena125
    Athena125 Posts: 102 Member
    In my attempt to get rid of grains, I made this "bread" with ground up flax seeds and egg whites. It looked like something I'd use as insulation in my attic, and I could only imagine that insulation tasted just like this "bread." It was horrible. I no longer have to wonder why the Paleolithic people didn't last...I wouldn't want to live either without ANY grains. Blehhhhh!
  • crystalfisher89
    crystalfisher89 Posts: 196 Member
    Those shiritaki NoOodles... NASTY and they DO NOT fill you up what-so ever. Oh, and Sun Chips- You can totally disagree- I don't care, but they taste like flavored cardboard.
  • susannegreen
    susannegreen Posts: 48 Member
    The all time worst was great value (from walmart) low fat no sugar added ice cream sandwiches:


    These tasted like straight up chemicals, my hubby and I spit it out and threw away the whole box!
  • AliceRabbit13
    AliceRabbit13 Posts: 138 Member
    Body For Life's suggestion of mixing cottage cheese and yogurt. I used blueberry...ended up with the taste and consistency blueberry-flavored vomit. I *used* to like cottage cheese, not so much any more... :P
  • littlebluej
    littlebluej Posts: 102 Member
    Better N' Peanut butter...I assure you it isn't

    I seriously love this stuff. To me, it tastes like the peanut butter in a Reese's cup.
  • Teachinjen
    Teachinjen Posts: 88 Member
    Spaghetti squash, shiitake noodles, cauliflower pizza crust, and any kind of cake in a mug

    I love spaghetti squash and the cauliflower pizza crust...YUMMY!
  • kumanekochan
    kumanekochan Posts: 88 Member
    hard boiled eggs.

    eggs are snake food.


    i eat them almost daily. and i gag and think of snakes every time.

    how are eggs snake food? o-o?
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    so glad I found this thread. Now I don't have to try all this crappy food!

    My thoughts exactly!
  • caribear1984
    Nutrisystem food, Medifast "food", any fat-free dressings. Any Walden Farms product except the pancake syrup. Some fake ice cream I tried years ago called "Rice Dreams". But hands-down, the worst is Miracle Noodles. The taste and texture haunt my dreams still... *shudder*
  • MichelleZannone
    Walden Farms calorie free "peanut butter". I put the words peanut butter in quotes because whatever Walden Farms puts in that jar is not, by any means, even distantly related to peanut butter. I don't have very discerning tastes, but it should be illegal to call that sludge peanut butter.

    Wladen Farms calorie free marsh-mello creme is what I bought with their peanut butter. I thought mmmm guilt free PB and MM on toast. NOT::puke puke :sick: both jar's went directly into the trash can. My mom bought the W.F. Apple Butter yuck spread. We should have taken it back to the store for a refund, because that stuff was not cheap.
  • sarabeth120
    sarabeth120 Posts: 172 Member
    Fiber One Brownies - those things are criminally bad. Whoever calls those 'brownies' should be called up on international fraud charges of some kind.
    I actually like FiberOne brownies... though, I only like the chocolate one; the peanut butter one tastes weird.

    Several people have said that they don’t like Slimfast/Special K and I don’t find either that bad. I drink a Slimfast shake in the morning and it tastes pretty good (I don’t have any of their other products) and I eat the Special K Chocolatey Delight cereal occasionally too; which is also not that bad. Their cracker chips are also pretty good.

    The worst thing I have ever had has to be Fat Free Hidden Valley ranch dressing. Holy crap, that stuff was NASTY. I actually didn’t even mean to get it; I usually get the light dressing, but I got the fat free by accident and I thought I would try it out so I wouldn’t waste it. Worst. Idea. Ever.

    Oh, I also can’t stand Greek Yogurt; it has such a weird texture and it’s just gross! Though, I do like it when it’s frozen though since it no longer has that nasty texture.

    This doesn't really count as diet food, but I can't stand Kroger brand pre-sliced deli meat. My dad wanted me to get it because it was cheaper than Oscar Meyer (the brand I had been getting). Oh my God; it smelled nasty and tasted even worse. I'll gladly shell out more money if it means I won't be eating something that makes me want to throw up by the mere smell of it.
  • MichelleZannone
    I love Ranch and thought I would have fat free ranch instead to be healthy. It is gross and my ranch habit has gotten lower...

    Try the dry ranch mix with fat free plain yogurt it's a little runny, but taste's pretty good...
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Muscle milk.
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    Yep, I tried a few of those HG recipes and they were not very appealing. Shirataki noodles...definitely the worst thing I have tried.

    Yes. Shirataki noodles. But then they seem to eat just about anything in Japan. There is this one octopus dish that they eat raw. When they pour some kind of flavored vinegar on it---it kind of dances at you--I thought it was alive. Forget what it is called. It's very low in calories though. :laugh:

  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    Wrigley's "strawberry shortcake" gum. I think I still have a plastic scented Strawberry shortcake doll from the 80's. That would probably taste better than the gum :sick:

    Any fake "high fiber" food with inulin. The taste isn't the problem - it's the digestive after effects that are really nasty.


    artificially sweetened soda - makes me feel sick

    In my experience, the more rich and delicious they try to make the name sound, the worse the product tastes :noway: . This is especially true of diet yogurt with names like black forest cake. Why are they kidding?
  • honeyandmilk
    honeyandmilk Posts: 160 Member
    Spaghetti squash, shiitake noodles, cauliflower pizza crust, and any kind of cake in a mug

    I wouldn't call spaghetti squash a diet food. It's a fruit.

    It is also versatile and delicious. Much like other squashes.

    Yeah, but it can be a diet food. People tend to eat it as a low calorie alternative to pasta, therefore making it a diet food.

    So alternatives are by default "diet" foods? Just because they're prepared or used in a similar way as other foods? I wouldn't call the massive plate of spaghetti squash I ate slathered with beef/sausage pasta sauce and cheese this week "diet" food. I'd call it "delicious" food, but meh, that's me.

    So if someone does the same thing with shiritaki noodles does that disqualify them as a diet food? In my opinion, if someone is using a food specifically to eat low calorie, then it's qualified as a diet food. Most people I know that eat spaghetti squash don't load it up with fatty or high calorie sauces/cheese; they usually use it as a way to cut calories/carbs while still feeling like they're eating something pasta-like.
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    Greek yogurt. Can't stand the sour aftertaste.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Rice cakes, AKA: "air cookies" :noway: :laugh:
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    hard boiled eggs.

    eggs are snake food.


    i eat them almost daily. and i gag and think of snakes every time.


    I thought I was the only one who thought of snakes when I ate boiled eggs! I love that I am not alone now!