Share mother in law horror stories!!



  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    I have none. I love my mother-in-law and she loves me.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Okay, where to start...
    Mine tried twice to kidnap my daughter out of daycare.
    Mine said, regarding my husband "He always had such a big penis when he was a child, is it still big? Is he good in bed? I always thought he'd be good in bed."
    Mine bought me a ridiculously cheap and sleazy teddy to wear on my wedding night and said "I know my sons taste, trust me he'll like this."
    Mine used to work as a prostitute, and would have sex on the kitchen table right in front of her kids.

    She's a freaking lunatic. I'm pretty much not surprised my husband's kind of screwed up.

    WTF?! yikes!!!!
  • kellensdad
    kellensdad Posts: 27 Member
    To all of those that have great MIL's I am jealous. I could give horror stories but would rather spend some quality time thinking of some pleasent things.
  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    Okay, where to start...
    Mine tried twice to kidnap my daughter out of daycare.
    Mine said, regarding my husband "He always had such a big penis when he was a child, is it still big? Is he good in bed? I always thought he'd be good in bed."
    Mine bought me a ridiculously cheap and sleazy teddy to wear on my wedding night and said "I know my sons taste, trust me he'll like this."
    Mine used to work as a prostitute, and would have sex on the kitchen table right in front of her kids.

    She's a freaking lunatic. I'm pretty much not surprised my husband's kind of screwed up.

    WTF?! yikes!!!!

    and in the same vein as your post- she also told my husband (just before the wedding) that he needed to break up with me, because she found out I used to weigh almost 300 pounds. She said "if she was fat before, she'll get fat again, and she'll probably have fat kids, and I don't want fat grandchildren." She is the devil.
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    I simply have too many horror stories to tell...sad...I'm thankful for those mothers-in-law who can love unconditionally and generously. Everyone misses out when this relationship is terrible.....
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    Mine likes to ask incredibly personal, probing questions....pretends to be on my side even going so far as to tell her son to quit being lazy or doing whatever he is doing. Then picking a fight about whatever I was unhappy about. Just this weekend, my hunny went to her house to visit and have home with 2 large bags of candy, chips and junk food. Everyone knows I don't allow that food in my house. He wasn't going to tell her know. And I've had very thorough talks with her about step-daughters ballooning weight as of late....and they feed her candy and send home bags of it. Lovely.
  • FrozenTundra511
    FrozenTundra511 Posts: 206 Member
    My mother-in-law is a blessing..... my wife's mother-in-law, on the other hand.........
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    mine is pretty cool, tho she worries about everything, and complains a lot..i like her and my FIL tho..there was a point where she was basically telling me in every convo i had with her, that my hubby, her son, and i were losers, and not going to be as good as her other sons, so after years of holding back, i told her if she keeps saying that about us, she needs to get the hell out of my house, and that we would never speak to her ever again, and she is being a hypocrite, and doing the exact same thing as she THINKS i do to my kids (she thought because i called them nerds and dork when they acted goofy, i was putting them down) that was like 3 years ago, and never, NEVER has she ever said anything to that extent again :drinker: i have a way of shutting people up:wink:
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    My future MIL invites my sweetie's ex wife to join her, her daughters, and her daughters-in-law for a birthday celebration. She did not invite me. She also told my sweetie that enough time had passed so he better hug his ex at her father's funeral. She invited the ex wife to the family Christmas. When her own son told her we would be uncomfortable, her response was that we would all have to learn to get along sometime.

    (Did I mention how fun it was listening to the ex talk about her recent trip to Jamaica while knowing I was paying off a debt she got in the divorce but refused to pay? And knowing that their youngest kid paid for the brake job in his mom's car the week before?)
  • leejusd
    Proof, I already posted about mine.

    My wife likes my mother more than her own.
    She is crazy, narcissistic and yells at everyone.
    If she died, my wife would be sad, but relieved.
    My sister in law's husband got drunk on Christmas just because he had to deal with her all day.
    Admittedly she is a good cook, but will criticize everything anyone else cook, what they should have done differently.
  • Bobanji
    Bobanji Posts: 79 Member
    A few weeks before my husband and I got married, my MIL came to my door with my 2 year old niece. My MIL began to rant about how she hopes I don't plan to have any children and she doesn't want me pregnant. That she didn't need anymore grandchildren, that the one grandchild was good enough. That we better not even think of kids cause she doesn't want them. She said a lot more all pertaining to how she hopes I never get pregnant. I cried because my husband (then fiance) and I had tried for a year before with no luck. No one knew we were trying. I was crushed when we failed. Months after we got married, I overheard my MIL speaking with the housekeeper telling her, "Its not that I don't want them to have children, but the bible says if they have a child, it will be of the devil." WTF?? How can you bring the bible into your bull**** and condemn a child who hasn't even been conceived. I feel like she cursed me. It has now been almost 3 years that I've been married. Its starting to look like my MIL may get her wish of having no grandchildren from me. I blame her for what she said and hate her for it. If I am ever blessed with a child, I don't want her anywhere near me or my baby. Again, thats a big if.
  • truecaligirl
    truecaligirl Posts: 132 Member
    She's still breathing!
  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member
    mine is actually pretty sweet.. a lil chatty but overall a very nice woman {{looks around}} would never admit that to her lol
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    My ex-MIL-to be was a horror.
    It started off really well, we got along, joking and friendly.
    A couple of months after ex and I got together, his mum gave me a key to the house, stating I could only use it if I was at their house and there was no-one to let me in. I never abused this, and never let myself in without knocking to be let in. I never had to use the key.
    Then one day, she rounded on me and demanded the key back, saying she didn't feel comfortable with me being able to let myself in as and when I felt like it. Taken aback, I did as I was told, feeling horribly embarrassed and ashamed, and I hadn't even done anything.

    Shortly after, she found out ex (sorry, he doesn't deserve to even be named any other than that) had been self harming, and called me into the kitchen after he had left for work (I had stayed over the night). She blamed me for it, saying that he never used to do it before he met me. I argued my case, saying yes, I did know he self harmed, but that he had done it long before he met me.

    After a few months, ex lost his drivers licence from speeding, and despite not being in the car with him, I somehow clocked the blame for that.
    We moved in together after 6 months, into a place that was solely ours. His family helped out by getting us the usual moving in stuff.

    I'd like to point out at this time, I was working and suffering horrible anxiety. I had found out some very disturbing news about ex, and it really affected me.

    So we moved in, and after we got the internet set up, he began to get emails from his mother, calling me lazy, and nasty names. Saying I was only with him for money (though he had none, so I don't know where she got that from, because he couldn't control how he spent his money), that I was taking him for a ride, that I just wanted him to put a roof over my head.

    This carried on for months. She would email him on a near daily basis. Telling him to leave me, or the family would disown him. Disowning him and then phoning up a week later like nothing had ever happened. Saying the nastiest things about him and us, and never apologising for them. Turning his grandparents against him and me.

    I did so much for him, the best thing being teaching him to stick up for himself against her constant attacks.
    I bailed him out of debt within the first few months of us being together, that should have been a warning for things to come, but silly me, being young and 'in love'. When it got to the point he was maxing out credit cards to get tattooed or get festival tickets, then taking out a mulitple thousands of pounds loan to consolidate and then using that to buy more concert tickets, things really got bad.

    I tried budgeting for him, but his mum acted like I was the one frittering his money away. The whole time we were together, things were so bad, I remember this so clearly, because it speaks volumes about how bad things were. The one thing I bought myself as a treat, was a £5 t-shirt. FIVE POUNDS all to myself was a treat. I still have it now, I kept it as a reminder and funnily enough, it has the words "Never Forgive, Never Forget" written on it. One t-shirt against the hundreds of DVDs, games, CDs and constant other **** he would buy.

    Mother in law horror? Yes indeed. It was so bad, it's permanently marred relationships with boyfriends parents I've had since him (we broke up about 8 years ago now and he still tries his best to ruin my life even now, the loser)
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    I don't have any, I love her :flowerforyou:
  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    Mine lives next door. Enough said ...