

  • rvfamily4
    I am a flexitarian and eat a lot of soy based products. For the most part they taste pretty good but then I tasted "soy hot dogs" as my kids really liked Morning Star snack corn dogs. OMG the hot dogs were so gross. Even with ketchup, mustard and relish - I couldn't stand the taste.
  • RogueNanna
    RogueNanna Posts: 23 Member
    I eat very little prepared or refined food, so I don't have a lot of experience with "diet" food. But I'm with Nomicat77 on the Shiritake noodles. Especially the "fettuccine" style. They are rubbery and gag me, and I do NOT have a sensitive gag reflex. So IMO, they are just icky. The "angel hair" variety is somewhat easier to handle if combined with copious amounts of meats and veggies, but still.... kinda...:sick: .
  • RogueNanna
    RogueNanna Posts: 23 Member
    I'm putting New Whey protein shots in the "food" category. If I ever tasted baboon *kitten*, I would imagine it tasting similar to this. Worst. Crap. Ever. And Sweet Baby Jesus, the aftertaste!!!! :sad:

    My sides are hurting! Just sooooo funny!
  • RogueNanna
    RogueNanna Posts: 23 Member
    They were like, meatless meatballs. I gagged, gave them to my dog, so sniffed them and walked away.

    If insects and animals won't eat it..... Just sayin'.......:tongue:
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Chia seeds! Yuckyuckyuckyuck! Bitter and chemically. Almost the nastiest thing I've ever eaten in my life.

    I don't know where you are bing your chia seeds, but they should be tasteless and there should be no chemicals at all.
  • RogueNanna
    RogueNanna Posts: 23 Member
    2. Tofu Shirataki Noodles...wet noodles, that you have to drain...when you add them to sauce they kind of remind you of what it would be if you dumped spaghetti on wet ramen noodles. Another Hungry Girl suggestion..NEVER AGAIN.

    who would dumps spaghetti on wet ramen noodles? shirataki is made for asian dishes, and pasta is made for italian dishes. Your recipe explains everything. italian sauce on ramen is gross, so why would the shirataki be different? does that mean ramen is gross?

    the bag for the brand you purchased might be labeled as spagehtti or fettucini.... but thats just falling victim to marketing.

    I know where you're coming from, man....but it's the texture that I have a problem with. I love Asian dishes though, and would definitely try them cooked that style by someone who really knew what they were doing.
  • RogueNanna
    RogueNanna Posts: 23 Member
    Yes. Shirataki noodles. But then they seem to eat just about anything in Japan. There is this one octopus dish that they eat raw. When they pour some kind of flavored vinegar on it---it kind of dances at you--I thought it was alive. Forget what it is called. It's very low in calories though. :laugh:
    It's a squid on top of rice (called ikadon). You pour soy sauce on it. The viral YouTube video was filmed in the city near where I live (Hakodate) ; there's an entire building that serves that kind of food (stuff on top of rice) but it's not all gross like the squid. The dancing squid dish is just a novelty for tourists. I've been to a shop where they serve it, but.......... *turns green* not for me, thanks.

    Also, shirataki noodles taste great in sukiyaki, which I believe is what they were originally intended for anyway. The trick is to let them soak up the soy, sake, and sugar.

    I've had flat iron cooked squid before and love it. The dance it did was like dinner AND a show.... But I can't imagine the Shiritake noodles being that palatable no matter how they are prepared.
  • RogueNanna
    RogueNanna Posts: 23 Member
    Yes. Shirataki noodles. But then they seem to eat just about anything in Japan. There is this one octopus dish that they eat raw. When they pour some kind of flavored vinegar on it---it kind of dances at you--I thought it was alive. Forget what it is called. It's very low in calories though. :laugh:
    It's a squid on top of rice (called ikadon). You pour soy sauce on it. The viral YouTube video was filmed in the city near where I live (Hakodate) ; there's an entire building that serves that kind of food (stuff on top of rice) but it's not all gross like the squid. The dancing squid dish is just a novelty for tourists. I've been to a shop where they serve it, but.......... *turns green* not for me, thanks.

    Also, shirataki noodles taste great in sukiyaki, which I believe is what they were originally intended for anyway. The trick is to let them soak up the soy, sake, and sugar.

    I've had flat iron cooked squid before and love it. The dance it did was like dinner AND a show.... But I can't imagine the Shiritake noodles being that palatable no matter how they are prepared.
  • fit4life626
    fit4life626 Posts: 17 Member
    And this is why I never eat diet food! I don't see why anyone would eat that crap, when with a modicum of thought and planning you can fit delicious 'normal' meals into a moderate calorie diet.

    Tonight, I made apricot and ginger chicken, served over pearl barley grain. 485 Calories, including the oil it was cooked in. Throw in a cup of veg too, and you have a very nice meal for around 520 Cals.

    Night before, 6oz strip steak, half a mashed sweet potato with butter and greek yogurt, and a cup of broccoli. 600 Cals.

    Turkey bolognese with whole grain pasta and parmesan cheese. 450 Cals.

    Greek yogurt coated baked chicken, spring mix salad with tomato, onions, feta cheese and a balsamic vinaigrette - 470 Cals.

    Home made margherita pizza with home made whole wheat crust and pizza sauce, and real mozzarella cheese - 440 Cals for two slices.
    YESSSS!!!!! Whole key to weight loss is 1) to ENJOY what goes in your mouth that's healthy and 2) maintain physical activity that's fun for you!!
  • RogueNanna
    RogueNanna Posts: 23 Member
    Yes. Shirataki noodles. But then they seem to eat just about anything in Japan. There is this one octopus dish that they eat raw. When they pour some kind of flavored vinegar on it---it kind of dances at you--I thought it was alive. Forget what it is called. It's very low in calories though. :laugh:
    It's a squid on top of rice (called ikadon). You pour soy sauce on it. The viral YouTube video was filmed in the city near where I live (Hakodate) ; there's an entire building that serves that kind of food (stuff on top of rice) but it's not all gross like the squid. The dancing squid dish is just a novelty for tourists. I've been to a shop where they serve it, but.......... *turns green* not for me, thanks.

    Also, shirataki noodles taste great in sukiyaki, which I believe is what they were originally intended for anyway. The trick is to let them soak up the soy, sake, and sugar.

    I've had flat iron cooked "dancing" squid and it's like dinner AND a show. It was good and not even close to the squirmy rubbery texture of shiritake noodles. But I imagine if over or under cooked it might come close. What was worse than the texture of the shiritake was the horrid ammonia-like smell before cooking. It's hard to warm up to a food that ever smelled like an industrial cleaner.:sick:
  • fit4life626
    fit4life626 Posts: 17 Member
    The Lightlife Smart Hot Dogs arent so should try 'em!!
  • caroldeanda
    caroldeanda Posts: 23 Member
    celery tastes like a**

    I thought I was the only one! I also hate celery!

    I forgot one things I hate the most of anything!!!!

    I hate it, anything it touches is ruined for me!
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Anything labeled as diet food...

    I now want to eat pie from your abdomen.........

    As long as it's not low fat low carb sugar free pie with a cauliflower crust, by all means!
  • Apicius
    Apicius Posts: 61 Member
    The trouble with all diet foods is that they sell hope, wrapped in a low fat/high protein/low carb wrapper. We all hope one day someone will invent or create a food that tastes delicious, is low in whatever your current food phobia is, and you can eat truckloads of it without gaining, and (although we won't put it on the wrapper) will make you lose weight.

    And like Hope, most of these things are better off left in the box.
  • buffalogal2
    buffalogal2 Posts: 2 Member
    Walden Farms zero calorie marshmallow creme. Did I really think this could be possible. Caca.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    The Paleo Bread brand was inedible and at $8 loaf...
    Jay Robb Tropical protein powder, made me dry heave.
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    Jamieson SlimDown bars - they're rock hard and just about broke my teeth :frown:

    Atkins bars - taste vile

    I tried making bread with 100% rye flour once - it looked and tasted like a concrete slab :ohwell:
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member

    I tried making bread with 100% rye flour once - it looked and tasted like a concrete slab :ohwell:

    It makes a much nicer loaf if you use the sourdough method to make it--there are sourdough recipes on the web. I believe you can buy sourdough starter at the health food store. Also, it helps to lighten the loaf if you include some kind of nuts or seeds like pumpkin, flax, sunflower, etc. The sourdough bacteria are good for you and it does not leave yeast by-products in the bread. :smile:
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    I have also tried those 'full bar' things. Ugh. Styrofoam, puffed rice type pellets, formed into the shape of a bar. I guess that would help keep you full -- not sure how long it takes to digest Styrofoam pellats.

    I'm at work reading this, dying from one can figure out why I was laughing because I just laughed harder when asked!
    freaking hilarious!
  • cjcmrn
    cjcmrn Posts: 134 Member
    Spaghetti squash, shiitake noodles, cauliflower pizza crust, and any kind of cake in a mug

    I second the spaghetti squash. Everyone raved about it so I tried it... never spit anything out of my mouth so fast!! Wasa bread is gross too!