What's the single most effective change you've made?



  • muse69jd
    muse69jd Posts: 4 Member
    Recording what I eat - has made me massively conscious of all the unhealthy and unnecessary snacks I had been eating before. Eating less, better quality foods has made me appreciate food much more.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I bought a lunch bag (the Lock&Lock one) and pack all my food from morning til right up to dinner for the day in that. I bring breakfast, lunch and all my snacks so I have no excuse to hit the vending machine or cafeteria and no opportunity to make poor decisions for most of the day since it's all planned out.
  • teach54
    teach54 Posts: 22 Member
    Joining MFP... everything else started from there.

  • avoiding drinking my calories
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Regular exercise. Without a doubt, that is the answer for me.
  • food tracking...it keeps me aware of what goes in my mouth...
  • Not drinking my calories.
  • acknan
    acknan Posts: 261 Member
    Giving myself some slack. I find that if I allow myself to mess up without beating myself up, I can stay on track. Weight loss is the one thing in life that I don't see as just black and white! I refuse to get angry at myself when I make a mistake or have a bad day!

    The other thing that helps me as far as motivation (and especially as a math teacher) is technology and numbers! MFP tracking, fitbit walking numbers, Map my walk gps tracking, seeing numbers change, and setting numerical goals for steps, time working out, etc.

    Finally, walking my dog. She loves going for walks and it's a lot harder to say no to her than to myself!

    Best of luck everyone!
  • zhvah18
    zhvah18 Posts: 158 Member
    Cutting out soda. I haven't had a regular soda in almost 2 years.
  • Scott_2025
    Scott_2025 Posts: 201 Member
    Since I have only been on MFP for 2 1/2 weeks I hesitate to say I have made changes. I consider them modifications. Maybe after 3 months I can claim them. But here goes. I stopped eating fast food. I loved driving through McDonalds and getting breakfast or a burger as I drove too and from work. I know it is very fattening, but darn they make stuff I like.

    I have made several other changes, but I am certain that single change has reduced my calorie intake by a huge amount.

    Take Care
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 479 Member
    Not sure I can narrow it down to just ONE thing...but if I HAD to I'd say for me it was cutting out soda! At my worst, I drank 3-4 cans of soda a DAY!! But I have also cut out fast food which at my worst I was eating twice a day! Increasing my protein intake has helped a whole bunch too. :flowerforyou:
  • mercina22
    mercina22 Posts: 446 Member
    Practicing portion control & measuring everything!!

    ^^^^ This^^^^
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    Mixing up my workouts (strength and cardio)--has made a big difference in how I look and feel.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Cutting gluten. I feel like a whole different person.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    - Packing lunches for work
    - Exercising consistently
    - Realizing that my "occasional" treats were actually more of an everyday thing rather actually occasional and cutting back.
    - No alcohol during the week.

    Edited for derp--that's more than one, lol. If I had to pick one, it's exercising consistently.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    For me, it was taking a pot of porridge to work and having breakfast later, rather than eating a breakfast that I didn't want at the crack of dawn...it seemed to make me hungry all day! Now I have breakfast around 9.30am and don't feel hungry between meals, so no snacking.

    Awesome!! Great tips in this thread!

    For me, the biggest change was scrapping the raw-vegan diet for one that incorporates healthy protein. FINALLY not hungry.

    Nothing hurts like a hunger pang after eating 7 cups of salad and others telling you "there's no way you should be hungry." An egg, some meat, beans, etc goes a looooooong way toward feeling full.
  • bootsiejayne
    bootsiejayne Posts: 151 Member
    Meal Planning
  • Measuring and tracking my calorie intake has made a HUGE difference for me.
  • Sharon_73
    Sharon_73 Posts: 189 Member
    Changing my attitude and getting over the issue of "who's looking at me" when I workout. Now, I workout for me and I don't even pay attention with who else is in the gym.