Is obesity 'normal' where you live, or 'abnormal'?



  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    Victims of utopia - most of us no longer have to use muscle and work physically hard or hunt to survive.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'm in the Southeastern US. Not only is it the Bible Belt, but the belt is freaking huge and gets a few new holes punched in it every year.
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    I come from the least obese city in Canada: Richmond BC!!
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Even on base I'm near average at 260lbs (yay body composition) unfortunately, there are a lot of fat people around here. Government workers make me feel anorexic sometimes.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    definitely abnormal. I've never lived anywhere where it's the norm actually--I've lived in Central Ca, Southern Ca, Florida, and now the Northeast.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    Pretty normal here. at least half my neighbors, and likely more than 3/4 of my town.
  • vlnalto
    vlnalto Posts: 64 Member
    I grew up in rural nowhere, and overweight/obese people were the norm. Now I live in a wealthier suburb and overweight/obese people are a very small percentage of the people I see on a daily basis, even though the suburb is only about an hour drive from where I grew up. I drive an hour to visit my parents and shop at their local stores for clothes because my local stores don't cater to larger individuals. Even the difference in clothing options between walmarts or kmarts in both locations is very noticeable.
  • ewestsca
    ewestsca Posts: 63 Member
    Where I live (Washington, DC) it depends on the time of year and the section of the city. When the tourists are in town obesity is normal and large children with two to three chins are a common site. In the poor sections of town obesity is also more common. Although I've noticed more gyms and people working out then ever before and also with the new bike share system there are always people on bikes.
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    I live in SoCal and you would think that it would be a "thin/health" area but its not. When we go to the beach I would say 90% of the population (including children) are either overweight or obese. I am 5'5" and 164 so I am overweight too; though when I tell people my weight they are shocked. Am I just dense?
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Not so "normal" where I am. I always seem to be the biggest at work, at the gym, etc. I don't have any friends that are my size. There are people bigger than me in my city, but they're the exception, not the rule.
  • abheshek
    abheshek Posts: 525 Member
    no obesity is not normal here.....people tease you,make fun of you even if you are slightly overweight.
  • Miiimii
    Miiimii Posts: 279 Member
    In my area of the city, at my work and around my friends there are no obese people at all - but in my home village there are a lot. Probably because it's the countryside and they are eating much more meat, drink a lot more alcohol and don't go tot the gym. My parents and sister aren't obese, but many people in the rest of my famliy are - it's all about there eating habits (meat, meat, meat) and not doing sports - but then saying stupids things to me and my boyfriend because we are vegetarians (so is my sister). Some times I wish I could answer: "Yes, I don't eat meat and I if you wouldn't eat it ether you wouldn't be that fat."
  • adiannen83
    adiannen83 Posts: 32 Member
    Obesity is NOT normal in Colorado. It was ranked as the first (or at least one of the first) in healthy-weight people. There is so many activities to do both summer and winter. Of course, we are known for skiing in the winter, but also hiking the "fourteeners" * in the summer.

    NOTE: The "fourteeners" refers to the 53 mountain peaks in CO that are 14,000 feet or more.

    Just makes me stand out more and feel bad about myself.

    I'm originally from Colorado Springs, CO and spent my entire life up until age 18 there. I went to college in AL. I do notice that although I was overweight while in CO I was still VERY active and fit. AL is VERY different from CO and the introduction of sweet tea was probably not a good thing lol. In the South it is very accepted an almost preferred as skinny people are called "po" (poor). And while anyone will tell you I love my hips, curves, and bodonkadonk, I'm really trying stay active, eat healthy, and be the mom my daughter deserves
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I don't rally notice, but I'll open my eyes a bit more this weekend. Here's the official stats:
    Enfield has the 3rd highest prevalence of obese people in London (27% Enfield, 18% London – Health Survey For England 2007 London Boost). Obesity levels among Enfield’s young people are a particular concern with 37.6% of Enfield’s young people in year 6 and 24.8% in reception year being overweight or obese.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    Rich people tend to be fatter here in California. Since they tend to sit around drinking and socializing. They just keep spray tanning in hopes to appear thinner. But there is a lot more healthy in shape people on the coast. The more inland you go the fatter the people get. California is a roll of the dice. But I can tell you the senior community is known for being obese. And the lazy parenting is causing obesity in children . I think it's everywhere. Having high end " food or shops" doesn't mean a damn thing, since fast food is on every corner. It's everywhere.
  • JamesChargerWolf
    JamesChargerWolf Posts: 83 Member
    I grew up in NYC, where people walk a lot and often have the means to eat healthier. Abnormal there.

    But now I live just outside of Manhattan, in Jersey City, NJ. Here, it's very common to see obesity. So, Normal here, even though it's just across the river.
  • eevincheezburger
    eevincheezburger Posts: 163 Member
    Normal here in Texas. And in Oklahoma, another place I lived for a long time. Friends from California would come visit and remark about how odd it was to see so many obese people using the electric carts in Wal-Mart. To me that had become normal.
  • Cherp18
    Cherp18 Posts: 224 Member
    Less common here. Very active lifestyle community in Kelowna, Canada! Great place to live :)
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    When I was in Alabama, it was normal.

    In Shreveport, I've noticed many women are very thin and then there's some that are really big. It's like there's no middle ground.

    Also in Tampa the ladies around me are TINY!
  • raisingemilyjune
    I don't even know to be quite honest. I want to say abnormal, but really it's more like an even split. My city is a fairly poor city, and I live in the poorer neighbourhood surrounding the downtown core HOWEVER we are a hugely outdoorsy city, with lots to do outside in the summer and winter and massive parks that cater to skiiers, walkers, runners, etc. We have a few marathons and half-marathons a year and also have a whopping 7 gyms for a fluctuating total of 70,000 residents (we have a university and a college, both have state of the art, incredibly run wellness centres, the one with a rowing tank and rock climbing wall!).

    Ps, I live in Peterborough, ON, Canada