What's the single most effective change you've made?



  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Bump to read later
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    Taking out alcohol!

    the hell you say?

    no . . . just no. :noway:
  • Angiesolomon
    Angiesolomon Posts: 144 Member
    Just curious!

    For me, it was taking a pot of porridge to work and having breakfast later, rather than eating a breakfast that I didn't want at the crack of dawn...it seemed to make me hungry all day! Now I have breakfast around 9.30am and don't feel hungry between meals, so no snacking. Sounds pretty basic, but it was a revelation to me!

    What's yours?

    Wow! Same for me, I also increased the portion size of my porridge.
  • Kimmy_927
    Kimmy_927 Posts: 27 Member
    I completely gave up pop, even diet pop. I think I'll see more benefits in the long run. I also drink just water for the most part. And I eat fast food maybe once every 6 months.
  • Amanda82691
    Amanda82691 Posts: 298 Member
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Counting my calories----hands down.
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    Mindful eating. I really didn't think about what I was eating before I started logging. I thought I was a victim of a "slow metabolism" because I have a very active job and I didn't think I ate that much. Logging my food on MFP was a wake up call. I don't always eat healthy, but now I pay attention and account for it.
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Clean eating!! I am actually amazed how much i love it now.... I grew up pretty much only eating junk food, fast food, white breads, double chocolate ship muffins, pop tarts, ice cream, and just anything chocolate.... I had a lot of these things daily! I was still skinny until i got really depressed tho.... Ohh! And also, im eating high fat and low carb (no grains or breads) And i havent had any problem with it at all!
  • tif83
    tif83 Posts: 85 Member
    by far the gym. in turn, it makes me *want* to eat healthier too, b/c i don't want to blow all the work i've just done! best thing i ever did (along w/ getting a fitbit- goes hand in hand, tho!)
  • dizzzy33
    dizzzy33 Posts: 31 Member
    Logging everything I put in my mouth, even if I take just one bite. Keeps me accountable and makes me think about if I really want to log it or not.
  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    After getting diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes last year, the most effective change is watching exactly how much I'm eating. Logging everything here has made a huge difference in losing the nearly 50 pounds. I can also add drinking a lot more water and doing more exercising to the effectiveness. My doctor last month called me "disgustingly healthy" and officially took me off all the medications I had been on. It's hard to believe I'm med-free for the first time in nearly 20 years!
  • TheRealJigsaw
    TheRealJigsaw Posts: 295 Member
  • jzebracki
    jzebracki Posts: 112 Member
    My attitude!!!! I can do this!!!!! I must do this!!!!
  • LindsayLL30
    LindsayLL30 Posts: 154 Member
    Drinking water with EVERYTHING! Instead of Milk or Juice
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    I love to exercise now!!! Screw the knee and back pain I'm gonna move!
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    Routine.. figuring out what works best for exercise time and packing my lunch every night before going to bed.
  • jj1973
    jj1973 Posts: 131 Member
    Making Subway my go to for a quick meal out instead of McDonald's, Sonic or worse yet my favorite local Mexican food joint. Bye bye cheese dip!
  • gorgeous92284
    gorgeous92284 Posts: 7 Member
    Stop drinking Dr Peppers all together! :blushing:
  • peasantsong
    peasantsong Posts: 107 Member
    Lifting weights. I'm loving the results!
  • onsugarhill
    onsugarhill Posts: 39 Member
    I can't decide between two:

    - Bringing lunch to work at least 3 days per week instead of getting takeout every day. This has helped my budget & my calorie count!

    - Planning the next day or two in advance. It's a great feeling to know I can hit my calorie and macro goals by just following my plan, and I give myself an evening treat almost every day so I have something extra to look forward to.