Team Fit- May



  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    6.5 lbs to go 'til goal weight!!! :flowerforyou: I'm being cautiously optimistic... last time I got to this point, I gained 4 lbs in a week and got so discouraged that I quit exercising for like 3 months. I will do my best to not let that happen this time. :smile:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    6.5 lbs to go 'til goal weight!!! :flowerforyou: I'm being cautiously optimistic... last time I got to this point, I gained 4 lbs in a week and got so discouraged that I quit exercising for like 3 months. I will do my best to not let that happen this time. :smile:

    YAY! Great job!! It's crazy how we sabotage ourselves - I do that exact same thing. I do so well and really get rolling - start feeling great, start seeing differences, clothes fit better, etc, etc. -- and then start thinking I can slack off here or there. But let me tell you - that never works! I tell you this NOT to discourage you, but to ENCOURAGE YOU TO STICK WITH IT!! Slow, steady, and consistent wins the battle!! You are sooooooo close! :flowerforyou:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Friday was not toooo bad, but not great. I was STARVING all day. Maybe because on Thursday I exercised and didn't eat about 300 calories that I should I have. I was just so full that I didn't feel like eating, but then Friday I was hungry all day. I probably went over by about 500 calories or so - so that's not too terrible. My hubby and I went to a dinner party, so it's hard to know how many calories I ate in that chicken cassarole, but I didn't eat dessert - that's huge for me! :laugh:

    Back at it today. I'm feeling really good and inspired to make this work. I feel so damn stupid sometimes - this program works if you just do it. I've done it before, and it worked. Why is it so hard to make lasting changes? I guess when you've done something one way for 30 years, it's hard to break. But I MUST! I've watched so many people in my family have health issues and take handfulls of pills every day to battle issues that are totally avoidable. I don't want that. Luckily I don't have any health issues yet, but I know they're coming if I keep carrying excess weight my whole life.

    Okay, sorry for the rant ladies! :blushing: I'm off work this next week through Memorial Day - so I have NO EXCUSES! Maybe I can find a way to jump start things this week. Have a wonderful weekend everyone - and stick with it! :flowerforyou:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi ladies - it was quite around MFP this weekend. Hope you all had a lovely, relaxing, productive, wonderful, healthy weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi all!!! :flowerforyou:

    Well ive been bad some more. But it stops now! I tired on my bikini again and felt TERRBLE! So I'm going to be extra hard on myself this week. I'm going to make sure I go to the gym Monday through Thursday and stay for at least an hour. But I might stay longer because I'm going to do all of the moves my trainer showed me to do. I'm going to eat better too. I eat good during the week then the weekend comes and I thro it all out the door. But not this time! I'm going to be good and I will start losing weight again! I WILL!!!:glasses: :drinker:
    Kim- thanks for letting me know the name of the cream. Does it stop them from forming or will it help minimize the apperance of them? they aren't like big and purple, but I do see them and theyre like white lol :laugh: :ohwell:

    today: 60 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water

    Okay have a good day everyone!!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    I'm happy to report, that as of last night I have internet service at home... FINALLY! So its going to be easier for me to track my food and exercise.
    Today marks the start of week 3 of the Brazil Butt Lift program. And eventhough I didn't lose any weight this week, I continue to see changes in my body. My waist is waaaay more defined, I'm toning my arms and legs. And of course, let me just say I have received lot of compliments from different people saying my "boom boom" (booty) looks tighter and lifted and really nice.
    Although I def need to start a mini goal. I'm going to be throwing a "greek themes" engagement party for my fiance and me in July! Plus my birthday is July. So I'm hoping to lose10 lbs by then.
    Its just been too long of this last 10 to be sticking around!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Happy Monday

    I finished my 10 day Turbo Slim. Lost 3 pounds and 4 inches (1.5 inches in my belly alone). That was totally worth the meal plan.

    Started Push 1 today. I am 1 pounds away from my original goal, but I am going to keep going because I still have some fat to lose.

    Hope everyone has a good week.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Morning team!:glasses:

    Well yesterday was the day from hell! I had THE worst cramps EVER! I always have bad cramps on the first day but that was uncalled for! lol :laugh: I'm feeling much better today. but since I felt like crap yesterday I took a half day from work and I ate like crap at home. I had half (well almost half) a burrito from Chipotle, then I ate 2 chocolate chip cookies, plus I had a rootbeer float!!!:cry::sad: WHAT AM I DOING!??!?! Now I'M sabatoging my diet! NOT ANYMORE!!!!! I went to the gym last night and saw my trainer and he kicked my *kitten*! So I'm 100% serious this time! I'm back on and going to do good! I want to weat my bikini's this summer and I want to look good in them! So I'm gonna make it happen! it will take some time, but I'm hoping in 2 months to be at least another 15 pounds down! So that will be nice! I'm having trouble logging all my exercise though because I do so many different things. So we will see how that goes.

    today: at least an hour at the gym and 8 glasses of water.

    Hang in there everyone! You can do it!!! :flowerforyou: :smile: :glasses: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Good Morning Team! :drinker:

    Yesterday was a good day for me - drank 14 cups of water - stayed within my calories - and worked out! Oh if every day were like that!! :love:

    Ariel - stay focused! You have worked SO hard for SO long - don't sabotage yourself now! You can do it!! :flowerforyou:

    Kimberly - 4 inches in 10 days - WOW!!! :noway: Great job!!

    I'm having lunch out with a friend today at one of my favorite mexican food restaurants. They don't post their nutritional content anywhere, so I'll have to guesstimate on calories. I'm planning to be good and order the grilled chicken salad - hopefully it isn't loaded with crazy fat or calories. Have a good day everyone and stay strong! :flowerforyou:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    lmr9 - great work. stay strong at lunch. mexican is my downfall. drink plenty of water like you did yesterday

    ariel - you can do this. you have come too far to start sabotaging yourself.

    monday - i had lunch with my boss at this pasta restaurant. i didn't do too bad. they did not have nutritional content on the website so i guesstimated too. i did go a little over, but i did not overeat at all.

    tuesday - got up and did burn it off for 25 min. according to my set meals for the day i wil be ok with calories and of course i am drinking my water

    have a wonderful tuesday
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    I resisted the Mexican food!! :drinker: I ordered the grilled chicken salad, dressing on the side, and water. Did splurge on a few too many chips with salsa though! :wink: Going to try to go for a good long walk later this evening. Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Team!!! :glasses:

    Well last night I went to the gym again and I did every work out on my sheet!!! my trainer writes down different moves on my sheet like how many reps of each at how many pounds and sets. so i did it all! it took about an hour. i felt good!! i'm going back today for some more. but i do really need a HRM now because i am doing so many different machines i dont want to enter them all in on here. and i was good about eating too. for dinner i had some steak and a small side of potato salad. and when i say small i mean big but i didnt eat it because it was gross. lol.:bigsmile: :laugh:

    today: 60 mins at the gym and 8 glasses of water!!

    lisa: way to resist the mexican food! mexican food is probably my favorite. well.......... its a tie really between mexican and chinese!! i wouldn't have been able to stop myself from having an enchilada or a chimichanga!

    kim- thanks for the support! once i had my meeting with the trainer on Monday I felt like i was back on 100%!!!!! i'm going to do this! And If I, out of anyone, can do this, then so can all of you! you all have no idea how lazy I am! HAHAHA :laugh: :laugh:

    it's on!!

    Did anyone watch the Suns and Lakers game last night!?!?!?!?!?!? GO SUNS!!!!!!!!!!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Happy Hump Day

    Did Push 2 this morning. Wow my thighs are feeling it.

    I was under calories yesterday and I should be again today.

    Busy talk. Talk tomorrow.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Last night I watched a program on TV about coal mining in West Virginia, and oddly enough it reminded me of eating. Strange, I know, but follow me here (and I'm not trying to make a stand for or against coal mining here). These mining companies were all about mining - regardless of what it did to the communities around them - contaminated their water, put coal dust in their air, and literally cut off the top of beautiful mountains. It made me think about food and eating. Just because something is profitable - doesn't mean we should do it. Just because something is fun - doesn't mean we should necessarily do it. And just because something is available and tastes good - doesn't mean we should eat it.

    This weight loss journey, for me, is about retraining myself. Retraining myself to eat well and treat my body well. There will always be foods that taste good, but it doesn't mean I have to shove them into my gullet as quickly and as often as possible. Just because my family cooked a wonderful, tasty meal - doesn't mean I have to eat until I'm stuffed. Self control. Listen to your body.

    Thanks for listening to my little moment here! :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    I agree Lisa. Knowing what you should be doing and trying to remind yourself is, for me, the best motivation for this weight loss journey. you get an A+ :smile: keep up the good work!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Man-O-Man. I went to the sauna today. It felt great, but 30 minutes was all I could take. I'm not sure if that burns any calories or not (and I'm not counting it), but my heart was sure beating fast when I got out! It feels so cleansing! :happy:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi team! :flowerforyou:

    Well I've been very good this week except for Monday. I've gone to the gym everyday so far for an hour!!!:bigsmile: :smile: I'm really proud of myself!! I may go back today but Im not sure yet. My sister and my roommate are going friday so I was thinking of having today as a rest day and going Friday. But we will see how I feel after work. I really need a HRM though. I'm doing so many different things I can't log it all on here and most of hwat I'm doing is strength training so it doesn't say how many calories are burned. but I can feel it!! Yesterday I felt it in my saddle bag area and I LOVED it!!!! :love: :heart: I feel it a little today but not as much as yesterday. The area I feel it today is my "chicken wing" area! hahahaha :laugh: well I'll get back on here later once I find out if Im going to the gym or not and I'll change my stuff. Be strong today everyone!!! You can do it!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :glasses: :flowerforyou: :love: :tongue: :happy: :smile: :wink:
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Team,

    aabelein - awesome job! Keep it up. You are doing great. I know what you mean about an HMR. I bought one, but I'm going to return it b/c its not very good (serves me well for being cheap!) I want to get a Polar or Garmin, I think those are the better ones. I rather save up a bit and get one that's going to be really useful and I know I will use for years and year to come :)

    I've been getting really sick this week, which totally sux. But I've been trying to push on the Brazil Butt LIft, cause I can't say enough good things about it. I love what its doing to my body! I can't wait to do another full round now that I for sure have the moves down. I'm planning to do a Shakeology 3-Day cleanse and start a new round of the Brazil Butt Lift before I grauduate to Insanity.

    For memorial my fiance and myself are going to go on a nice long hike that end in Laguna Beach, so we can lay out and relax the rest of the day. Hope eveyone is having a great week.
  • nancyjulian
    nancyjulian Posts: 1 Member
    Hello there, I was wondering if I might be able to join your group!? I am in desperate need of motivation and support. I lost 57 pounds three years ago and I have managed to put on 37 pounds since then. Granted, I sold a house, bought a house, moved started a new job etc. So I am trying not to be REALLY hard on myself. I need to stop this trend now and get it together. My daughter and I are going on a cruise in August and I can't imagine looking the way I do right now in all our pictures.

    Anyhow, I am looking forward to chatting, helping and being helped! :)

    Thank you,
    Nancy in Chicago
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hello there, I was wondering if I might be able to join your group!? I am in desperate need of motivation and support. I lost 57 pounds three years ago and I have managed to put on 37 pounds since then. Granted, I sold a house, bought a house, moved started a new job etc. So I am trying not to be REALLY hard on myself. I need to stop this trend now and get it together. My daughter and I are going on a cruise in August and I can't imagine looking the way I do right now in all our pictures.

    Anyhow, I am looking forward to chatting, helping and being helped! :)

    Thank you,
    Nancy in Chicago

    Well hello Nancy in Chicago! Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    This is a great little group. I think most of us here really focus on (a) drinking at least 8 cups of water everyday, (b) exercising 5x/week, and (c) staying within your daily calories. Good luck! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :bigsmile:
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