Guilty Pleasures. What's yours?



  • Love the Sparkling Waters...I love the BlackBerry one.
  • Dexidah
    Dexidah Posts: 19 Member
    Big Macs and Cherry Coke. D: I lose the battle every now and again.
  • Blondes! :tongue:
  • pushyourself14
    pushyourself14 Posts: 275 Member
    Beer!!! And ice cream. Those are my guilty pleasures. God I miss beer. But I settle for some Bud Light Limes every now and then; doesn't hurt my diet too badly if I don't go overboard and plan for it calorie-wise :)
  • 1ivvy
    1ivvy Posts: 7
    Peanut butter. Just. Peanut butter.
  • pushyourself14
    pushyourself14 Posts: 275 Member
    Big Macs and Cherry Coke. D: I lose the battle every now and again.

    Once your body gets used to receiving nutrient-rich, healthy (and yummy!!) foods, the McDonald's cravings will become virtually unnoticeable. I used to be addicted to their double cheeseburgers (not that long ago either), and now I will only go to McDonald's every six or seven months if that. Don't even really want it anymore. :)
  • Fried chicken.... Bacon, and alcohol. I am worried about losing weight because alcohol always screws it up for me.
  • Alcohol - that's why I had to lose 64 lbs. It makes you fat and stupid.
  • cake
    Pink moscato-bubbly
  • pushyourself14
    pushyourself14 Posts: 275 Member
    I see the Introduce Yourself section is slowing turning into the Chit Chat Fun and Games section.

    Woah, calm down. I rarely post anything at all, and I happened to put this in the wrong section. But it blew up so fast that it's pointless to move it. My apologies.

    Is your guilty pleasure ruining other people's fun? Just a thought.

    hahahaha, nice. I think you may be on to something with that last point...
  • OMG do I! My list is too long but to put it plainly, I love to drink. I am also losing the pounds but this is because I often plan for the drinking. This way I know what I'm working with &/or do the same as you, work out a bit more than usual. There are those occasional spur of the moment times when my man & I go out & there's the booze. Well I jump into high gear with "myfitnesspal" to figure it all out. Hey, sometimes I may spill over so I make up for it immediately. Either way I am so serious about losing this weight so I will figure it out so at the end of the week when I weigh in, it will continue to go down & not up!
  • mollymae64
    mollymae64 Posts: 5 Member
    Maltesers....mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. :)
  • Red Velvet Ice cream cake
    Nacho Cheese w/ Chips
    Muffins from my local public (I would eat all 4 in one sitting)
  • bootsiejayne
    bootsiejayne Posts: 151 Member
    Bread, any at all, white, wheat, garlic, rolls, biscuits, you name it. That and Chips and Salsa from the Mexican restaurant. When I got there it's all fair game. I can pretty much only go there on days where I'm like "*kitten* a bunch of this noise, I'm going to eat what I want."
  • Beer...I dont like wine..any suggestions on something good to drink thats not as bad as beer?
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    wine and cheese.
  • Processed Cheese Food
  • mommy1126
    mommy1126 Posts: 146 Member
    My coffee, with creamer & splenda! Also, sweets. I don't go overboard, but if I really want something sweet, I have a small piece : ).
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    Real poutine. Fries, white cheese curds and velverty, thick gravy. I sometimes encourage a workmate to order them and I steal a couple fries.
  • I'm a total Gleeker:love: