Looking for friends around 5'0"



  • Hey, I'm bri and I'm pretty much 5 feet. (4'11 and 3/4ths to be exact.) Lol. So I definitely know how you feel. 10 pounds on short people look like A LOT more. I have a pretty big weight loss goal and new to my fitness pal. So if anyone wants to add me, feel free. :)
  • I'm right at 5 ft and get how you feel as well. I have a hefty weight loss goal, but I'm slowly chipping away at it. Feel free to add me!
  • RoyaltyThick
    RoyaltyThick Posts: 39 Member
    isnt that the truth!!
  • emmajayneduff
    emmajayneduff Posts: 35 Member
    5ft.1" here! As they say, the best things come in small packages, just wish my *kitten* was a small package! xx
  • janzia
    janzia Posts: 76 Member
    Hey friends! Please add me! I am 5'0" and I can TOTALLY relate to the myriad dilemmas we short people face when it comes to weight loss... a tiny gain or loss looks so obvious, and we're not even supposed to be eating that many calories a day even if we exercise, so it's hard to create a deficit while still maintaining a nourishing diet. This also makes gaining weight super easy because a tiny snack can put us over our limits. :*(

    Short people, unite!

    I don't think my husband totally ever got this until one day after a race he asked me how many calories I had burned and when I told him, he said "I'm sorry". He's 6'6" so he has no idea. I'm only 5'1 so I know the pain of being short. Feel free to add me.
  • RoyaltyThick
    RoyaltyThick Posts: 39 Member
    i am 4'11 and reallearning how hard this really is... i need to lose 45lbs!!! feel free to add me ! only in your plan to be supportive and moviating because i give just that!!! and no skinny chicks!!!
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    I'm also 5'1' and just gaining 5 lbs makes you go up a size. Anyone feel free to add me.
  • I have the EXACT same problem! I'm 5"2' (well almost).
  • im 5'1. would love some MFP friends with similar heights and goals :)
  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    I'm only 5"0'. Feel free to add me. I am determined to reach my goals! Could always use more support and inspiration....
  • RoyaltyThick
    RoyaltyThick Posts: 39 Member
    I have created a group called short curvy women feel free to join... also anyonewith suggestion on how to slim hips???? i am havinga problem losing the weight in my hips
  • sleepyotter
    sleepyotter Posts: 76 Member

    So far this year I've lost about 10 pounds, and it actually made a huge difference. I'm down a couple inches around my hips and waist, and I'm fitting into jeans that were uncomfortably snug a year ago.
  • Hi there! I'm just over 5' tall and I feel your pain! Those who aren't vertically challenged just don't understand. Please feel free to add me for motivation and support...and that goes for anyone else on the thread :)
  • jess6741
    jess6741 Posts: 107 Member
    Being short definitely does make it challenging. It's great to see so many other people on this site. I am 5'1 23 yo. I started at 137 and am now 107. I would like to be 100-103. Feel free to add me:)
  • I am 5'1 ( shortie :) ) and looking for some support during my weightloss journey! I am also here for support! I used to be 125 and currently 116. I have decided i want to lose between 11 and 13 pounds. Goal is between 103-105! Feel free to add me!!
  • I'm 5'2 with hug boobs and hips. Lets just say most of the time if I dont work out but have still managed to get my 8 things of water, I look like a ball with arms, legs, and a head. Feel free to add me. I just joined.
  • ladyoflb
    ladyoflb Posts: 73 Member
    I'm 5'1" and, yes! A little weight gain can look like a lot! BUT on the more positive side, losing five pounds makes a big difference too! YAY for shorties!:)
  • ladyoflb
    ladyoflb Posts: 73 Member
    And Sara- I have huge boobs too! Sometimes I feel like I might topple over! HAHA!:)
  • 5ft exactly:happy:
  • xbeth77x
    xbeth77x Posts: 80 Member
    Hi shorties!!

    I'm 4'11." Feel free to add me everyone. I love having fellow short girls as friends on here because I always get discouraged when I see all of my normal sized mfp friends' huge calorie burns. I could do the same workout or exercise for the same amount of time and burn like 1/5 of the calories :(